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Conversion thread

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posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 12:17 PM
Why was this thread trashed?

There is more than enough room for rational discussion about the topic with out it being mere bashing on islam.

Why should't this topic be discussed? I had typed the response below, and I hate to see it not even considered.

What a dolt. I'm sorry, but, first off, from what I understand, the Koran does not require women to cover their bodies like this. It doesn't even require head scarves be worn.

This is a woman who has bought into a cultural system wherein she is degraded. Don't think of it as a religion issue. This is like as if an independant woman from NYC decided that she wanted to live in a trailer, be beaten by a slob, and quite her job.

Its absolutely pathetic.

I have not distrust of the islamic religion, I have no problem with islam spreading to other parts of the world. Its a religion like any other. Its long been corrupted to be used as an excuse to oppress women. This stupid, stupid woman has bought into a fundamenalist system, the same one that ordered an innocent woman gang raped because someone from her group had an illicit affair with people from another group. Instead of paying for damages, their group had to have one of its women give up sex to the offended group. This is wrong and this woman is a fool. At the same time that women who were born into islam are trying to get more respect in it, this twit is covering her 'shameful and disagraceful' flesh.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 01:10 PM

Why was this thread trashed?

Maybe because it had a hint of racism in it?

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 01:22 PM
It was very very short, the original post, and didn't have anything overtly racist. Besides, since when is racism a cause for shutting down a post or thread here? Anyway, I don't want drama, I want discussion on it. Perhaps the person that started the original post can comment, or anyone else.

I mean, it makes sense no? Islam is a peaceful religion. Just as its been hijacked by extremists who kill out of all accord with religion, there are also people in it who have perverted it to oppress and denigrate women.

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