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So they want me to feed other peoples kids now ?

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posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 08:12 AM
I am out of the benifits loop so I dont know actual figures. I do know that

those working on minimum rates are often less well of than those receiving

benefits. Families get child benefit, FOR THE CHILDREN what do they do

with that? If they cook nourishing food with ingredients it should be

managable .....however it may not stretch to constant McDonalds and

take a ways.

There are food banks which can be gone to if the income of a recipient

is below a certain level and every supermarket i go to has a huge bin for

food donations that go to a food bank, so the public are already donating

If the government is going to feed children .....fine....but reduce child

benefit payments.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 09:28 AM

There's signs like these for a reason at parks & campgrounds.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Our pantry is located in a community building that allows us to use space. It has no overhead and everything is by local donation. People give what they have in excess or what they wish to give. Some churches will take specific requests when there are shortages of needed items. We never have too many diapers or Depends. We try to provide cradle to grave.

We know some of the people that use our services, and we welcome all that have a need. All is voluntary. We work with other pantries and trade off our excesses. The only government involvement involves laws and codes.

A couple of months ago, one of my friends pulled up to the pantry in her expensive looking car and stocked up on some produce boxes. You could see by the looks on some of the faces, that they were not approving. That looked changed instantly when they were told she was making a delivery to one of small local churches.

My friend is not rich, but she is very comfortable and spends the majority of her time helping more than any of us.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: and14263

Bloody hell that's a rather controversial generalisation.

Not so sure it is , I spent plenty of time unemployed and living on scummy housing estates mixing with the lowest of the low , sometimes good people but sometimes not so good and just out for what they could get , beer , spirits and fags were the order of the day beans on toast or chips the menu of the day for themselves and their kids.

The problem is low education and low aspiration passed down to those kids who repeat the cycle , every town or city has those estates and the deprivation that comes with living on those estates , if they are offered free meals for their kids when they're not in school the money saved will just be spent on beer , spirits and fags to help them get through their mundane existences it won't do anything to alleviate child poverty.

I saw the writing on the wall and get myself out of the situation , sadly many choose to stay on benefits and do nothing to improve their own or their children's lives , hand outs just lead to people wanting more.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: gortex

We had plenty of money to bail the banks out, I don't see why we can't help children whose parents, for one reason or another, are really struggling to feed them.
These children are the last one's who deserve to suffer.

Maybe its about time we started addressing root causes?

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 12:33 PM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: and14263

Nobody is saying it is but I fail to see how the tax payer picking up the tab for kids on holiday from school is going to achieve that.
The best way to end child hunger is for their parents to earn an income and prioritise their children over cigarettes and alcohol.

And cellphones, and cable subscriptions/dish tv, and video games, and large screen TV’s, And designer tennis shoes, and rims for the car, and tattoos.....

My local paper ever year will run a news article on families needing assistance with heating bills. With a family usually pictured in their living room. Funny they need assistance when they are surrounded by what in many countries are luxury items, when they know winter is coming. Happens every year.

And nothing like passing the local food bank lines with people easily weighing over 300 pounds waiting in line......
edit on 16-10-2020 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: gortex

We had plenty of money to bail the banks out, I don't see why we can't help children whose parents, for one reason or another, are really struggling to feed them.
These children are the last one's who deserve to suffer.

Maybe its about time we started addressing root causes?

I understand what your saying. But there was some oversight once the banks took the bailouts. I am not big on government intervention. But if the government has to feed your kids, there should be some consequences for people that need assistance month after month. Drug tests and classes on prioritization your life.

I was in the navy. After my rate school, we had to take this prevent class. Basically a week of classes on suicide, alcohol, sexual abuse prevention.
edit on 16-10-2020 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: Freeborn

Thing is the banks have mostly paid back the bailout money they received , they were loans not gifts.

As I said in the OP I have no problem with people in need receiving benefits nor with their children having free school meals in term time , I was in receipt of free school meals when I was a kid even though my mother worked all of her life , I understand the term the working poor as we lived it.

The welfare state is there to help the needy not support peoples lifestyle choice , as I said above it was my lifestyle choice in the past but I got myself out.

The root causes I my opinion is lack of education and meaningful training , we have a shortage of builders but have building projects across the country worked on by imported , skilled workmen and women who send much of the money they earn home , if we train people to do well paid jobs they and their families have the opportunity to change their lives and keep that money in the economy.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: gortex

Except the people paying for any additional state support, including furlough or as Rashford has suggested, food for children who during term time, receive free school meals will not be paid by any living tax payer.

Your taxes do not pay for any government spending today. Your taxes are servicing debt incurred over centuries of bad financial management and malfeasance by successive governments bent on spending money only to promote and push their own agendas or ideological theories, maintain their own power and to shift public money into private hands.

You do not count, hungry children do not count and it is those children and their offspring for generations to come who will pay the heaviest price, including high taxes to service debt for government decisions today.

edit on 16/10/2020 by teapot because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

I belong to a group that provides the poor with hygiene items, clothes, and educational materials. It doesn't take much, and most people throw away more than most families need.

Not sure if it is just where we are all living, the differences, but when we give things to the homeless here it all ends up in the dump.
New sleeping bags, cloths, new shoes, toothbrushes, all get thrown in piles in the woods, after all they can go to the shelter and get more.
We have handed out expensive to go food from restaurants to find most was dumped on the ground and if not the garbage was for sure.

I have tried to find the needy Families you speak of because we want to do something to help and as you say we have more than we need. What I find is the "poor" in the US already have the things you think they need. The truly poor kids are kids in homes with parents who drink or drug the money away, feed themselves but not their kids.

These kids are not helpable because you cannot give anything to a kid without the parent and guess what happens to anything given through the parents, so schools where kids can get a meal and places without the control of the parents is the only way the hungry kids are reached.

If I am wrong, tell me how did you find the needy to help?

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 12:56 PM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: gortex

We had plenty of money to bail the banks out, I don't see why we can't help children whose parents, for one reason or another, are really struggling to feed them.
These children are the last one's who deserve to suffer.

Maybe its about time we started addressing root causes?

In the US the people who get food cards and welfare have not had their income disrupted, it is the ones who are working low paid jobs and have lost them that are the poor now.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: neutronflux

My local paper ever year will run a news article on families needing assistance with heating bills. With a family usually pictured in their living room. Funny they need assistance when they are surrounded by what in many countries are luxury items, when they know winter is coming. Happens every year.

Yes and in the US anyway the utility companies have low rates you can sign up for if you are below the income level they specify, the rest of the utility users are already paying for that.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: HalWesten

several kids in the family with different fathers, etc. and we're in a rural area. My tolerance for people that force this on their kids is gone. I resent having to take care of whole families with my tax dollars when those same adults could be working at one of the plethora of jobs that are available around here.

And they keep having more Children to suffer.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: teapot

People on furlough still get paid , perhaps less that when they were going to work but then they have less overheads because they don't have to go to work ,people who lose their jobs because of the current situation are entitled to benefits with some getting a higher rate than standard.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: gortex

Boris has been committed to Operation Yellowhammer long before SARs/Covid came along. Just among the key points:

• No overall shortage of food but a reduction in availability/choice and an increase in prices, which could affect the most vulnerable groups.

- Problems exacerbated by the run up to Christmas and the fact that it isn’t growing season in the UK.

• Protests and counter-protests will take place across the UK, using up police resources. There may also be a rise in public disorder and community tensions.

The people of London continue to protest with no mention in our news. It will end soon, though perhaps not soon enough.

More 10/11/2020:

I recall panic about medicines sitting out on ships not able to disembark. The British Deep State wanted OY come hell or high water, wankers

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: gortex

If we are to address root causes then it requires a thorough examination of the society we have become and the reasoning around that.
If that is to be done to any meaningful level then it would require a level of brutal honesty that I don't think most are ready for.....for various reasons.

And we need to question why some literally slog their guts out just to maintain a subsistence level existence whilst others can amass obscene amounts of money for doing relatively little of value or worth.

We see the gap between the have's and have not's widening at an alarming rate whilst the most needy and vulnerable in our society are increasingly demonised as spongers, scroungers and layabouts.

Yes, it has become far too easy for some to choose benefits as a lifestyle choice......but perhaps we should question both how and why?
Benefits as a lifestyle choice is an effect.....we need to start asking what is the cause?
And that would open up a whole different can of worms that wcould quite easily take us right to heart of what is wrong in our society.

I'm not advocating an end to reward for hard work, endeavour and enterprise - far from it, they are all attributes that should be encouraged and amply rewarded - but many of the inequalities we have at present are both needless and avoidable.

Children who don't get fed during holidays are not to blame and it wouldn't cost this country that much money to make sure they got at least one good meal a day.....not when we consider how much gets wasted in other areas or how much the tax evasion and avoidance that our government turns a blind eye could finance if the government simply enforced current legislation.

The world is never going to be the same again and we need to start thinking about what sort of country we want to live in in a post-coronavirus world.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: gortex
Actually I think your right. There are loads of c****.

But perhaps this is our little bit to help out the innocent children who have no choice? I'd be haply to help them. Fk the obese loser parents.

But then of course the benefit cycle continues.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: Freeborn

And we need to question why some literally slog their guts out just to maintain a subsistence level existence whilst others can amass obscene amounts of money for doing relatively little of value or worth.

Couldn't agree more , the inequity in our society seems little different to that of Victorian England , those who work hardest are paid the least while the fat cat class just get richer.

Yes, it has become far too easy for some to choose benefits as a lifestyle choice......but perhaps we should question both how and why?
Benefits as a lifestyle choice is an effect.....we need to start asking what is the cause?

From my experience it's a school system that does little but train factory fodder , low grade teaching in overcrowded classrooms while those who can afford to send their kids to better schools get the benefit of smaller class sizes and more one to one teaching although parents lack of parenting skills also holds kids back , kids need structure but some parents don't know how to provide that.

Children who don't get fed during holidays are not to blame and it wouldn't cost this country that much money to make sure they got at least one good meal a day.....not when we consider how much gets wasted in other areas or how much the tax evasion and avoidance that our government turns a blind eye could finance if the government simply enforced current legislation.

Sorry mate but I'm done with the nanny state , if Rashford wants to make a difference then he and his multi-millionaire mate should take the lead my tax money is tied up in the dreadful HS2 fiasco and life after Brexit.

Governments suck but people need to take responsibility for their life choice and progeny.

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: BlissSeeker

Boris has been committed to Operation Yellowhammer long before SARs/Covid came along. Just among the key points:

He hasn't committed to anything , Operation Yellowhammer was a worst case scenario planning document for Brexit , it was hypothetical.
edit on 16-10-2020 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2020 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: SeaWorthy

I live in a rural area. The majority of our needy are fed through the churches. We allow anyone with a need to utilize the pantry.

Teachers, community services, and neighbors will often notify us of a family in need.

We have had people we have helped, give back when they have been able to. It has been quite successful.

We have a group that helps people with employment and to dress for success. We take second hand items. We make sure they are items that don't look second hand, and anyone would be proud to wear. We have to discard some items because, to be honest, some items donated actually belong in the dump.

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