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New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to Withhold Covid-19 Vaccine From NY Residents.

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posted on Sep, 25 2020 @ 10:44 PM
a reply to: 1947boomer

"We should have the best vaccination program in the United States of America," Cuomo said. "I think the way that we have handled COVID has been a model for this country. I want New York State to be the same thing for vaccine. We should be the model vaccination program in the country."
Newsday | 24 September 2020

"I think the way that we have handled COVID has been a model for this country.
"I think the way that we have handled COVID has been a model for this country.
"I think the way that we have handled COVID has been a model for this country.
"I think the way that we have handled COVID has been a model for this country.

(Sorry for the stutter fingers. I'm just gobsmacked.)

C'mon man... isn't that a perfect example of the Messiah complex?

posted on Sep, 25 2020 @ 10:51 PM
He’s doing the right thing. Especially if any vaccine is rushed to the public for political reasons.
He knows 45 is tone deaf to reality, a lot of us know this.
Of course it’s political, but it’s Statler and Waldorf who are trying to push this out before the election.
So don’t give me that crap about him not trusting scientists.
He knows what’s up.
Trump is not subtle enough to hide his own various manias.

posted on Sep, 25 2020 @ 11:11 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
He's in enough deep water with the nursing home investigations.

Any deflection counts in his mind as a victory 🤫

I hope that same periscope turns to the Wolf Administration and Dr. Levine, who had oversight of licensed care facilities in PA.

At the height of the pandemic, 68.8% of PA's COVID-deaths came out of the nursing homes/assisted living facilities environment, both residents and employees. Now it is dropping, and down to ~66%. Victory!

As state Health Secretary, Levine has first dibbs on the data, sourced from those care facilities. Once the data started rolling in, and right before giving thumbs-up for COVID patients to be discharged back into those care facilities, Levine was able to yank Mom out of that environment. Family first!

So much for the public's health, safety, and welfare.

posted on Sep, 25 2020 @ 11:13 PM
a reply to: EightAhoy

Cuomo is ghoulishly morbid. Is his mind, the more deaths, the better job he did.

posted on Sep, 25 2020 @ 11:20 PM
a reply to: spacedoubt

Last I heard, President Trump said the Covid-19 vaccine would be ready for dispensing in November or early December.

But if you listen to CNN or MSNBC, they focus on the early August Trump predictions.

A few minutes later, they describe how Trump lies all the time.

The MSM shoots themselves in the foot constantly like that.

posted on Sep, 25 2020 @ 11:22 PM

originally posted by: EightAhoy

"I think the way that we have handled COVID has been a model for this country.

C'mon man... isn't that a perfect example of the Messiah complex?

I guess apart of his model is to kill off all the old people...

posted on Sep, 25 2020 @ 11:31 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
The Pharma companies will not release a vaccine unless there is evidence it is safe.

Sounds a bit naive to me. The flu vaccine still isn't safe, they have no scruples about selling and marketing those and pushing it through the pipelines of bureaucratic approval.

Effective...that is a different issue.

The flu vaccine (any version) isn't very effective either. And causes health complications (as hinted at when I said, "still isn't safe"). There are much safer ways to deal with the flu (quercetin + zinc + vitamin C for example; HCQ probably works as well, but is a bit more drastic for just the flu).

Remember, there are people who will react badly to this and all vaccines.

Ah, so you are aware they should probably never be labeled or seen as (completely) 'safe'.

The governor does not have the right to deny medical treatments to people,

He already more or less* did so regarding CQ/HCQ, as did many other governors, including Republicans. (*: depending on how you interpret 'denying medical treatment'; to some people it starts when you call your doctor and ask for CQ or HCQ to be prescribed to you for prophylaxis or treatment, or just because you think it's a good idea to get some, just in case you need it. Then it's the doctor that can deny you this treatment because he feels you don't need it, or it's not a good idea; then his erronuous opinion will supersede yours no matter how right you are. Governors however are involved in the bureaucractic processes that control both the opinions and actions of those doctors and pharmacists being faced with such requests.)

if he does not allow people to get their own medical treatments, he may be personally liable if they die from Covid. He could be sued, or even put in jail possibly.

And he wasn't sued for it (the HCQ/CQ restrictions he was very much involved in). My prediction is that he will never see the inside of a jail (as a prisoner that is), not until hell freezes over.* At least not for the correct charge: mass murder (or conspiracy to commit mass murder for profit and career advancement or safeguarding that political career, i.e. playing ball with those calling the shots, those heavily invested financially in the bureaucracy, including both the mysterious entities often referred to as Big Pharma and Big Health Care, ok, the latter term is mine to remind people that it's not just Big Pharma with the massive influence over governmental or bureaucratic decisions, policies and so-called 'guidelines', used to control the actions of physicians and those working in health care, so we're also talking licensing boards here).

*: which is even more unlikely to happen if you think of hell as a literal burning place of eternal torment for those who have died, a Pagan myth connected to the phenomena of phobomancy, superstitious fear or phobia, and the use of this fear of evil to manipulate the minds and actions of others:

False Religion is a Snare and a Racket

The right to control what's done to your body is a good thing though, even if it can't prevent a hospital from denying you your choice of treatment if they simply do not offer that service (for example: bloodless medicine and surgery, or HCQ + Azithromycin + zinc + vitamin C + vitamin D3 for Covid-19). That right (and other similar rights) wasn't always around though, nor is it always honored without the need for legal action to determin the exact boundaries in hospital-patient relations (0:53):

edit on 26-9-2020 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2020 @ 12:12 AM
a reply to: carewemust

I don’t believe most of what Trump says, that is when he is coherent. When he isn’t coherent it’s sadly entertaining, as if he is taking his own SATs.

I also don’t trust the msm,

Not convinced that it will be ready. Not many in medical professions believe it will be ready.

Even so, it won’t fix his horrible handling of this pandemic.
Nothing can fix that giant series of blunders.

posted on Sep, 26 2020 @ 12:26 AM
He is probably doing his constituents a favor, although, I doubt anything he does is for altruistic reasons. That vaccine is going to be poison.

posted on Sep, 26 2020 @ 07:26 AM

originally posted by: spacedoubt
He’s doing the right thing. Especially if any vaccine is rushed to the public for political reasons.
He knows 45 is tone deaf to reality, a lot of us know this.
Of course it’s political, but it’s Statler and Waldorf who are trying to push this out before the election.
So don’t give me that crap about him not trusting scientists.
He knows what’s up.
Trump is not subtle enough to hide his own various manias.

Holding off on a rushed vaccine is the first good move Cuomo has made. Perhaps bis Nursing Home Murders were done to discredit the idea of holding off on a vaccine for "right wingers."

I'm thinking "Republicans" would probably be more likely to resist a vaccine than Democrats, and so Trump playing the part of the pro-rushed-vaccine part is a card played to maximize the number of people receiving a not-safe vaccine.

posted on Sep, 26 2020 @ 11:06 AM
They have been working on a corona virus vacc for over 40 years, and in that time they have never got it right. They were able to make it safe for dogs, but never for humans.

I personally will not take a vaccine that they have whipped up in less than a year.

they havnt had enough time to properly test a working vaccine.

posted on Sep, 26 2020 @ 11:14 AM
The Left: "Listen to the scientists!"

Scientists: "Hey, it looks like we're going to have a vaccine before the end of the year."

The Left: "Not those scientists! Racism! Fu*k 12! #MeToo! (Wait, I forgot we threw #MeToo under the bus since Biden got accused.) Oh, um, Hitler!"
edit on 26 9 20 by face23785 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2020 @ 11:18 AM

originally posted by: dogstar23

originally posted by: spacedoubt
He’s doing the right thing. Especially if any vaccine is rushed to the public for political reasons.
He knows 45 is tone deaf to reality, a lot of us know this.
Of course it’s political, but it’s Statler and Waldorf who are trying to push this out before the election.
So don’t give me that crap about him not trusting scientists.
He knows what’s up.
Trump is not subtle enough to hide his own various manias.

Holding off on a rushed vaccine is the first good move Cuomo has made. Perhaps bis Nursing Home Murders were done to discredit the idea of holding off on a vaccine for "right wingers."

I'm thinking "Republicans" would probably be more likely to resist a vaccine than Democrats, and so Trump playing the part of the pro-rushed-vaccine part is a card played to maximize the number of people receiving a not-safe vaccine.

It's only "rushed" in the sense that they're doing a few different parts of the development simultaneously instead of consecutively.

For example, normally you would wait to mass-produce the vaccine until after the trials are over. That way, if the trials go poorly, you didn't waste all this money producing millions of doses of a vaccine that turns out to not be viable.

But for this one, since the government is footing the bill, they're mass-producing it while the trials are underway. If the trials don't work out, the government will just eat the cost of all the wasted units that can't be used now. If the trials go well (which all indications are they're going very well), then you already have millions of units ready to be deployed.

It's saving time, but it's not compromising quality/safety.

This is not hard to understand, but I suspect many leftists will force themselves to be stupid and not get this because if the vaccine rolls out that'll be good for the economy and good for Trump.

Sad for people who claim to be champions of science.

posted on Sep, 26 2020 @ 11:20 AM
Why not make taking the vaccine a personal 'Right to Choose'?
Take it if you want...Don't take it if you want.
Do Democrat Governors have a problem with 'CHOICE'?

posted on Sep, 26 2020 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Yeah, you go and get jabbed with a rush to market vaccine and tell us how that works out for you.

Even when the Democrats are right you can't bring yourself to agree with them.

edit on 26-9-2020 by AugustusMasonicus because: Networkdude has no beer

posted on Sep, 26 2020 @ 11:36 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus
a reply to: carewemust

Yeah, you go and get jabbed with a rush to market vaccine and tell us how that works out for you.

Even when the Democrats are right you can't bring yourself to agree with them.

Most Americans will not (voluntarily) get a Covid-19 vaccine. This thread is about a Governor of one of America's most populated states, unilaterally deciding to withhold the vaccine from those who really should have it.

posted on Sep, 26 2020 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
Most Americans will not (voluntarily) get a Covid-19 vaccine. This thread is about a Governor of one of America's most populated states, unilaterally deciding to withhold the vaccine from those who really should have it.

I'd be much more concerned about someone mandating you do get it. No one should be taking any vaccine that has been rushed to market because of the feels.

posted on Sep, 26 2020 @ 11:40 AM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Why not make taking the vaccine a personal 'Right to Choose'?
Take it if you want...Don't take it if you want.
Do Democrat Governors have a problem with 'CHOICE'?

We see from the lock-downs and business closures in primarily Democrat-run states, that 'Choice' is something they are against, when it pertains to freedoms.

Now, when it comes to the ability to murder babies, or riot, Democratic Governors are pro-choice all the way.

posted on Sep, 26 2020 @ 11:42 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: carewemust
Most Americans will not (voluntarily) get a Covid-19 vaccine. This thread is about a Governor of one of America's most populated states, unilaterally deciding to withhold the vaccine from those who really should have it.

I'd be much more concerned about someone mandating you do get it. No one should be taking any vaccine that has been rushed to market because of the feels.

Withholding is bad.
Mandating is bad.
One can argue for days which one is worse.

posted on Sep, 26 2020 @ 11:47 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
One can argue for days which one is worse.

Mandating. It's not even close.

And in this case it's ridiculous because the ban may only be temporary as you obviously know. But hey, trust those drug companies, they never lie.

edit on 26-9-2020 by AugustusMasonicus because: Networkdude has no beer

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