originally posted by: Whodathunkdatcheese
originally posted by: The2Billies
This is what it boils down.
Freedom and liberty versus Socialism/Communism is what this upcoming election is all about.
Start with learning the difference between liberal, socialist and communist.
Today's liberals are not liberal at all. Liberals USED to be for free speech, but not today's so called liberals. Liberals USED to be for individual
freedom as long as it doesn't harm anyone else, but not today's so called liberals.
Except for the new opiate for the masses, sex and drugs, today's "liberals" are for government control over nearly every aspect of every single
individual's life, for their own good of course, because government knows best how everyone should live.
Actually today's "liberals" should be called il-liberal since they oppose free speech just like communists, they are for treating those who disagree
with them in violent ways, just like communists, they no longer believe in individual freedom but prefer state control over their healthcare/bodies.
It is a continuum the il-liberal of today claims to be socialistic but behaves like a communist.
Today's il-liberal IS socialist today: socialism confiscates money in the form of taxes as high as 70% (what AOC and Sanders propose) from workers to
redistribute so that people will all have equal lifestyles, but allows for some privately owned businesses: communism confiscates money from all but
the elite political class so that everyone is equally poor except for the political class who live like kings, they do not allow for any privately
owned businesses.
In actual practice socialist nations do not allow dissent and punish those who speak in a politically incorrect way based on the morality of the mob
at the moment, they sometimes pretend to have democracy but keep a firm hand over the population and firm control of people's bodies through
healthcare and their ability to obtain higher education, through early testing and tracking of children into ability groups.
In theory communism has all money go to the government who distributes it according to ones need to the population. But in practice, it has NEVER
worked that way because the elite political class become lifetime kings and feudal lords, while the populace become slaves to the economy and the
political class. In practice communist nations do not allow dissent and send to re-education camps and disappear or outright kill those who speak in
a way the elite political class determine is "incorrect", they maintain a firm control of people's bodies through healthcare, and strictly regulate
access to "free" higher education.
All three, today's il-liberal, socialists, communists hate with a passion anyone who disagrees with them politically or ideologically and are openly
engaging in attempting to or actually forcing people into compliance through violence or intimidation.
With today's il-liberal we see this on the city streets of the US every single day, using violence to intimidate innocent people into giving the
il-liberal their way, or else.
I say all three liberal/socialist/communist because it is a contimum which today's il-liberal is fast sliding down. Also because there is becoming
very very little difference between today's il-liberal we see in Democratic Congresspeople like AOC and Sanders and socialists. We are also seeing
with BLM being an official part of the Democratic Party (voted by the DNC in 2016 into the party) - that violence has become an accepted way to
convince US citizens to do what the Democrats tell them they must do - or else. This movement to - or else - and openly assassinating police officers
and blocking ambulances from hospitals is a move toward the communist or else - the Stalin, Mao type or else.
Democrats are PROMISING to enlarge the Supreme Court and "pack the court" with the most liberal judges they can find who think the constitution is an
outdated and overly restrictive document, when they win all 3 branches so that their policies can never lose in the future, very very communist.
Democrats have openly "WAR GAMED" the violence they PLAN to terrorize US citizens with if Trump wins the election. So they have gone beyond
il-liberalism, beyond socialism, and into Stalin/Mao communism. With a brain challenged puppet who reads a teleprompter well, most of the time. We
are not talking fringe elements here, we are talking Congresspeople and Senators, the true power brokers and examples to their followers of how
Democrats should behave.
Here is Democrat Feinstein showing how Democrats treat Republicans as a norm these days. This is Democrat Feinstein having a "conversation" with
Republican Murkowski - you can clearly see an elitist politician expressing the typical il-liberal "or else" that has morphed into a communist style
of "conversation"
edit on 9/21/20 by The2Billies because: added picture