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Terri Schiavo - Latest Appeal Denied...

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posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 12:13 PM
I know there are a lot of differing opinions on this.
It's a local case for me...but here's the news anyhow....

Another loss in court for Schindlers

A state appeals court refused to block the removal of Terri Schiavo's feeding tube Wednesday.

The Second District Court of Appeal in Lakeland turned down the requests of Schiavo's parents, Bob and Mary Schindler, on two key issues.

The court refused to overrule Pinellas Circuit Court Judge George Greer's denial of a stay while the Schindlers pursue further appeals in the case.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 12:17 PM
You know, this case really bothers me.

Supposedly, the husband loves her soooooo much he wants to carry out her wishes?


Give me a break. He never sees her or rarely. The parents are the ones and only ones who care for her. If this is a law, it should be revised.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 12:23 PM
On the flip side though, he was offered millions to divorce her and allow the decision to then go to the parents. If not for carrying out her wishes, what other reason would he have to NOT get a divorce? Surely he would have benefitted more financially going the divorce route....

I suppose that's the real problem I see here.

1. She's pretty much a vegetable.
2. I know I wouldn't want to exist in such a state.
3. He'd benefit more both financially and by being able to marry his girlfriend with a divorce.
4. She's been in this state for around 15 years, she ain't coming out of it folks (which pretty much kills the "but she'll wake up and tell of abuse, etc." argument....there is no such chance of that happening).

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 03:58 PM
hmm can she blink? like they should ask her do you want to continue or die? Blink once for yes twice for no.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 04:05 PM
REALLY- Does Terry want to die?

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
If not for carrying out her wishes, what other reason
would he have to NOT get a divorce?

He wants her DEAD so she won't talk and tell everyone about
how she got in the condition she's in and what he has done
to her while in that condition. Medical records show that she
has had many many broken bones and fractures. A hospice
employee reports that she walked in to hear him saying to
her while she lay in bed ... 'why can't you just die, b****'.
He got a pile of $$$ and NONE of it went for rehabilitation.
He doesn't dare allow her to get it because she might
start talking... and he'd end up in jail. OH ... and the biggie ...
she's CATHOLIC and he is insisting that no priest be allowed
to visit her and he is insisting on IMMEDIATE cremation as
soon as she's dead and no burial in a Catholic cemetary. No
digging up the evidence of his inflicting physical trama
(broken and fractured bones) upon her.

No priest? No Catholic cemetary? So much for her wishes!

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
4. She's been in this state for around 15 years, she ain't coming out of it folks (which pretty much kills the "but she'll wake up and tell of abuse, etc." argument....there is no such chance of that happening).

She's never been given a chance to come out of it. All that money he
got for her physical therapy went instead to try to kill her. She has
never been given the therapy to find out if she could come out of it.
No fresh air. No walks outside (she could be in a wheel chair). No
stimulation. NOTHING.

THIS woman came out of it - and she was WORSE off than Terri

They tried to starve her to death too. VERY painful. She
remembers EVERYTHING while in a state worse than Terri Schiavo.

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 11:04 AM
I'm sorry, but there is one aspect of this story that is driving me nuts.

Who decided the best way for her to die was to let her starve? I mean really! That really has to be one of the worst ways to go, no matter your mental or physical condition.

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by negativenihil
That really has to be one of the worst ways to go

Read the story I linked.

This woman was in WORSE shape than Terri Schiavo. She was
sentenced to die by starvation, just as Terri is. For 8 days as she
starved, she was completely aware of everything going on around
her and she heard everything being said. Starvation was painful
beyond belief she says. The lips dry up and crack and bleed.
The sinus' dry up and crack and bleed (MAJOR head pain). The
stomach drys up, heaves, and cramps. EVERYTHING drys up and
cramps and bleeds. It's unbelievable pain. And she was aware
of it all and couldn't say anything. Thank God her husband
managed to get it stopped. She is doing very well now ... here's
her picture

Terri could recover. It's very possible. It hasn't been tried yet.
And until she is out from under hubby-dearest, it won't be.

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 01:08 PM

terri's brain is profoundly damaged, meaning basically she is no longer really alive

it's almost like a computer with a scrached HD. You gota get a new HD otherwise even if all other parts are cool, it's stupid to keep it running. Since human HD and CPU are the brain, u cant really get a new one, therefore, just shut it down.

how about just inject poison? faster and achieve the same result.

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Read the story I linked.

I did, and I am fully aware of how painful starvation can be (which is why i'm so bothered about this all)

My question still remains though - Who decided that removing her feeding tube was the best way to deal with this situation? From the article you've posted it almost sounds as if the husband...

...that the execution sought by her husband Michael Schiavo is anything but painless and humane.

If this woman must die, can we not offer her a painless death?

[edit on 17-3-2005 by negativenihil]

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 04:01 PM
>>1. She's pretty much a vegetable.
2. I know I wouldn't want to exist in such a state.
3. He'd benefit more both financially and by being able to marry his girlfriend with a divorce.
4. She's been in this state for around 15 years, she ain't coming out of it folks (which pretty much kills the "but she'll wake up and tell of abuse, etc." argument....there is no such chance of that happening).

This is my thought process too with this whole case. I look at it as she's been gone for 15 years. She's not herself-and can't communicate what she wants. I don't think she'd dissaprove of the people she loves closing this chapter and remembering her the way she'd want to be remembered. Maybe it's just my upbringing - my uncle had MS for thirty years and wasted away to the point where the only communication he had was the tears that went streaming down his face-I know he was thankful for every minute-but tired of living that way.

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by negativenihil

...that the execution sought by her husband Michael Schiavo is anything but painless and humane.

If this woman must die, can we not offer her a painless death?

I posted info on this in another thread ... It's title is
about the illegal activities of Michael Schiavo's attorney.

Terri told people she wanted a divorce. She had bruses all
the time and her medical records at the time of her 'collapse'
showed that she had significant trama to her bones ... many
fractures and brakes that were trying to heal. Hubby-dearest
was an abusive monster that she wanted to divorce. Then
suddenly ... she collapses???? Yeah, right. He wants her dead
so she won't talk and being the abusive A.H. that he is .. he
wants to inflict pain upon her as she dies. He's a sick criminal.

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 07:39 AM
What if this entire time Terri Schivo has been pleading silenty from pain she is enduring, or going crazy in you own head at the fact you can see and hear and think but cannot communicate or move.

What if you were the in husbands shoes, maybe she did make him promise? How do we know? We don't know. I would not want to be in the shoes of any judge.

I understand the parents, and husband is a scumb@g, but what if? think about it

This is not about her husband, or her parents, it is about Terri. If a person is in that state more than 5 years., they should become a ward of the state, erlease all rights to a caretaker/guardian and lived out their days. There are 75000 inmates at a cost of 18000 per in the stae of Florida, we can afford it.

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 07:47 AM

**Exclusive Fri Mar 18 2005 00:50:07 ET** The Chairman of the Health, Education, Labor, and Pension (HELP) Committee, Mike Enzi (R-Wyoming) has requested Terri Schiavo to testify before his congressional committee, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned. In so doing it triggers legal or statutory protections for the witness, among those protections is that nothing can be done to cause harm or death to this individual.

This is breaking news....

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 07:53 AM

REALLY- Does Terry want to die?

Who the hell wouldn't in her circumstances?
If people kept me alive in such a state, when I finally died, I'd come back and haunt every damned one of you!

As for the feeding tube, euthanasia isn't allowed by law (unless you're a pet, then we're completely humane..
) So according to the law, they aren't deciding to kill or not kill her (technically), they are deciding whether or not to continue artificial support. Stupid semantics really, as I'm pretty sure she'd rather go with an injection into la la land...but that's our wonderful legal system....

Say it with me now...FIFTEEN YEARS....and BRAIN DAMAGED. I think the worry of her coming out of it is pretty much out the window, so to try and argue that as a motive simply doesn't fly... And this rubbish about the husband keeping her in that state is equal crap....DOCTORS decide treatment, not family members, once in care. For this conspiracy to be true, then the doctors would likewise have to be conspiring with the husband...
and if THAT was happening you know damn well the parents would be all over that in court. They haven't, so obviously there is no such suspiscion...

**Exclusive Fri Mar 18 2005 00:50:07 ET** The Chairman of the Health, Education, Labor, and Pension (HELP) Committee, Mike Enzi (R-Wyoming) has requested Terri Schiavo to testify before his congressional committee, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned. In so doing it triggers legal or statutory protections for the witness, among those protections is that nothing can be done to cause harm or death to this individual.

More of Jeb's bull#. Locally we heard they were going to go this angle last night.... We'll see if it flies...

Regardless of how you feel on this issue, such last minute actions are FLAGRANT abuses of the powers of office, and yet because some see it as a "good cause", nobody seems to care about it. It is setting VERY dangerous precedents people... I suppose that now we'll see such bs legislation enacted to keep sentenced cons from the chair, if it fits a political agenda? And that's just a quick example off the top of my head...

[edit on 18-3-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
euthanasia isn't allowed by law (unless you're a pet, then
we're completely humane..
) So according to the law,
they aren't deciding to kill or not kill her (technically), they
are deciding whether or not to continue artificial support.

International law says that you can't starve a person to death ... EVER.
In war or in peace, no matter what. No starving them to death.
Removal of the feeding tube is painfully starving her to death.

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 08:20 AM
Since when did we ever heed international law?


All I know is, that almost every single legal thing in the US has been argued on this case, from State Supreme Courts on up... Now, I'm no lawyer, but I've got to pretty much think that somewhere in all of this, the legality of doing it has been settled one way or the other...

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 08:26 AM
Once again, how can she feel pain if her nerves aren't functioning? If her nerves do function, which would be odd if she's in a vegetative state, how does her brain, lacking the biochemical energy necessary to process and re-send information, interpret and acknowledge pain? I think you're arguing that a vegetable feels pain, and that's a piss poor argument.

I keep making the point, you keep ignoring it.

Why? Because it inspires more sympathy in your cause to let people think this woman feels pain. How can she? How can a vegetable feel pain? If her brain is unresponsive, how can it interpret the signals being sent by her nerves (assuming her nerves are still sending signals, which is unlikely since she's VEGETATIVE)?

I think you're politicizing the life of this woman. You're holding her corpse up to inspire people to join your side, and lying in the process by saying she feels pain. Just stop it already, leave her be to die in peace. Maybe she won't die, maybe Jesus himself will descend from heaven and heal her miraculously with his bleeding eyes.

Her life, her death, the guilt of her husband, the wishes of her family, all these things are really none of your concern in my opinion.

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
Once again, how can she feel pain if her nerves aren't functioning?
I keep making the point, you keep ignoring it.
all these things are really none of your concern in my opinion.

Her nerves ARE functioning. I posted the story of a woman who
was in even worse condition than Terri is. She heard everything.
She felt everything. She felt the pain of being starved. I didn't
ignore anything. The answers to your point are there. I think
YOU are ignoring them.

As far as Terri not being any of my business.... humbug. When
people are abused to the point of collapse, to the point that they
are in a dehabilitated state, to the point that the abuser wants
that person to die .. it's ALL of our business'. That's the whole
point of society isn't it? To take care of each other? That's what
the left screams all the time .. take care of everyone. Well, here
is someone who is in desperate need of physical therapy and
has been denied it. She came to this situation mysteriously right
after telling people she wanted a divorce from her husband ...
all the while sporting bruises. The medical info says she suffered
severe bone trama before collapse. Now hubby-dearest wants
her to be painfully starved to death, a death which would be
helpful to his new lifestyle?

None of our business? Double humbug.

Investigate the bone trama. Give her the physical therapy
she hasn't been allowed (by the husband). Give her the divorce
she wanted.

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