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why keep it a secret?

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posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 09:22 AM
All I'm saying is, it's ridiculous that in order for anything to actually be believed, it has to come from the governments *mouths* first. How about this one..maybe *they* don't know? They are human-some of them-so what makes them any different then you or I? Maybe I've seen one, but Bushy hasn't? What then? It's all really a matter of who has, and who hasn' order to believe it or not. It shouldn't depend on the government telling us, what if that never happens? Then what?

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 12:37 PM

Have you people been reading this link?

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 02:16 PM
Why would the aliens even care about us?
We went to the moon 30 yrs ago and haven't done jack$hit in space sence. If they could travel among the stars they'd leave us here. In my opinion aliens are a cover up story for secret government projects.


posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 10:12 PM
That's not a bad idea. perhaps the UFO's are just a government cover-up for secret tests and operations. Maybe that is why the government leaked info about area 51, and other things,... To cause people to believe in UFO's. Anyway, back to the main topic. Why wouldn't the govenment tell us? Obviously you don't know too much about the government. The government has never old us the "Whole" truth. They told us what they thought we need to hear. If the government told us Aliens were real people would be in disbelief. Some wouldlose faith in their religins, others would just go psycho. I personally would love to hear that there are really aliens. I find it hard to believe that out of billions of billions of possible other planets, that a mere one had the joys of life.

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 10:15 PM
they pose a threat in many ways
no all of them are cute cuddly little gray munchkins taking sperm and egg samples.

some will bite your head off and examine the remains

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by GiantsFan
That's not a bad idea. perhaps the UFO's are just a government cover-up for secret tests and operations. Maybe that is why the government leaked info about area 51, and other things,... To cause people to believe in UFO's.

This is probably the closest to the truth so far.

posted on Jul, 15 2003 @ 04:42 AM

Originally posted by kitty
they pose a threat in many ways
no all of them are cute cuddly little gray munchkins taking sperm and egg samples.

some will bite your head off and examine the remains

i agree with u kitty

posted on Jul, 15 2003 @ 10:32 AM
My own thoughts are that if there are aliens here or in contact with us,it would change everything. It would affect religion,governments,economy(for a short time) and the way the world is run. No government has come clean on UFO's. But all govenments have hidden or distoreted the truth of UFO's. That tells me there is something they are hiding. I don't think it all about military secrets or black book projects. I'm sure a lot(most) of UFO reports have an earthly explanation. But if the government is try to keep a lid on a secret project,they are not going to fly it over a major city,then tell us it was flares or weather ballons.
Simply said the government does not want to lose control.

posted on Jul, 15 2003 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by nyeff
But if the government is try to keep a lid on a secret project,they are not going to fly it over a major city,then tell us it was flares or weather ballons.

As I said in my other post, perhaps the government DOES fly their experimental aircraft over major cities to ensure tat people still believe in UFO's. After thinking about this it does kinda make sense. why else would the government come up with the same excuses so many times and let so much info seek out. If the government doesn't want info to leak out, they don't let it. I'm not saying your wrong, but I just thought this kinda makes a little sense. I believe in Aliens... but I'm not sure they are what we've been seeing in the night sky.

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 06:35 AM
Well, if you want everyone on this planet to do as their told and follow the rules and not know the full extent of what is actually happening, then keeping things secret is a great idea.

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 06:47 AM
Okay, just as a brainstorm on this let's consider that it isn't a straight forward one-reason answer. Let's consider it is a scenario.

Let's say Roswell was for real, and just consider the environment in the 40's and, yep, the government lied and for whatever reason (the world was pretty jicked up at that time so I could probably come up with several reasons) they decided they just shouldn't let the public know about a whole new unrectifiable threat.

So that starts everything that results in a great big cover-up and lie.

And from there you don't really have to have much of a reason other than...they don't want to admit they had a great big cover-up and they now lie, to cover their first lie...the tangled web thingy. It might really be that simple.

posted on Jul, 19 2003 @ 05:18 PM
Why do they keep it secret?

I think we need to look closer to home first and perhaps we would get an idea of this.

Take the example of the Microwave oven. How long has that been around in domestic use? 10-15 years? Reality is that this technology/science was being exploited by the military way before it was released to us.

Take microchips, silicon chips. Do you honestly think the powers running this world would let the public domain have these technologies before the powers exkploited them first.

It's all about power.

I'm now past the question of do they exist, did it happen etc. It has been kept secret long enough. But perhaps not long enough for the militaries satisfaction. They want to build and use the same exotic materials that our alien friends are using. In fact there is evidence of this on the Darpa Military website:

Just take a look at what they are back-engineering. Metal that heals itself. Metal that can shape itself. Sounds a bit like something from Star Trek! or Roswell.

There is another reason for keeping it secret. THE GOVERNMENT would look like liars. Lying about something as big as this for so long. Nah, the government wouldn't do that. We'd lose faith very quickly in them and well that would lead to anarchy.

Another reason is religion. Say no more.

Another reason is people. Some would panic. Some would commit suicide. Some would murder. But I believe the majority now would accept it.

Anyway enough of me. I'm fed up and want the truth which is why I'm running a UK UFO Petition as linked below;

Steve Watkins
UK UFO Petition

posted on Jul, 22 2003 @ 01:38 AM
As to why the government would cover up the alien presence:
1. People, being foolish, have used the alien technology for undesirable purposes. (Like the Montauk Project, for ex.) If they admit that ETs exist, ALL that doo-doo would come out as well.
2.They might CLAIM that they can't protect us from ETs, so they deny that aliens exist. (That excuse doesn't make sense.)
3. The government probably feels VERY UNEASY to know that a LARGE segment of the population has been abducted, and therefore MAY have their allegiance compromised.
The Motives of the Aliens:
Varied, because there are SO MANY kinds of aliens visiting Earth. Some are "good", some "bad" or neutral.
How Humans Would Respond to the Disclosure of the ETs:
VARIED! You know, the Americans would not respond just the same way as tribesmen in The Congo, for example. We humans have so much variety in cultures that we would all respond differently. Personally, I think that MOST of us would not panic. We are now living in the Space Age, not the 1930's.
I am an abductee/contactee.

posted on Jul, 22 2003 @ 02:12 AM

Originally posted by deadman
if aliens exist why would the world governments say they have no knowledge if they do know all about it?
can anyone answer that?

They do not want hysteria like the radio broacast of War of the Worlds caused
That is why they are spoon feeding the masses slowly

posted on Jul, 22 2003 @ 02:29 AM
People In Ga (Us)Panic and Buy like monthes of groceries and load up on water and gasoline when there is a slight chance of snow in the winter(were talkin flurries or dusting) I mean they really freak out and is almost unsafe to go to the store. Can you imagine if Jimbob or Cletus found out that aliens did exsist? I dont think the general population could deal with aliens right now in there fragile state. I love Georgia and the Us but mass hysteria doesnt sound like much fun.

posted on Jul, 28 2003 @ 08:02 AM
You may try, using kazaa-like software downloading a document called "FBI Top Secret Files"
, but since i'm new at this i don't know if you are aware of such document. I did it, wasn�t hard, good luck!

posted on Jul, 28 2003 @ 08:20 AM
I remember a video, about ten years ago. The video was supposedly an interview with a guy at nasa. This guys job is leaking information to the public. He claimed that in 2003, they would reveal that there had been alien contact in the past and the details of this would become known then.

I've been waiting for 2003 for many years, but there's still nothing

Did anyone else see this interview, it was part of a chanel 4 (UK) documentary about ufo's?

posted on Jul, 28 2003 @ 11:50 AM

why keep it a secret?

if aliens exist why would the world governments say they have no knowledge if they do know all about it?
can anyone answer that?

Here we go...let me count the reasons....

1. The aliens may want it that way. Especially if keeping it secret means technology/other deals.

2. Social Unrest. When the public learns their government cannot keep them safe from an alien threat, general panic could ensue, creating a security nightmare.

3. Religious Upheaval. Many religious institutions are firmly entrenched in government. The existence of aliens is not espoused by any major faith, so the consequences of suddenly being proven wrong, could cause some unrest.

4. National Security. If we are the only country dealing with the aliens (i.e. the US), then we certainly wouldn't want others to know about it, now would we?)

5. Would you want the electorate to know there is an issue you are powerless to change? (i.e. abductions)

6. Maybe a stalemate has been reached...and upsetting the apple cart, could foil that state of affairs...if people started clamouring to meet them, an end to the defensive stance, etc.

There are so many possible factors, it's hard to even know where to start...but it could certainly keep on going.....

posted on Jul, 28 2003 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by deadman
if aliens exist why would the world governments say they have no knowledge if they do know all about it?
can anyone answer that?

I suspect those "Aliens" are in reality, demonic, straight out of the ancient texts. The govenment being to embarised to admit the truth, just put a security classification on it, and hope it will go away............

posted on Jul, 29 2003 @ 06:02 AM
i agree allseeingeye.

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