No amount of testing will alter those positive trends.
The only people who should get tested for Covid-19 are those who like being examined and probed by doctors and nurses. While at it, get a deep C.A.T.
scan. 90% chance it will find something wrong.
PCR wasn't ever intended to be a diagnostic test. The person who created PCR even protested its use for this purpose.
I'll bet they never interviewed that guy on the evening news.
Yes, we were conned a long time ago, and this was planned years ago by those at Davos most likely. Hence the name Plandemic II by Mikki Willis.
And now it turns out the very foundation of the trick was the testing scam. You sell a useless test to the public and the government, and the herd is
edit on 12-9-2020 by Salander because: (no reason given)
That graph shows the damage done from the lockdowns and other measures. Not a new cold virus.
I'd bet that peak in May coincides perfectly with the placement of covid-positive patients in nursing homes and the mass application of respirators on
patients who might otherwise have survived. It was a huge mistake to incentivize a death count based on Covid.
edit on 12-9-2020 by
Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)
PCR is not a great test. It's meant to be used along with clinical diagnosis. The clinical diagnosis criteria is extremely broad right now to the best
of my knowledge.
Interesting fact, I haven't received a HAN Alert (urgent public health messaging) since May.
Epidemiology is far more loose than most people realize. There are diseases that are difficult to test for and pin down. It relies on clinical
diagnosis as much as testing.
This is all irrelevant for COVID. It's not deadly enough to be tracked beyond this phase of it being novel. Any vaccine created for it will have
limited efficacy, offer limited immunity, and it will eventually be part of the normal flu vaccine cycle. When it is seasonally prevalent it will be
added to the seasonal flu vaccine. Otherwise it will be of infrequent consequence.
It's disappointing to see otherwise intelligent people have outrageous reactions to COVID. This is a small blip on a very big radar screen as far as
diseases go.
Jan 16 2020 Press Release
Researchers develop first diagnostic test for novel coronavirus in China
Researchers from the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin have developed a new laboratory assay to
detect the novel Chinese coronavirus. The assay protocol has now been published by WHO as a guideline for diagnostic detection. The new assay enables
suspected cases to be tested quickly.
The coronavirus, which first emerged in Wuhan, China, and can cause severe pneumonia, can now be detected in the laboratory. Developed by a group of
DZIF researchers working under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Christian Drosten, Director of the Institute of Virology on Campus Charité Mitte, the
world’s first diagnostic test for the coronavirus has now been made publicly available. Link
The same Charité that plays its role in the Navalny/NS2 story right now(who and where in Germany is Maria Pevchikh?). And Dr Drosten. Let´s go back
to the swine flu and have a look at 2009:
German virologist's race for swine flu test
Christian Drosten is head of the Institute of Virology at the University of Bonn Medical Centre, one of Germany's largest medical virology centres.
But he is best known for winning the 2003 race to develop the first diagnostic test for the then-mysterious virus that causes Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome (SARS). He spoke to Nature about how he has managed to develop a diagnostic test for the H1N1 swine flu even faster, thanks to his experience
with SARS. Link
Notice how its the same methods of spreading fear and the same actors like the RKI and Drosten back with the swine flu sory and now again with
May 17, 2010, 8:57 pm
Swine flu:
"The wave has started"
Swine flu illnesses are increasing dramatically in southern Germany. From there, a wave of flu will roll across Germany in the coming weeks, experts
The swine flu is spreading faster and faster in Germany. In the 43rd calendar week, 3,075 people were newly ill, as the Robert Koch Institute (RKI)
announced on Monday in Berlin. In the 42nd calendar week, the number of new cases was still 1860. According to the RKI, a total of 29,907 cases of the
new flu have so far been registered across Germany. "The wave has started," said the President of the RKI, Jörg Hacker.
The head of the Institute for Virology at the Bonn University Clinic, Prof. Christian Drosten, said there was a drastic increase in diseases in
southern Germany. He assumes that the wave from the south will pass over Germany over a period of five to six weeks.
Drosten called urgently to get vaccinated against swine flu. "The disease is a serious general viral infection that has far more side effects than
anyone can imagine from the worst of the vaccine." Link
Now lets look at the vaccine. Fun fact:
In Germany, a Better Vaccine for Politicians?
Critics are calling it a two-tier health system — one for the politically well connected, another for the hoi polloi. Link
Controversy in Germany over swine flu vaccines Link
Btw, at the end of this article you will read something about Dr Wodarg, an expert they (government, politicians, mass media) destroyed now in the
corona story and call him a conspiracy theorist now because he is not playing their fear and hysteria game like they want it.
Swine flu 2009 - Wolfgang Wodarg and Christian Drosten - who was right?
And how good were these swine flu vaccines at the end?
Sick after swine flu vaccination
Virus protein causes narcolepsy Link
Sick from swine flu vaccination
53 suspected narcolepsy cases registered Link
Dangerous vaccination: Researchers have discovered why some children and adolescents developed narcolepsy Link
Four dead after swine flu vaccination
While President Obama is declaring a state of emergency in the US, skepticism is growing in Sweden. Four high-risk patients died there shortly after
the immunization. Link
Glaxo Smith Kline botched swine flu vaccine
Around 30 million Europeans were vaccinated against swine flu in 2009. Even then, the Pandemrix vaccine was criticized, now there are new
September 21, 2018 Link
SWINE FLU Vaccine will be destroyed
130 million euros end up in the kiln
A very good documentary about the game Drosten, the RKI, the governemnt and politicians, vaccine manufacturers and other profiteurs played back in
2009/2010. I am sorry that there are no english subs:
Profiteers of Fear - The Swine Flu Business
Little hint: It are the same actors that spread the same kind of fear with almost exactly the same words like now in that obscure corona story, it are
the same profiteurs, almost the same politicians, the exactly same script is used. But this time it seems that they don´t stop anymore and just will
establish their wished "new normal", their Great Reset, their New World Order to make the rich richer and to enslave and observe 99% of the earth
This PCR test is a joke to fool the people with horror numbers of infected (which in most cases don´t even feel symptoms, don´t get ill anymore). We
don´t have absolutely anymore horror numbers to report from Germany so the fear spreaders, MSM, are reporting only huge numbers of "newly infected"
from other countries to keep the fear alive. They are doing anything to make protests impossible, protesters and critics of the corona measures and
rules are portrayed as completely lunatic and aluminum hats wearing conspiracy theorists and/or neonazis and rightwingers, reichsbürger etc. Every
critic. Who maybe lost everything because the obscure measures make it impossible to earn money and to survive. Like for millions right now in
Germany. Bars, Clubs, Cinemas, Theatres, everything that has something to do with culture and people having fun in their spare time is dying right now
and leaving millions of people unemployed. These people ,and many more, are not all crazy conspiracy theorists but are hit hard by the "new normal",
by the reality.
Next year, after the Great Reset will be established and after the elections in Germany, their house of cards will collapse faster than WTC7. Millions
will be protesting because they lost everything.
edit on 12 9 2020 by DerBeobachter because: wrong link, excuse my bad english btw...
Did you see they are saying the vaccine will only be 50% effective?
Its so they can pretend vaccines work on Corona even tho that's scientifically impossible.
Meanwhile they can make the fake vacc mandatory and get everyone injecting poisons that cause cancers brain damage genetic deformities and
Everyone will discover they are in the 50% where the vaccine won't protect them as Corona mutates and infects the world over and over again (like it
always has for all human history).
Oh, for some people with a compromised immune system, this virus can be very bad for them. It is not a total con job, it is a disease that can hurt a
limited amount of people. My thoughts is that we should protect those people who are on meds that increase the susceptability or change their
prescription to another med that causes less risk. Of course, the very old without much of an immune system will have to be protected as are people
who take meds to stop rejection of organ transplants, those people don't have an immune system to stimulate. they are at high risk....even the
vaccine will not help those people.
You can consume food chemistry that will actually help you to not get sick very badly, you will still catch the virus but will have less of a risk of
it turning into covid 19. Catching the virus is not a problem for most people with a good immune system, most don't get more than a mild case then
gain immunity. But those at high risk, we need to take care not to spread it to them. Foods like grapefruit and kiwi are good for helping fend off
this virus from getting bad, so would coffee with a little bit of ground Chaga thrown on top of the grounds. A multivitamin with a decent
multimineral included will also help, and vitamin D might be needed if a person is deficient in it. Statins lower vitamin D levels, it is important
to supplement some vitamin d if you take statins, but again, do not take super high doses for too long. Egg white contains a chemical that can lessen
the risk too, so eat eggs over easy or sunnyside up a few days a week if you are not allergic, again, only a little of that chemistry is needed, and
that chemistry is destroyed if the egg white is overcooked, so over easy or sunnyside up works good...a tiny bit of white is always a tiny bit runny.
And if you like scrambled, just don't overcook them. moist is better than rubbery. There are other ways too, I have mentioned all of them before.
PCR is not a great test. It's meant to be used along with clinical diagnosis. The clinical diagnosis criteria is extremely broad right now to the best
of my knowledge.
Interesting fact, I haven't received a HAN Alert (urgent public health messaging) since May.
Epidemiology is far more loose than most people realize. There are diseases that are difficult to test for and pin down. It relies on clinical
diagnosis as much as testing.
This is all irrelevant for COVID. It's not deadly enough to be tracked beyond this phase of it being novel. Any vaccine created for it will have
limited efficacy, offer limited immunity, and it will eventually be part of the normal flu vaccine cycle. When it is seasonally prevalent it will be
added to the seasonal flu vaccine. Otherwise it will be of infrequent consequence.
It's disappointing to see otherwise intelligent people have outrageous reactions to COVID. This is a small blip on a very big radar screen as far as
diseases go.
I agree 100%
Covid-19 in all likelihood will become just another seasonal virus mixed in with the Flu market.
But of course for political purposes lets make a big deal about it for the time being atleast, fear = control.
edit on 12-9-2020 by
asabuvsobelow because: mis spell
The point is that it provides a positive result for someone who may not be contagious. This could occur if testing happens very early in the
infection, or while the infection is declining.
Either way these features make PCR an inappropriate test , and has been so from the beginning .
The General public didn't know this and the Hospitals used what that had available which was the PCR so you cant shame them for that. But the CDC
they new exactly what the PCR was and exactly how it would inflate the numbers and still they did nothing.
Over fifty percent of people have either T cell immunity or antigens from previous similar kinds of viral infections with similar antibodies that can
protect them. So, fifty percent effectiveness is no better than most people's already existing immunity to this virus. They can't really get under
fifty percent because it already is higher than that in the public. The vaccine might not actually do anything except increase the immune systems
reactivity...which many things can do including psyllium Husk chemistry. I think that they may add some squalene to the mix since it would help make
up for the reduced human squalene production from statins.
edit on 12-9-2020 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)
Getting a few issues with these PCR tests. Melbourne is biggest on the radar with all of its lock downs, testing and getting all their kits from China
despite local advice.
How the inventor of these kits said they are not to be used for infectious disease testing is big red flag for ignorance. Studies here in Australia
have found that the small genetic sample these kits do test also match a genetic sequence on Chromosome 8. These kits do not determine the source of
the genetic material, just that a specific genetic sequence is present.
Viral load can be indicated by how many replication cycles are required to make a detection. It can get complicated and tricky, not all PCR tests are
the same.
Fact not Fiction
Jacquie Dundee has a good rant about the Melbourne situation and some PCR kit issues. She does say the virus has not been identified. There has been
some occasional genetic sequencing of the virus come through these boards. Started of with a few strains, up to 4500 genetic variations globally at
last count.
With all the lock downs, censorship, treatment restrictions and threatening medical licences it is quite possible Melbourne is still in the dark with
honest science on Covid. There maybe some good doctors and researchers trying to work it out, can be risky going aginst the will of their pay masters
and the World Bank.
It does appear that these PCR kits are being used as the gold standard to enforce quarantine. With Danial Andrews current road map, lock downs will
not end due to the false positives of these kits alone. The actual effectiveness and error rates of these China PCR kits are still unknown and have
not been publicly measured against any other tests of Covid so far.
Serene Teffaha - China is DNA Profiling through COVID Testing
This is another issue for PCR testing. The same company in China that sold the PCR kits is also building a police DNA database of its population.
Where do you get your orders from Dan?
As for the Australian Policy Research Institute, they are anti CCP, have some fake news / propaganda and Jane Holtan from Event 201 also does some
work there.