So we all know that Trump signed an EO deferring Americans Soc. Sec. payroll taxes to give us a few more dollars a week in take home pay.
Of course, these deferments are to be paid back during Q1 deductions on top of the normal deductions...or more simply put...we will pay about 12.2%
taxes on Soc. Sec. instead of the normal 6.1%.
Trump says these deferments will NOT have to be paid back and in fact, theres already legislation in Congress alluding to this. Even if Trump loses
to Joe, there's no GD way they'll make people pay it back having been in office only 3 least I don't think the Dems would.
My issue is with my employer and their control over this whole thing. My company has decided, arbitrarily, to not participate. No asking US, the
employees, what WE want...just them telling us what we're getting...or not getting in this case.
Who in the F gave companies discretion over millions of Americans lives and finances!? How can roughly 100k businesses decide what is best for 200
MILLION American workers and their families!?
I'm no Poli Sci major, but it seems to me that if the POTUS signs an EO that says I don't have to pay a portion of my taxes...that is defacto Law
of the Land...period. No company should have any legal right to take that away from me without my consent right!? This would be tantamount to my
employer deciding to defer a portion of my pay into a savings account without my consent...just because they think its best for me.
So I get that others don't want to be forced into paying less taxes now just to pay more later. However, all you have to do is save that 6.1%
extra you're getting and you can pay it back in a lump sum when due so no harm done.
Employers say they aren't protected if an employee decides to quit on Jan 1st which will then make the employer responsible for the payback. Makes
business sense...BUT...there's just no way any government will force this to be paid back anyway. It wasn't in 2011 and it won't be now.
So now I'm back to the beginning. The only ones getting shafted with this are the people, like me, that would love an extra $100 in my paycheck
every two weeks. Thats groceries, or even savings just in case it does have to be paid back by some fluke.
I say let ME decide what I do with MY money. Allowing some faceless corporation to decide what is best for everyone defeats the purpose of any
LAW. This sets a bad precedent imo and I will no longer go above and beyond for my employer...I will do the bare minimum required only...the same
treatment they're giving me.
edit on 9/24/20 by Hefficide because: Fixed all caps title