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UFOs And Stopped Clocks.

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posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 05:58 PM

originally posted by: TheKestrel04

I had deduced they manipulate the fabric of space which affects physical time which in turn would affect the phenomenon of gravity.

Some interesting speculation there mate and there's a 1978 case below involving a Doctor of technical sciences which sounds relevant.

UFO Report from N. F. Kusov - Strokino, Kazan, Russia. May, 1978

As he sat in his study he noticed an uncommon light shining from outside, apparently from behind some trees. He decided to go investigate the source and saw at about 100 feet from the light, in a clearing, a cigar shaped object, 8 meters in length, sitting on the earth at one end and up the the air at the other end, at a 45-degree angle.

Kusov approached to within 15 feet of the object, which emanated a beautiful orange light with different tints. As he approached the object even further, he suddenly felt his insides "bursting" open, he realized he was being enveloped in a low frequency, 7 hertz, field.

Kusov took several steps back, and the discomfort passed. He approached again and the same thing happened. At this point he noticed to his consternation how the rays of the sun seemed to be absorbed by the surface of the object, seemingly entering what it appeared to him as a "black hole".

Shaken by what he had seen, Kusov walked back to the dacha but suddenly broke into a run towards the object, which still sat on the ground, again he could not approach the craft due to the high degree of discomfort.

Suddenly the object rose above the earth to about 2-3 meters, and then shot away vertically upward. Kusov felt no shockwave emanating from the object's liftoff. Shocked, he stood around for 5 minutes then frightened walked back to the dacha. There, he looked at his wristwatch and was astonished to see that almost 5 hours had passed and he thought he had only been outside for 30 minutes.


edit on 7-6-2021 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 07:19 PM

originally posted by: NightVision
a reply to: karl 12

If these vehicles are using anti-grav to move through space, it makes sense that those in their field would be affected, since gravity, space, and time are all connected.

For ex. a craft could generate a gravity/time field around an object, essentially 'freezing' time around it. This could be why, from the observers POV, birds stop chirping and watches stop.

One cannot use antigravity in interstellar space, imo. Nothing to push off against. Inside solar system fine.


edit on 5-6-2021 by Encounter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 11:18 PM
just a thought on time and entrainment technology.

Ol' Sir Francis Bacon considered time to behave like water. So one would suggest that time has different speeds as does a river system in Nature. There would be rapids, eddies, whirlpools and the general flow.

Time when considered motion is inherited. We, as humans inherit the speed of planetary speed of rotation (night and day) and also the orbital speed around the sun. The earth inherits the solar system's motion, and so on.

So a human is stationary or moving. That is the human motion. Inherited motion is our "time" one might suggest.

So time is not a constant in this regard of motion.

Now think of the principal behind modern entrainment technology. A clock is an entrainment technology. We now have Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The world is entrained to UTC.

Our consciousness is entrained by the clock.

If time is as Sir Francis Bacon says, then we may have, as neighbors, Beings who may not share our sense of time and the resulting consciousness. If they don't share our time consciousness, they may have another time consciousness. If so, then so too any technology of theirs.

From memory, there were a few UFO drawings that have a geometric shape within another geometry. Say a sphere within a triangle.

Now, and just a thought of mine. Let us take large two spheres in different locations. Say one in Sydney Australia and another in Paris France. Two different time zones. Sydney is night and Paris is day.

Swap the insides of the spheres.

In Sydney you would walk into the sphere and walk out of the other into Paris.

The outer geometry of the UFO is a temporary holder for the inner sphere.

A bit of a mind twister I know.

If the clock gets caught within the sphere of a different time/geometry, this might suggest a reason for a glitch either electrical or mechanical movements.

edit on 5-6-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: typo

posted on Jun, 7 2021 @ 02:12 PM

originally posted by: Encounter

originally posted by: NightVision
a reply to: karl 12

If these vehicles are using anti-grav to move through space, it makes sense that those in their field would be affected, since gravity, space, and time are all connected.

For ex. a craft could generate a gravity/time field around an object, essentially 'freezing' time around it. This could be why, from the observers POV, birds stop chirping and watches stop.

One cannot use antigravity in interstellar space, imo. Nothing to push off against. Inside solar system fine.


Anti-grav tech wouldn't necessarily involve 'pushing' off anything so much as pulling the fabric of space toward you. Pushing off something is a method of propulsion. This method would likely involve creating an anti-matter reaction that's so focused it can bend the fabric of space-time, and create a field around the craft you are piloting. Does that make sense?

posted on Jun, 7 2021 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: NightVision

originally posted by: Encounter

originally posted by: NightVision
a reply to: karl 12

If these vehicles are using anti-grav to move through space, it makes sense that those in their field would be affected, since gravity, space, and time are all connected.

For ex. a craft could generate a gravity/time field around an object, essentially 'freezing' time around it. This could be why, from the observers POV, birds stop chirping and watches stop.

One cannot use antigravity in interstellar space, imo. Nothing to push off against. Inside solar system fine.


Anti-grav tech wouldn't necessarily involve 'pushing' off anything so much as pulling the fabric of space toward you. Pushing off something is a method of propulsion. This method would likely involve creating an anti-matter reaction that's so focused it can bend the fabric of space-time, and create a field around the craft you are piloting. Does that make sense?

idk, I do not agree with this.

Propulsion firstly means pushing against something in essence and I do not understand 'anti-matter' thing but it certainly does not fall into 'anti-grav tech' category. It has to do something with hypothetical wormhole stuff, I think.

and then, I think hoovering in mid air will not involve wormhole of any kind. But tech that moves drones here on Earth and ships traveling between stars is the same, seems to me.

edit on 7-6-2021 by Encounter because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-6-2021 by Encounter because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-6-2021 by Encounter because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-6-2021 by Encounter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2021 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: galadofwarthethird

How you measure time is irrelevant really. We got our measurements from ancient egypt where they decided to devide the day into 12 parts, They coud have chose 20 or even 6. It would change the measurement of time only what you measure it by.

Assuming a species was created on a planet their year is probably diferent than ours but we can still measure the same things. There is still alot we dont understand about time and its relationship with the universe. There are some that believe time is where gravity comes from

posted on Jun, 7 2021 @ 10:47 PM
a reply to: dragonridr

Well with humans its simple. Time is a byproduct of the solar systems machination. You would not get the season without the sun or the earth spinning around it. In another solar system it may be different because things are placed different.

Time quite literally is a unit of measurement.

posted on Jun, 8 2021 @ 10:49 AM

originally posted by: Encounter

originally posted by: NightVision

originally posted by: Encounter

originally posted by: NightVision
a reply to: karl 12

If these vehicles are using anti-grav to move through space, it makes sense that those in their field would be affected, since gravity, space, and time are all connected.

For ex. a craft could generate a gravity/time field around an object, essentially 'freezing' time around it. This could be why, from the observers POV, birds stop chirping and watches stop.

One cannot use antigravity in interstellar space, imo. Nothing to push off against. Inside solar system fine.


Anti-grav tech wouldn't necessarily involve 'pushing' off anything so much as pulling the fabric of space toward you. Pushing off something is a method of propulsion. This method would likely involve creating an anti-matter reaction that's so focused it can bend the fabric of space-time, and create a field around the craft you are piloting. Does that make sense?

idk, I do not agree with this.

Propulsion firstly means pushing against something in essence and I do not understand 'anti-matter' thing but it certainly does not fall into 'anti-grav tech' category. It has to do something with hypothetical wormhole stuff, I think.

and then, I think hoovering in mid air will not involve wormhole of any kind. But tech that moves drones here on Earth and ships traveling between stars is the same, seems to me.

Let me unpack this for you. Objects with a lot of mass have a lot of gravity, right? That gravity is pulling things toward it.
You don't need any man-made propulsion system to draw you toward the object w higher mass. If you can find a way to create gravity (using an anti-matter reaction), you can theoretically create a gravity well in front of your craft and propel yourself toward that well.

We call it 'Anti-gravity' but it's really just creating gravity.

posted on Apr, 6 2023 @ 05:26 AM
NICAP catalogue citing UFO sightings involving the stopping of car motors, police radios, televisions, lighting systems .. and clocks.

Report - November 5, 1957; Philadelphia, Penn.

Apartment lights dead, electric clock stopped; bright light awakened couple. Milkman reported flaming disc.


posted on Apr, 6 2023 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: karl 12

Great find, I'll be stashing that one in my little library.
Gah! Even an airplane engine experienced increased(!) RPM.

August 31, 1958; La Verde, Argentina. Light aircraft (Piper) engine increased its revolutions abnormally during UFO sighting. Engine normal after UFO left.

I've read through a few cases in which objects were reported to have become magnetized, but I haven't come across any others with magnetized metal signs!

Report - April 14, 1957; Vins-Sur-Caraney, France. Metal signs magnetized after vibrating as UFO maneuvered near. Deviation of compass noted in immediate area of sighting. (Same List)

Here's one I ran across in the Albert Rosales Humanoid compilations. This one is from China:

Location. Jian-Shui County, Yunnan Province, China
Date: Autumn 1975
Time: evening (Source: Albert Rosales Humanoid 1975)
Two soldiers of a certain unit of the Chinese People's Liberation Army encountered a huge saucer-shaped flying object that was circling around above their heads and emitting beams of soft orange-colored light. One of the men at once ran into the camp to give the alarm, while the other stayed there to watch it. A few minutes later when the Camp Commandant with about a dozen armed men came running up to the entrance to the barracks, they found no trace of the soldier who had remained behind.
The Commandant at once ordered that all personnel, officers and enlisted men, make a general search but there was no sign of him. A few hours later, four soldiers taking over sentry duty, suddenly heard the sound of someone moaning behind them, and, looking around, found that it was the missing man, who in miraculous fashion had reappeared. They at once perceived that his eyebrows, beard, and hair had grown extremely long. When he had fully recovered consciousness it was found that his memory was totally gone. His wristwatch showed that it had stopped long ago. His weapons and watch all were found to be slightly magnetized.
HC addendum Source: Zhang Ke-Tao, Chinese UFO Research Society Flying Saucer Review Vol. 44 # 2, summer 1999

edit on 4/6/2023 by wavelength because: Typo

posted on Apr, 7 2023 @ 02:10 AM
a reply to: wavelength

Great Chinese find there my friend and do seem to remember another South American case where excessive beard growth was reported.

Following on from the freaky case at the bottom of this post regarding a stopped wristwatch in Mendoza, Argentina, August, 1968..

Also just found this report from the same town one month earlier involving a nurse at a local hospital witnessing a UFO and having a stopped wristwatch (later found to be radioactive).

1968 - At 1:20 a.m. in Mendoza, Argentina Ms. Adela Casalvieri, night nurse at the Neuropsychiatry Hospital, heard a loud penetrating humming noise outside in the hospital courtyard. Going out to see what it was, she observed a saucer-shaped landed object only 20 meters away. It was brightly luminous and sitting in the middle of the courtyard. A luminous red beam came from the object and struck her, and she found that her legs were paralyzed. Putting her hands up to her face for protection she now found she was completely unable to move. She remained immobilized for a number of minutes until the red beam was extinguished. At this time the object ascended vertically, then flew off rapidly to the south barely clearing the wall that surrounded the courtyard. Before it disappeared she was able to observe several human-looking figures through square portholes that encircled the craft. These beings moved back and forth, passing each other, and were visible from the waist up only. Landing gear imprints were found at the landing site and several small potted trees had been burned. Mrs Casalvieri had first-degree burns on her face and hands, and parts of her nurse's cap and clothing were singed. In addition, her watch, which had stopped at 1:30 a.m., was found to be radioactive, as was her ring.

(Source: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-89, citing G. J. Gianza Paz & A. M. Baragiola).

posted on Apr, 7 2023 @ 02:22 AM
Magnetics for the clocks, and the solar system being it own clock. A broken clock is right at most two times a day.

posted on Apr, 7 2023 @ 03:06 AM

originally posted by: Proto88

Magnetics for the clocks..

Initially thought that when I first came across this aspect mate and there are plenty of examples listed at the thread below involving avionic systems, the stalling of vehicle motors, dimming and extinguishing of car headlights/house lights, fading or loss of radio/television reception etc.

Electromagnetic Effects Associated with Unidentified Flying Objects.

Did you go through some of the cases listed on this thread? Any thoughts of some of the more bizarre aspects?

Certainly found it a bit freaky that UFO witnesses reported different watches refusing to work after their experience (or clocks stopping after they touch them).

posted on Apr, 7 2023 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: karl 12

Great Chinese find there my friend and do seem to remember another South American case where excessive beard growth was reported.

The Valdes case from Chile in 1977? The Lost Five Days Of Corporal Armando Valdes

His men ran forward to attend to their leader. They would carry Valdes to their camp base. As they did, several of them noticed how he had “beard growth equivalent to several days without shaving”. All agreed he, like always, was almost clean-shaven at the time of the disappearance.

As they settled their unconscious corporal down, they noticed the strange lights begin to ascend and vanish into the early morning sky.

Valdes finally awoke around 7 am that morning. He was confused, stating the last thing he remembered was moving forward towards the lights. He would state, “Get ready to leave – it’s 4:30 am”. It was then he would find it was after 7 am. Even stranger, though, was when Valdes checked his watch. Instead of the date declaring it to be the 25th, his watch claimed it to be the 30th April. Combined with the beard growth, it would appear wherever Valdes had been, to him, five days had passed.

27 years later in Chile, a man experienced excessive beard growth, and his watch ran in reverse. This case is suspect, however, as I am having difficulties locating the original sources, but my research told me that this "Dr. Mario Dussel", a psychiatrist and hypnotist and one of the names mentioned in the source, has unfortunately been referred to as a dubious figure in Chilean ufology. The report is interesting, nonetheless.
Source--check page 539

Location. Santiago, Chile
Date: April 10 2004
Time: night
44-year old Eduardo Perez, a security guard at a high scale
condominium was at his guard shack when he perceived a
strong luminosity coming from outside. As he went out to
investigate he immediately lost consciousness. He is later
found by another one of the guards; about 600 meters
away from his post in a state of confusion, and incredibly
with a three-day growth of beard, the hands of his quartz
watch were turning on the opposite direction. After
explaining what occurred to his superior he shakes hands
with him but this one is suddenly thrown back by a violent
discharge of static electricity from Perez's hand. Later
local police found strange ground traces at the nearby golf
course, which unfortunately were ordered, removed by the
local residents. According to Perez he has had unusual
encounters from an early age, including one time when he
was missing for several hours and remembers seeing two
short humanoids.
HC addendum
Source: Dr. Mario Dussuel, Guillermo Aguilera
Ovniaventura, Chile
Type: G?
Comments: Shades of the Cabo Valdes encounter of April
1977 also in Chile. So far there is not information on any
possible hypnotic regression yet.

Interesting you brought up the other Mendoza incident, I added that one to my collection of RF/directed energy UAP collection a month or two ago; it fit in with a bunch of incidents I was looking at in which the objects emitted beams which temporarily paralyzed the witnesses. The behavior of the beam suggested non-ionizing radiation, but the radioactivity of her jewelry suggested a dose of ionizing radiation as well. I was focusing so much on the "beam" aspect that I admittedly overlooked the stopped watch!

posted on Apr, 7 2023 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: karl 12

Whatever it is that goes on is just odd, clocks or watches come to a complete stop while missing time almost like it was time dilation but backwards. I ain’t got a major in physics, but gravity an electricity/ magnetism are independent of each other. The clocks just sound like they ether got overcharged or sapped, or haven’t been wound up for time.

posted on Apr, 7 2023 @ 06:23 PM
a reply to: karl 12

I don't think that these stoppages of watches which are battery powered are anything to do with time dilation or any other exotic explanation - it would seem that quite simply, there is enacted a power draining field of some sort around the visited individual - in which the balance of the general electromagnetic charge differential is shifted into reverse, draining the power from electronic systems, which depletes the power reserves of the batteries instantly, across an inverse power gradient conductive/inductive barrier (I'm just making up terms as I go along, hopefully it will be decipherable to anyone who actually works with & properly understands the theory & practice of electronics). Stealing charge from every electrical system in operation at the time - even on devices as small as a wristwatch. I mean, we have chargers for our mobile devices now which can electrically discharge into the phone's battery capacity - why would the gradient surrounding the abductee/ visited individual when they encounter the UFO not work in the opposite direction?

posted on Apr, 10 2023 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: wavelength

Ah yes good call on that case mate (and Dussue) - not got the beard growth but.was also getting confused with the Itaipu case as reported by Dr. Olavo T. Fontes (also not an entirely trusted source).

The strangest thing, however, was the behavior of the alarms in the electric clocks, which had been set to ring at 5:00 a.m. – they all started to ring everywhere at 2:03 a.m.

originally posted by: wavelength

Interesting you brought up the other Mendoza incident, I added that one to my collection of RF/directed energy UAP collection a month or two ago; it fit in with a bunch of incidents I was looking at in which the objects emitted beams which temporarily paralyzed the witnesses. The behavior of the beam suggested non-ionizing radiation, but the radioactivity of her jewelry suggested a dose of ionizing radiation as well. I was focusing so much on the "beam" aspect that I admittedly overlooked the stopped watch!

Yes, certainly two pretty fascinating accounts from Mendoza in a short timeframe - when it comes to your RF/DE/UAP research into 'beams' ever come across any in which they appear to abruptly end (or appear 'sawn off')?

Once did a thread on 'solid light' and there looks to be quite a few examples - also thought Vallee's comments below well worth a post.

Vallee claims that "what UFO witnesses describe as 'light' may, in fact, be a complex combination of ionising and non-ionising radiation. Many of the injuries described in Brazil, however, are consistent with the effects of high-power pulsed microwaves..


posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 11:50 AM
Depends if you mean mechanical or electronic watches. A mechanical watch isn't going to get affected by a UFO, otherwise every single moving object would also be affected.

The time dilation stuff makes complete sense if everything is about gravity amplification.

posted on Apr, 14 2023 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: faa77

Yes mate good point some of the reports listed certainly do include non electric watches.

Thought there was a pretty interesting article by Tim Schwartz over on this thread which describes a UFO encounter by two Ohio sisters - here's the arse end of it.

Distortions in Time and Space

One of the strangest aspects of some UFO encounters is the apparent distortion of time when a UFO is nearby. Researchers and writers have tried for years to understand and to interpret what happens before, during, and after a close contact with a UFO. But, many reports of time anomalies have been kept off some UFO databases because such events fall outside of the preconceived notions of what a UFO sighting should entail.

Like the two Ohio sisters, others who have experienced a close contact with a UFO have reported apparent time distortions like the failure of car engines, a strange feeling of isolation (to the point where it is observed that no other vehicles or people are seen during the sighting), unusual silence, spatial changes, altered states of consciousness, and distortions in the flow of time.

Generally, these anomalies disappear along with the UFO. Occasionally, however, the witnesses will suffer from unexpected relapses weeks, even years, after the initial experience.

These anomalous events have created more headaches than answers for researchers who have attempted to find scientific validation for unusual UFO encounters. On the surface, some of the reported anomalies seem to be explainable using modern science. However, upon closer analysis, strange things tend to become even stranger..

posted on Apr, 14 2023 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: KTemplar
a reply to: karl 12

All of my clocks are off and no matter what I do, they change again, stop, start, minutes, hours. Just last week I get a call from my s/v asking if I was ok; I was getting ready for work. Well apparently I lost an hour, don’t know how, I follow the same routine everyday, and I thought I was running early.

My son and g/f also claim that they could not find me for an hour, while I have no recollection of leaving.

The other night at work, the door at work wouldn’t let us out. It’s an automatic door and wasn’t locked, but refused to open even when pulling on it.

Lost brakes before too.

My clocks haven’t been synchronized in over 15 years. Also, when I lived in AZ, the clock at work stopped at 3:00 everyday for months. The poor maintenance man was baffled.

I wonder how many other people go through this!

That's just weird and it would drive me nuts.

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