posted on Oct, 3 2020 @ 09:59 PM
I have a cold right now, just typical common cold symptoms. It should be over in a few days, they usually do not last too long with me. My wife also
has one, hers is a little more coughy, but using Zand lozengers pretty much clears it up for a few hours. They are the elderberry zinc ones, they
work good.
My daughter just got some sort of virus, brought her chicken soup today. She says it seems like some kind of virus and she has a ninety nine point
five temperature. Her husband just flew out to work in Utah yesterday and he told his supervisor who was driving them out to the mining camp he
should wear his mask in the car, his wife had the sniffles turn into some coughing and he did not want to give the cold or whatever to anyone else,
not really like covid, even the doctor said it was probably not covid the day before when she went there to have her tendon in her hand checked out.
But he was not allowed to go to camp, the company is sending him back home tomorrow morning on a jet, and he has to quarantine for fourteen days and
get tested. She can't get a covid test till tuesday, the doctor said it is not covid, but she has to prove it is not covid or he cannot go back to
work. So, on top of that, she has to report it as a covid like illness to satisfy the company and I get to be quarantined too because I gave him a
ride to the airport....he has to provide evidence to the company that everything is covid free, now he missed his cycle and has to wait for a month
and a week to go to work. Twelve hours on twelve off, seven days a week, megabucks down the tube in the twenty four days off that he is supposed to
be working this cycle.
All because he mentioned to the driver his wife had a cold and he thought it would be good to wear a mask on the five hour ride with other guys to the
job site. Probably around six grand grand in lost wages ....because she is coughing, and she even had the doctor say it was probably not covid the
day before, and he would not give her a test because symptoms did not match. But the company does not want to take a chance, zero tollerance if
someone in the family is sick they have to be tested and he has to have evidence that the sickness is not covid.
That sucks.....I have to pick him up at the airport tomorrow and give him a ride home...he is not sick at all, not even a sniffle. I on the other
hand have a mild cold, so does the wife, not at all like any covid symptoms. I had symptoms like covid in late February, and got over that after a
couple weeks or more, but at the time, the wife went in for a sore chest and coughing and they had no tests and said it did not match covid symptoms
at the they would. We are alive, so who cares. I cannot go in for an antigen test, there is none available around here.