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2020 Sasquatch caught on trail cam and noises

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posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 01:14 AM
Youtube suggested this video to me and it's the best video I've ever seen. It was uploaded by a youtube account who is a science teacher. He was hearing loud wooping/howling noises for a long time and decided to go out and film. I'm not sure on the location but it happened 4/25/2020.

You can hear the noises throughout the video and they are weird! In the background you can make out figures moving which appear to be Bigfoot but it's hard to tell. At 9:17 on the ridge line you can see something falling out of a tree dead center happens really fast. Easier to see in regular motion. From 12:00 to 12:08 you can see one get up and move from left to right near the center frame by a cluster of three trees. This clip is easier to see the movement in slo motion. There might be more but those are the time frames noted from the youtube comments.

Later in the video he shows the trail cam footage from his SD card and he got a pretty clear picture of a Sasquatch or a person in a costume playing a prank on him. If anyone recognizes the trail cam pic from somewhere else, then he clearly hoaxed it. But otherwise this video is pretty amazing if it's real!


posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 01:14 AM

He updated everyone since uploading the video:

Hey everyone! A lot of you have been asking some important questions about this, and I wanted to address some of them here!

1. Are you still alive and if so have you been back? Yes and sorta, but not for very long and not since May. After this happened this video blew up pretty quickly, and I was contacted by several people about it. One person that contacted me (ironically after first seeing some of my video lessons and then finding this video on my page instead of the other way around!) happened to be my old neighbor who told me he had experiences of his own that were similar to this when he was my neighbor. I also have a bit more footage, some of it sent to me by him and some taken from when I went back (which was a semi-failed mission to put the SD cards back in the trail-cams), but I am withholding releasing the latest footage I have until I feel that the time is right! I still have a lot of questions myself and I need to fully investigate everything a bit more!

2. Why is the trail-cam pictures of the "Floyd-Squatch" a picture and not a video? Well, if you go back and watch my older "Name That Species" videos you will see that I had two trail cameras set up. One is older, and only takes stills, and one is newer and takes video. The creature happened to get captured by the older one, thus producing a still photo! This trail-cam snaps photos with a 30 second delay as well unlike the other one which records videos starting with movement and ending with no movement.

3. Do you think that you were "zapped" by infra-sound or some other similar "Sasquatch Power"? I'm really not sure. My adrenaline was pumping, I was already out of breath from running all the way down there, and I had not slept well due to the noises during the night (Note that I ran down early in the morning once it was light enough outside). This is still up for debate in my mind, assuming Sasquatch even have this ability.

4. Did you see the "humanoid" figures in the trees spotted at various times from the 9min to 12min mark? I do not recall seeing these. I felt like vomiting during a large portion of this, and combined with the headache I had (and the inner conflict I was dealing with that was telling me to get out of there but also to stay and film more) my eyes began to not work properly (in other words, things began to look a bit blurry).

5. Do you think you were being hoaxed? I think that this is possible (some things about my experience(s) make me think this, such as the footprints I found lacking mid-tarsal breaks, which is why in my earlier videos I may have seemed a bit "playful" with what was going on since part of me wondered if my visitor was a secret fan or something! Still, this video's experience kinda made me think that there was no way!), but I live in a rather secluded area and it would have taken quite an ambitious effort on the part of the hoaxer(s). They would have had to have been on my property several times since there were several signs of activity found during the weeks leading up to this. They would have also had to have been out there all night, in the cold, with a way to make the rather unique sounds I heard since the sounds began during the night (and not when I got there early in the morning). They would also have had to of been there years ago when my old neighbor I mentioned above lived there to hoax him as well. In other words, I either had a Sasquatch Experience or there is a complex, coordinated, traveling team of Sasquatch Hoaxers that occasionally passes through my property (and possibly all around the world!) OR (and this just occurred to me!) these things are so smart that both of these possibilities are true! The creatures themselves could be capable of playing these games with me, which would be truly remarkable!

6. Did you ever figure out what animal the bone was from? No, but I still have it and I think it belongs to an Ungulate (Deer or Cow). I am not an expert on identifying bones, though I suppose it could be a Human Femur (as some of you have commented) but I really, really hope it isn't!

7. Why did you smell the bone so many times despite it smelling really bad? Humans do crazy, irrational things when under extreme stress! If I had eaten anything prior to this it would have been a lot worse though!

8. Do you have anything more powerful than a 12 Gauge? No, but maybe I should! I should also probably invest in a good drone, which is something else many of you have recommended that I do!

9. Have you heard more sounds since this? Yes. Sometimes in my attic I will hear the occasional whoop or knock. Being higher up helps me hear them better, hence why I mainly hear them here, but I have heard a few while in my fields as well!

10. Do I think Sasquatch/Bigfoot is real? Technically it is, without a doubt, since Gigantopithecus once roamed our world and this creature is essentially a quadrupedal (but possibly bipedal) Squatch-like species! The Hominoid Paranthropus also once existed, and this species is similar to depictions of Sasquatch as well! Sasquatch could also be representative of something far more complex that we do not understand, such as multi-verses overlapping and entities thus slipping into our world from another!

My personal view as to what constitutes whether or not something is "real" is not entirely dependent on material existence though, which is my I lend some credence to that final statement! For example, my ideas and my imagination are real but immaterial. I can see them, feel them, and be impacted by them. So despite them not being something one can hold, they are definitely real! It is thus up to me to bring them to "life" by bringing them into a form that others in this material world can see and experience!

I am a Science Teacher, and while this is a rather unscientific thing to stay I stand by it! Perhaps we need to broaden our minds as to what we accept and consider as being "real"! In other words, Sasquatch is currently definitely "real" in an "immaterial world" apart from ours since at the very least it exists in our collective minds! We just need to figure out if it also exists in our world in a material form!

One last thing as well; THANK YOU so much for all the POSITIVE feedback this video has received!!! I really, really appreciate the support since it is not everyday one shares an experience like this and receives immensely positive discussion! I am not really what one would call a "Bigfoot Researcher", and ChaseFloydInc thus does not specialize in this. I will continue to share my experiences related to this though, so in the meantime please subscribe to ChaseFloydInc and check out all of my other, Non-Squatch related videos as well!!!

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 01:41 AM
a reply to: game over man

17:47 looks like a normal size primate face with the body leaning in towards the camera so you can see the top of the head. Not saying its a squatch. Could be an actual primate or even a human in a costume. Hard to believe it was only in the focus of the motion sensor for only 30 seconds if its walking into the direction of the cam but maybe.

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 01:46 AM
a reply to: drewlander

I can't see a face, but that's a great point that why is it not blurry in the motion sensor shot? As if the Bigfoot stood there to pose for a pic? Is that what you're saying?

+8 more 
posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 01:52 AM
a reply to: drewlander

It's a guy wearing a ghillie suit. You can even make out the sleeve in the still taken at 17:27.

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 02:00 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: drewlander

It's a guy wearing a ghillie suit. You can even make out the sleeve in the still taken at 17:27.

That is what it looks like! Great point, but what about all the noises? He added those in and was just acting outside? What about the things moving on the ridge?

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 02:04 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Yeah i kinda though that too, but i do kinda see a flat face/mask towards the ground and top of the head leaning into the camera.

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 02:06 AM
a reply to: game over man

Smart phone and a Bluetooth speaker. Even a few small speakers don't weigh much, and can easily be placed around an area to mimic sounds coming from different directions.

So smart phone, and three cheepo BT speakers. Place a guy in the picture with a ghillie suit, and use the speakers to fake the noises. total costs 500USD, get a bunch of YouTube views make back the money and then some with your patreon supporters wanting more investigation videos. Smart investment really if you want to fake for entertainment.

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 02:09 AM
a reply to: game over man

Yeah. It had to be moving really slow since it appears to be traversing in the direction toward the camera. If it was moving fast we should see more blur. So why is there not a shot of it coming into view from the background?

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 02:13 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: game over man

Smart phone and a Bluetooth speaker. Even a few small speakers don't weigh much, and can easily be placed around an area to mimic sounds coming from different directions.

So smart phone, and three cheepo BT speakers. Place a guy in the picture with a ghillie suit, and use the speakers to fake the noises. total costs 500USD, get a bunch of YouTube views make back the money and then some with your patreon supporters wanting more investigation videos. Smart investment really if you want to fake for entertainment.

I like you

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 02:14 AM
a reply to: game over man

I recomment to never go out at breakfast, lunch or dinner time in search of a bigfoot...

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 02:24 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

I think you need a million views to make money. I'm not sure exactly but do know their monetization policies are strict. That's a good debunking point that he put speakers in the woods. Then one should be able to recognize the noises?

The other thing is he deactivated the likes/dislikes on that particular video which is kinda weird. Who knows if he's deleting debunking comments. He does have another big foot video where he finds a track in the snow and another video where he found hair. All his other uploads are vlogs that don't have very many views so him randomly having this video gives him some credibility imo.

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 02:30 AM
a reply to: game over man

The noises throughout sound primate-like to me, like what you would hear in jungle. Ive watched David Attenborough so im an expert.

All joking aside, great video. His fear was palpable. Hopefully he does a follow up video.
Maybe there are chimpanzees on the loose there? Of course i'd much prefer it to be a bigfoot.

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 02:35 AM
a reply to: game over man

If you go into the woods and start snapping photos. You will come
out with something that has a face in it. Or a bush that can be
manipulated by power of suggestion.

I've seen the head of a dog passed off as a sasquatch by pure

Still I'm mixed by one thing. I think if he's faking the whole thing then
he somehow dubbed some real sasquatch audibles. Why do I think they're
real? In a word cadence. No way was some human out there using that
cadence to make those sounds. So dubbed or something really was out
there and was pissed.

Then again why was he down there unarmed?

Lot of hoaxers out there always easy to spot.

Dude needs a girl friend.
edit on 1-10-2020 by carsforkids because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 02:47 AM
a reply to: game over man

Last I heard you start getting some money after 10,000 views, but that may be different now since most Youtubers use Patreon to fund their endeavors.

Let's say you put out Sasquatch videos on a regular basis, and in about half of those videos you claim to have some evidence. You can set up Patreon membership levels so that at certain levels you could see still shots of that evidence. I think the new YouTube system might work like this, I'm not fully understanding this new video feed member thing they do now.

Point is you wouldn't need a million views just a couple hundred followers that are willing to put money forward to you so that you can "get new evidence". List the account as "Entertainment" and avoid any one that claims that you are pushing Hoaxes, by saying the the site is for entertainment. In order to keep the followers that believe that you are being honest about the sasquatch hunts is just keep pounding the point that the investigations are real. This would be true since you would really be out in the woods.

So how do I know all this? Well I don't have a YouTube channel, but I did expose a person that was doing this scam on others. It involved UFO/UAPs though and not cryptids.

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 03:31 AM
a reply to: game over man

Despite any verdict handed down by ATS it's never a bad idea to
bring it here and have it picked over. I've been convinced since

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 05:20 AM

originally posted by: game over man
Youtube suggested this video to me and it's the best video I've ever seen. It was uploaded by a youtube account who is a science teacher. He was hearing loud wooping/howling noises for a long time and decided to go out and film. I'm not sure on the location but it happened 4/25/2020.

You can hear the noises throughout the video and they are weird! In the background you can make out figures moving which appear to be Bigfoot but it's hard to tell. At 9:17 on the ridge line you can see something falling out of a tree dead center happens really fast. Easier to see in regular motion. From 12:00 to 12:08 you can see one get up and move from left to right near the center frame by a cluster of three trees. This clip is easier to see the movement in slo motion. There might be more but those are the time frames noted from the youtube comments.

Later in the video he shows the trail cam footage from his SD card and he got a pretty clear picture of a Sasquatch or a person in a costume playing a prank on him. If anyone recognizes the trail cam pic from somewhere else, then he clearly hoaxed it. But otherwise this video is pretty amazing if it's real!


Why is he out of breath?

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 06:36 AM
Due to the manner of my employment, I have time to listen to many and varied Bigfoot podcasts. If you are interested at all in the subject, you have heard the Sierra Sounds recordings of a couple of guys having a conversation with unseen hominids. This "science teacher" has dubbed those and other recorded sounds over his own video. You can pick out various "words" and noises rom those recordings...(or perhaps these are the same words spoken by different creatures? /sarc). Take note that there is a distinct background buzz when the noises are played. And the whoops are just on repeat...nothing could duplicate its own yells to that precision.
I really despise these guys that do this trash.

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 06:57 AM
a reply to: Zrtst

Good catch on the buzz/noise

Some dubbing going on eh!

Stinky bone.
edit on 1-10-2020 by carsforkids because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2020 @ 07:09 AM
As soon as he made suggestions about a sasquatch BEFORE viewing the trail cam footage, I figured it was a hoax.
If I were in the woods and heard strange noises, my first go to would not be a big foot, but it is for him which suggests to me that its staged as well.
Its 2020 and humanity has drones, infrared cams, and do-hickeys of all types. If Big Foot existed, we'd have absolute proof by now, not still photos that show nothing definitive.

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