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Your Beliefs?

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posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 04:19 PM
What do you personally believe with regards to EBE's, Roswell, the Government and so on?

I'm not gonna flame, I just like reading the theories. Some I believe, some I don't. I joined here to find out more.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 04:34 PM
Their here. Have been for a long while maybe thousands of years?
I think the US Goverment is aware of of some species but not in contact with all species, as many as twelve - or more.

I consider Tall Whites and Reptilians are the primary EBEs who have and are in contact with the US Government.

Technology is what the USG wants and perhaps are being toyed with in terms of what they are being given in a çompartmentalized fashion, ie US is not given all to be able to create their own full anti gravty drive system. But are given pieces of the technology for trade on ?? Enough Said..


posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 04:35 PM
What do the EBE's get out of it?

You'll think I'm stupid, but I dig the X-Files theories. Until the super soldiers.

And how do I get a bigger sig? It looks dumb.

[edit on 16-3-2005 by Triple J]

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 04:50 PM
What do I believe...

I am pretty sure that the disclossure project is dead on with most claims, the reptoids seem to be ancient earth creatures, the draco (winged Lizzards) seem to rule them and possibly are Extra-Terrestial them selfs...

the Grey are basically ruled by them and do whatever they wish them to do, many think they are a collective being, the Tall grey (Orions) are basically the leaders of the grey.

The Nordics or Swedes are a whole different thing altogether, they are humans, presumed from ancient earth (Atlantis period) and there are rumors of an interstellar alliance between them, the Nordics are in turn based on the Elohim, which presumably were the gods of our history books.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by Triple J
And how do I get a bigger sig? It looks dumb.

Sorry, you don't. Large site here.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 05:35 PM
Is it the length of the quote, or the size of the signature box?

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 05:39 PM
IMO- I don't believe some higher evolved, more knowledgable, etc... being is living here on earth. Why? Also, why would they hide from us? B/c our gov't wants them to? Makes no sense inless we give them something??

although I joined ATS in hopes of some proof; maybe someday

edit: Can't spell.

[edit on 3/16/2005 by Its_True_I_Promise]

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 05:40 PM
What do I believe?

I believe that something crashed near Roswell in 1947, and that whatever was discovered there caused a radical change in the way that the US military responded to UFO reports. Since the now-famous reversed opinion stated about that incident - "It was a space ship!" "No, it was a weather balloon after all" - the tendency of official government agencies has been to lock down and classify information while deriding and ridiculing those incidents which are made public.

I believe that there is some kind of research going on involving extraterrestrial technology, since the technological breakthroughs that have occurred since the late 1940's have happened at such a ridiculously accelerated pace as compared to the slow march of technology before that era.

I believe that the government hides a lot of information from its people, and that the intent is for much of this data to never see the light of day. I believe that there are connections to the crop circles (many of which are clearly too complex for any handful of hoaxers to pull off) and the cattle mutilations which appear to be ongoing. And I believe that it's coming to a head within our lifetimes.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 05:45 PM
Any ideas on what the grand plan is?

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by Triple J
Is it the length of the quote, or the size of the signature box?

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 06:04 PM
I also agree with everything Watcher_Don has said.

It was because of the crash in 1947 that caused alot of secrecy to take over the American government, and it has been like a cancer ever since. The MIC (military industrial complex) are running the show now, throw in some other big buisiness and now "we the people" no longer have any control over the government. Politicians are just scenery.

Originally posted by Triple J
Any ideas on what the grand plan is?

As far as the aliens go, to hard to tell. I don't think they want to invade or anything, they would have done it by now.

For the MIC they are just out to gain as much money and power as possible. There agenda is simply to stay on top.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by Watcher_Don
I believe that there is some kind of research going on involving extraterrestrial technology, since the technological breakthroughs that have occurred since the late 1940's have happened at such a ridiculously accelerated pace as compared to the slow march of technology before that era.

I think that has more to do with all the top German scientists and engineers that "operation paperclip" brought into the US. We took as many as we could find before the Soviets could. Prior to and during WWII, Nazi Germany experienced a technological growth never seen before that time. Then we grabbed as many of those brains responsible for that growth, every single one we could get our hands onto.... and voilia! We advanced.

But I think we are probably being observed. We might even have some bodies or maybe some wreckage........ never say never.

[edit on 16-3-2005 by Facefirst]

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by Triple J
Any ideas on what the grand plan is?

To break with established conspiracist tradition, I think it's possible that there isn't a grand plan, at least not on the parts of the visitors. I think it's possible that we're being watched more closely, since 1945, when we proved that we were bloody crazy enough to use nuclear weapons on our own planet. I think we're being studied, and that once humanity has reached a certain level of growth, the visitors will be more open.

Please note that I am emphatically NOT saying that I think it's all very peaceable and mannerly. I agree with rwatkins - if they wanted to invade, they would have done it before we had any means of real defense. But one does not have to invade in order to control.

As for the military-industrial complex and its involvement, well, I think if one looks at the benefits that have come from technology development and studies the way in which the first application of a given technology is almost always military, it's easy to see what they're getting out of the "arrangement."

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 06:28 PM
I think the fact that we as humans are here existing is quite something in itself. Why in this vast whole universe couldn't there be others besides ourselves? We are here, so why not?


posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by Watcher_Don
To break with established conspiracist tradition, I think it's possible that there isn't a grand plan, at least not on the parts of the visitors.

As for the military-industrial complex and its involvement, well, I think if one looks at the benefits that have come from technology development and studies the way in which the first application of a given technology is almost always military, it's easy to see what they're getting out of the "arrangement."

I agree, there may be no master plan. And I'm sure your going to hear from some who think otherwise.

And your right about the benifits of technological advancements. Everyone has the right to profit from their efforts. But over the past 50 years, many crimes have been committed by the same group of people, and they have gotten away with it. I don't want to elaborate because it's off topic.

Anyone interested in the secrecy around UFO's should read the book Disclosure, by Dr. Greer, and The Day After Roswell, by Col. Philip Corso.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 07:50 PM
aliens= if anything these aliens are scouts and perhaps envoys of diplomatice missions, if it was an armada the world would be a different place, unfortunetely I don't believe in benevolent aliens, why? it doesn't make anysense unless they need allies for their plans. Fox example: trade, slavery, 6 billion allies in this sector could definetly change the odds in someones favor.

Just remember, all of life and the universe is war, to think other wise is to except extinction.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 08:25 PM
I think that aliens have been monitoring us a long time.

I think that our first atomic detonation sent out a wakeup call that was then answered with increased visitation.

I think the Grays are the primary being visiting us, and that others are still too much speculation.

I think that an alien craft was fired at over Los Angeles in 1942.

I think that an alien craft crashed at Roswell and was recovered by the government in 1947.

I think that a top secret group was established after Roswell, to monitor, coverup, and learn from alien recoveries.

I think that Blue Book was nothing more than a PR campaign to dismiss UFOs, as stated by former project leaders.

I think that numerous alien crafts buzzed the DC area on separate occassions in 1952, prompting the shift in Blue Book from explain to debunk.

I think that some kind of meeting took place around this time, as we saw the end of crashes, and the beginning of abductions.

I think the Hill abduction is genuine.

I think the Rendlesham case is pretty compelling.

I think there are many photos, videos, and documents that also hold a lot of merit, some related to those already mentioned, some not.

I think that the acknowledgement of UFOs as of possible alien origin by some governments is encouraging.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 09:48 PM
The visitation of extra-terrestrials is verymuch truth,in my opinon.Theres just been toomuch controversy and toomuch claims and encounters for it to be dubbed as a "hoax" in my opinion.The Roswell incident is a clear example of how possible visitation of extra-terrestrials could be.Like watcher had said,there was just toomany claims and toomany contraversy for something like this just simply to be an "airballoon".

By the way that claim they made about the airballon being a monitering system on the reds(Soviets)is honestly the worse excuse i ever knew the US government could have come up with at that time.Why would a the US put a monitering system to spy on the soviets when its all the way in NewMexico???like 3000miles away from the eastern tip.If it was in Alaska it would of made sense,but in New Mexico?Unless they had developed real sensitive lenses back in that time im sure that is not true.

But just because the possiblitly of extra-terrestrials is real does not mean for you to push away your belief in Christ and the Lord.He made all sorts of peoples.Thats why the universe is so vast in my opinion.Many see the belief in E.T`s as an excuse to do their satanist acts like spreading false belief and leading the innocent into doing very wrong acts.Like that suicide done by that group in the motel back in the 90's.Some of you will know what im talking about.

Bythe way nice picture Gaz.I never knew you were part of the NSA.

"special agent"

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 09:51 PM
My apologies for my spelling and other errors.I mean weather balloons*

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 11:42 PM
Can anyone ponder the thought of humans allied with E.T.'s?

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