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Would One be so Kind as to explain Wars to me?

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posted on Oct, 9 2020 @ 12:28 PM
Please explain the purpose of war to me, if you would.

We all want the same thing. We want our home, our little family, or our 'bubble', some want social gatherings, some don't, but we all want "Our Home", our little portion of Life. That's it. We ALL can agree on that. (Save perhaps a very few)

So how come then, have we been sending our loved ones to kill and be killed with mighty weapons, vehicles, and bombs, when most of them are still young adults learning about the wonders of life.

This is sickening, and we ALL feel it.

The worst part is that many of these have been expertly crafted by our trusted officials who spoke of 'liberation of foreign oppression'.

Can't our leaders just sit down and get along?

Why must they meet in private? Why can't we hear what they discuss openly?

Why does it all seem Staged?

I don't know...

Aren't we all passed the need for War in these times!?

posted on Oct, 9 2020 @ 12:33 PM

originally posted by: iammrhappy86

We ALL can agree on that. (Save perhaps a very few)

It's those 'few' cutthroat psychos that you need to worry about because they're the ones who make it to the top.

edit on 9-10-2020 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2020 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: NarcolepticBuddha

There was a Time when they only knew of this.

Today is another day, and with the Sun comes the Light.

Now we Know, so should we Accept it as our way of Life?

posted on Oct, 9 2020 @ 12:37 PM
So its like this;

One night you are asleep in your bed having the best dream of your life, your running around in an open meadow happy and smiling in the sunshine eating a big ole bowl of chocolate pudding. At some point you wake up in the middle of the night and realize you have a spoon in your ass and "chocolate" on your face and you just don't really want to talk about it with anyone.

posted on Oct, 9 2020 @ 12:39 PM
War is for reducing the population of peasants, funding military industrial complexes and making those who don't die work harder for free for those who bark the orders.

There is no such thing as "civilized" society if we still believe we need armies.

posted on Oct, 9 2020 @ 12:43 PM

originally posted by: nerbot
War is for reducing the population of peasants, funding military industrial complexes and making those who don't die work harder for free for those who bark the orders.

There is no such thing as "civilized" society if we still believe we need armies.

A Harsh Truth.

But I daresay we do need armies.
Though the soldier be as a priest.
Defending the vulnerable from Oppressors, if need be.

posted on Oct, 9 2020 @ 12:53 PM
There was a jeopardy contestant this one time, she said her profession was to study the reasons why wars happen.

Alex Trebek asked if she could sum up the reason into a single word.

Her answer was: overpopulation

I felt like her answer worked on a couple levels, one being that wars are often fought over resources, people settle an area, population grows, resources run out, “hey those people over there have stuff, and are just enough different from us to dehumanize them, let just take their stuff.” The other, more sinister reason would be that wars are planned by leaders so they can decrease the overpopulation going on in their areas before civil unrest and revolution talk starts. If you can convince your people to blame the people over there for the scarcity, they won’t realize your the one siphoning resources into your own pocket.

posted on Oct, 9 2020 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: iammrhappy86

But I daresay we do need armies.

"The people" is the only army needed and all it needs to run efficiently is common sense.

posted on Oct, 9 2020 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: iammrhappy86

Perhaps if we ever stretch our legs and get off this planet , we could be looking at war in the rear view mirror.

But as long as we are stuck on Earth together , The population will continue to increase , there will continue to be Left brained people and Right Brained people .

and we will continue killing each other because planet Earth is not getting any bigger.

Sometimes mate words just don't cut it , sometimes you have to fight.

posted on Oct, 9 2020 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: nerbot


That isn't true in any reality. If you're going to defend a nation you need a dedicated warrior class.

posted on Oct, 9 2020 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: iammrhappy86 Money. As in, follow the money. Last time I looked, there was a truly gargantuan list of corporations in the global military-industrial complex.

posted on Oct, 9 2020 @ 01:41 PM

originally posted by: iammrhappy86
Please explain the purpose of war to me, if you would.

We all want the same thing. We want our home, our little family, or our 'bubble', some want social gatherings, some don't, but we all want "Our Home", our little portion of Life. That's it. We ALL can agree on that. (Save perhaps a very few)

So how come then, have we been sending our loved ones to kill and be killed with mighty weapons, vehicles, and bombs, when most of them are still young adults learning about the wonders of life.

This is sickening, and we ALL feel it.

The worst part is that many of these have been expertly crafted by our trusted officials who spoke of 'liberation of foreign oppression'.

Can't our leaders just sit down and get along?

Why must they meet in private? Why can't we hear what they discuss openly?

Why does it all seem Staged?

I don't know...

Aren't we all passed the need for War in these times!?

There is great documentary on it that came out a few years ago... Game of Thrones.

posted on Oct, 9 2020 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: iammrhappy86

Please explain the purpose of war to me, if you would.

To win political debates with blood.

We all want the same thing.

If this were true then there'd be no need for war.

We want our home, our little family, or our 'bubble', some want social gatherings, some don't, but we all want "Our Home", our little portion of Life. That's it. We ALL can agree on that. (Save perhaps a very few)

Those very few want power and they often take it from all the people who want the other things you listed. It's how we get tyrants.

Can't our leaders just sit down and get along?

Our leaders are unaffected by the decisions they make. Wouldn't be much of a ruling class otherwise.

Why must they meet in private? Why can't we hear what they discuss openly?

Because you and I would kill them...Probably in a war.

Why does it all seem Staged?

Because it generally is by at least one side, sometimes both.

Aren't we all passed the need for War in these times!?

Unfortunately not.

"Only the dead have seen the end of war"
-Jorge Agustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana y Borrás

posted on Oct, 9 2020 @ 01:52 PM
Sometimes a neighbour wants what belongs to there neighbour, they will do anything to get it, robbing it by force is just one way.

Country's are like neighbours and just as individuals can have motives to fall out with one another or to argue over a piece of land or even because they do not like one another so too can nations.

Wars are the inevitable outcome when one side or the other can not see reason OR see's weakness and think's they will win.

So Exactly as projectvxn point's out you need soldiers, you need defensive capability's etc and having these can deter anyone whom may otherwise think they can push your nation around, this in turn creates peace unless of course those capability's are abused and that then all fall's down to the motivations of those that will use them in the wrong, leaders wanting to push private interests abroad for example, boosting access to oil reserves of making hostile areas more secure for those corporations which is great for those private investors but seldom great for the nation that is so abused by these leaders whom follow such corrupt motivations.

A prime example being the second Iraq War/Toppling of Saddam and also the Libyan war toppling of Gaddafi neither of which was a justified war at the time, Libya there was some argument to do with Libya having been a former sponsor of terrorism but it had by that time turned in the other direction and was actively fighting terrorism.

Both were about private interests, Oil conglomerates whom wanted access to the oil fields both nations have.

And both were ultimately disastrous and have left the world a far worse place afterwards.

Go back to WW2 and there are many debates about why but one reason was MONEY, after stripping the Jews of there wealth and spending on public work's Germany was running out of money but Poland had plenty.

In other words it is seldom Nations that go to war with Nations and more often about money.

Notable exceptions do exist, Armenia and Azerbaijan for example, the Armenians are an ancient people and Christian's, the Turk's tried to wipe them out and they were forced further and further from the lands they once held until only a tiny part of there homeland remained, an area in Azerbaijan was really part of Armenia (well so is a lot more from before Islamic conquerors stole it) and had a majority Armenian Christian population so it's people rose up and Armenia of course opened there arms to there own people and took control of this break away region, Azerbaijan meanwhile see's it as there's and want's it back so WAR, this is about religion and ethnic differences much as the wars of revenge were in the former Yugoslav republic, meanwhile Armenia which is in the same boat as Israel facing far more powerful and numerous enemy's does not have a major super power to back them up but they will fight to death after all the generation's of suffering that has been inflicted upon the Armenian people's by the Islamic invaders.

Afghanistan was about Oil not terrorism believe it or not but get a coalition together and you have to go with the flow, the original and not public motive though was rare earth minerals which Afghanistan may be rich in and which if found and mined there would have alleviated the dependency upon China for our rare earth minerals used in semi conductor manufacture and also Oil from the Former Soviet republics including Azerbaijan and a plan to build an oil pipeline that would have gone through Helmand Province and fed western China allowing the western oil company's to capitalize on China's insatiable appetite for oil, not good for our economy's but definitely good for the wallets of those already rich people whom were the real motivator behind this, that and politics - regardless of what you believe about the twin towers incident the president of the US at that time needed someone to blame and the US people were angry and wanted someone to punish for the atrocity so that was another probably false motive for the war.

edit on 9-10-2020 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2020 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: iammrhappy86

When it's boiled down wars are usually fought due to one mans quest for more power , either internal or external.

posted on Oct, 9 2020 @ 02:09 PM
The Wire, the greatest TV show ever made sums up going to war perfectly in this scene.

The money quote is "We fight on that lie."

Backstory to understand why this scene is so powerful. Avon Barksdale, is having a conversation with his lieutenant, Slim Charles. Avon's right hand man, Stringer Bell was killed. Everyone in Baltimore thinks a rival gang is who killed Stringer Bell. However, the reality is that Stringer was killed over some bad power moves totally unrelated to the rival gang. Avon knows this and it weighs on him. However, everyone is expecting him to respond by going to war with the rival drug crew.

Avon is admitting to Slim that Stringer was not killed by the rival crew and he is tired of fighting wars over drug territory, etc. Slim basically tells him it doesn't matter if Stringer wasn't killed by the rival crew. They have to fight the war on that lie...

posted on Oct, 9 2020 @ 02:52 PM
the money lenders, think they are descendents of aliens.
whether it is real, or fake, they believe it.

they consider normal people, to be cows, or cattle.
cattle can be slaughtered no problem, they are not chosen to rule the world, like the special aliens are.

so they tell people, via media and the newz, and ancient fables, wars are good, and you need to listen to old rich people.

thats why all the ancient fables glorified kings, queens, wars.

it sounds bonkers, but once you do the research, this is basically what it all boils down to.

jim marrs wrote it all in a book. the history of the world in one book, and he almost nailed it. he just did not name the money lenders per se.

they are also into some weird azz religion, as exemplified by the owl celebration each summer in california woods.

its pretty complicated, and again, very difficult to grasp unless you are truly opening your eyes to every possibility.

are they aliens? who knows. do they believe we are cattle? yes, thats a fact. they call us cattle.

so why are there wars?
ask the money lenders, as they destroy civilizations the world over.

posted on Oct, 9 2020 @ 03:14 PM
What else is there to de besides waging war? Do you get my point? The love of money is the root of all evil.

posted on Oct, 9 2020 @ 06:19 PM
I see a lot of folks here that need history lessons in a major way...

posted on Oct, 9 2020 @ 07:33 PM

Men are stupid.

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