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Surrey RCMP officers swarmed by large group of kids and adults

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posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 06:20 PM
America's been hogging all the cop stories lately so thought I'd post one from up here.

Link(with video)

Video footage shared on social media shows RCMP officers being surrounded and harassed by a large group of kids and adults earlier this week in Surrey, B.C.

Officers were responding to a report of an unattended child in the Newton neighbourhood around 5:30 p.m. on Monday, police said.

Surrey RCMP spokesperson Cpl. Elenore Sturko said a group of about 10 to 15 minors and adults had a “very hostile and oppositional reaction” to officers attending the area.

The officers were the subject of attacks with rocks and other objects and physically assaulted, according to RCMP.

Footage appears to show one youth trying to rip the side mirror off of an RCMP cruiser and throwing a shoe at one of the officers.

One officer also chased after a youth who allegedly threw something that struck the officer in the head, police said.

Luckily, the offenders were arrested and neither the officers or the people involved were severely injured.

Now, in that neighbourhood, something like this isn't entirely unexpected, but I really hope the adults involved in this incident get the book thrown at them. Whether they're parents, older siblings, friends, those people should be completely ashamed of themselves for allowing those younger kids to act that way and I hope those kids are properly punished for their behaviour.

Sadly, there's a good chance none of them will learn from this and those kids' futures won't be the brightest.
edit on 16/9/2020 by dug88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 06:28 PM
a reply to: dug88

Surrey BC...

Yea, checks out. I've heard many horror stories from there. A forgotten and broken place, one of many places around Canada. I've heard of stories (yea they are just stories, don't take them as fact) that the DEA have been there working with RCMP who are known to use nasty tactics to jail people for large sums of bond.

posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 06:30 PM
So, what's Canada's new movement?

White Lives Matter?

Poutine Matters?

Bad Beer Matters?

posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 06:45 PM
a reply to: incoserv

Natives driving old pick ups on train tracks and lighting a ton of old tires on fire to stop the economy... perhaps BLM and Antifa should learn how to protest the right way.

posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 06:53 PM
a reply to: incoserv

Bad Beer

You realize them's fightin' words right??

a reply to: strongfp

Yup Surrey's a #hole for sure. Heard a story of a friend of a friend once had just gotten off the train there and lit up his last smoke, crackhead came up and asked him for a smoke, dude said that was his last one and actually offered him the rest of his smoke. In return, the guy stabbed him in the gut and he lost part of his intestine.
edit on 16/9/2020 by dug88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 06:55 PM

originally posted by: dug88
a reply to: incoserv

Bad Beer

You realize them's fightin' words right??

Hey, I live in Mexico. You don't wanna mess with me when it comes to beer. (And I ain't talking no Corona crap, either!)

posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: incoserv

Alright alright, Mexican beer's not bad. I like modelo and there's another one i've tried I remember being pretty good. They're nice and refreshing on a hot day.

posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 07:02 PM
a reply to: strongfp

And this is how we deal with that sh#t here in Alberta

Counter-protesters tear down CN rail blockade in west Edmonton

posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 07:07 PM

originally posted by: dug88
a reply to: incoserv

Alright alright, Mexican beer's not bad. I like modelo and there's another one i've tried I remember being pretty good. They're nice and refreshing on a hot day.

Modelo makes an Amber and a Dark that are both quite nice.

Carta Blanca is one of my favorite regular domestic lagers.

Then there's Pacifico Clara, a nice pilsner if you're in the mood for something a little lighter.

Victoria makes a brew called Chingones that's actually only 1.8%, but it's a darker brew and it's actually pretty damned good. Not a light, just lower alcohol content.

We have a lot of small artisanal breweries popping up here, too. There's actually one just down the road from my house.

Just, for the love of everything good, stay away from Tecate. That stuff is horrible, but somehow, in the region where I live, it's the most common. And the light version is everywhere. I can't understand it, but así es.

posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: dug88

Trudeau will now make sure all of those RCMP receive sensitivity training...

posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 07:13 PM

originally posted by: incoserv
So, what's Canada's new movement?

White Lives Matter?

Poutine Matters?

Best Beer Matters?

Fixed your typo

posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: incoserv

Then there's Pacifico Clara, a nice pilsner if you're in the mood for something a little lighter.

This is the one I couldn't remember the name of. I do enjoy those. There's not a big selection of mexican beer here. Both the Modelos are avaipable and the pacifico. Not sure if i've seen the carta Blanca but i'll keep my eye out next time.

I do feel bad if the only Canadian beers you've tried are Molson or labatts though. I'll agree those are garbage.

posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 07:16 PM
That wasn't very polite.

posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 07:27 PM
To be fair when we send the RCMP to do wellness checks people die

But it's also Surrey so seems about right

posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 08:01 PM

originally posted by: incoserv
So, what's Canada's new movement?

White Lives Matter?

Poutine Matters?

Bad Beer Matters?

It should be Nothing Else Matters.

posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 08:22 PM

originally posted by: incoserv
Modelo makes an Amber and a Dark that are both quite nice.

Carta Blanca is one of my favorite regular domestic lagers.

Then there's Pacifico Clara, a nice pilsner if you're in the mood for something a little lighter.

Victoria makes a brew called Chingones that's actually only 1.8%, but it's a darker brew and it's actually pretty damned good. Not a light, just lower alcohol content.

We have a lot of small artisanal breweries popping up here, too. There's actually one just down the road from my house.

Just, for the love of everything good, stay away from Tecate. That stuff is horrible, but somehow, in the region where I live, it's the most common. And the light version is everywhere. I can't understand it, but así es.

You can thank the Europeans. When they settled Central/South America, they brought their brewing expertise with them.

One of the nicest I've had was in the Cayman Islands, called (duh) Caybrew. Fantastic, smooth lager

posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 09:23 PM

originally posted by: MonkeyFishFrog
To be fair when we send the RCMP to do wellness checks people die

But it's also Surrey so seems about right

Yeah, I'm not sure which side to cheer for this time.

posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 10:08 PM

originally posted by: dug88
a reply to: incoserv

Then there's Pacifico Clara, a nice pilsner if you're in the mood for something a little lighter.

This is the one I couldn't remember the name of. I do enjoy those. There's not a big selection of mexican beer here. Both the Modelos are avaipable and the pacifico. Not sure if i've seen the carta Blanca but i'll keep my eye out next time.

I do feel bad if the only Canadian beers you've tried are Molson or labatts though. I'll agree those are garbage.

Actually, I jest. I did have a decent Canadian beer on my one trip to Canada. With a big ol' steamin' pile of poutine.

Hell, I'd immigrate to Canada just for the poutine.

posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 10:39 PM
a reply to: incoserv

Don't know when you last visited leaf land, but we have a rather large and anti - big 'brewer' establishment now. My father and I have watched the micro brew movement move it's way from the west coast of the US to Canada and sweep (rather quickly) to the east.

Come visit southern ontario, lots of micro brewers here. Plus a giant needle and lots of water flowing over a ledge is neat too.

posted on Sep, 16 2020 @ 11:07 PM

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: MonkeyFishFrog
To be fair when we send the RCMP to do wellness checks people die

But it's also Surrey so seems about right

Yeah, I'm not sure which side to cheer for this time.

Haha yep I can understand that especially considering the city. Could go either way

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