I thought with all the threads I've been seeing on here about the virus and especially about politics that this might stir some thought, some
interest.. Some Remembrance of what being truely free means.
It's about a man who despite what happens in this world good or bad makes his own decisions his own path his own destiny.
He looks at life with a different spin and isn't afraid to say what he feels or means and I wish I could achieve half of what he has.
Fear doesn't hold him back, he embraces it and has learned to concur it.
He is one of the few remaining people in this world who has followed his dreams and can understand what the word freedom is.. What it means.
If there are any hero's true hero's left in this world then this is one of them.. At least he is mine.
I give you
Scooter Tramp Scotty..a true patriot and American Legend.
Although you may not relate to him or understand where he comes from or ultimately where he is going. I like to think he exists in each of us with a
passion for each day. With a need to seek out what is over that next hill and down that long winding road to wherever the wind blows him. You will
find him free and in the wind.. And possible inside of yourself.
Ride on Scotty..
Hey don't be shy.. Watch the video.. It will be well worth the 12 mins of your life.. Especially if love to ride.
edit on 11-10-2020 by 68Satellite because: (just because)
edit on 11-10-2020 by 68Satellite because: (no reason