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WTH - Prepare For “Sudden Sleepover” In A FEMA Camp For Your School Children

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+16 more 
posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 05:43 PM
What are they preparing for? We know Covid in its current form would not require this level of precaution or the need for "internment". What is going on here? What are they expecting to happen that would require this?

Something is not right with this picture. We had heard about some "camp activation" at the start of the pandemic but this is recent. Are we expecting a new China plague to hit us that we are unaware of or is there another reason?

Something does not smell right here. They are preparing for something else.

The Center for Disease Control recently updated their website advising parents to prepare for a “sudden sleepover” for their children in the case of a disaster, which could include COVID-19. jO6aXbJeFrb4eecKlgG_-wBY0K8

Per the order, anyone testing positive for covid who does not require hospitalization can be ordered into isolation.

Additionally, anyone who has been exposed to COVID and anyone who is asymptomatic but deemed “high-risk” can be ordered to isolation as a precautionary measure.

Students exiting hospitals also could be required to isolate in such a facility, said the order.

Quarantined students cannot leave an isolation facility until they have a written release from health officials. Each educational institution would decide if parents or other visitors would be authorized to enter the facility, per the order.

No isolated or quarantined student can leave the premises to which he has been restricted without written permission, according to the order.

Ohio FEMA Camps – Still More Questions Than Answers

The response from the governor’s spokesperson, “Again, the nature of these shelters is typically for natural disasters. Usually, people seek alternate shelter well before the rare cases where local authorities might condemn a property due to a natural disaster.”

+28 more 
posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 05:49 PM

Quarantined students cannot leave an isolation facility until they have a written release from health officials. Each educational institution would decide if parents or other visitors would be authorized to enter the facility, per the order.

You really want to see violent rioting ?

Start taking kids away from parents. Sh** is about to get real.

+10 more 
posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: infolurker

It's perfectly normal for the government to routinely snag up your children and foster them with or without good cause. We simply call it Child Protective Services when there is not a plandemic event.

+16 more 
posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 05:58 PM
Once they have the children, they have total control over the parents and adult relatives for the vast majority of those children's families. This is diabolical and evil.

posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: infolurker

That's what happened at my work.

When Covid first hit, it started burning through here like mad - remote mine site.
The health inspector came up here, said we are all probably infected or at least exposed and they locked the front security gate so no one could leave.
Even if we lived in the nearby town - 2 hours away.

We were told we were going to be on lock down for 2 weeks.
But the virus kept spreading.
The site nurse was getting over whelmed.
soon 30 of us were showing symptoms.

Then the health unit said our company had to send everyone home, or if we had at risk family at home,
we had to stay at a hotel.

It sucked all around.
We all got paid OT for being in the hotel.
And our meals and snacks and BS were provided.
But knowing we were exposed, when all we were hearing about was the deaths.
Because this happened very early on.

I ended up having it.
But thankfully it was very mild for me.
I only felt like crap at night when I tried to sleep.
If I propped myself up on a few pillows it helped me breathe better.
During the day, I noticed I was clearing my throat often, but that was about it.

(post by TerryDon79 removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 06:04 PM
Imagine the horror of hundreds of Karen’s strapped with AR-15’s and all that ammo they b*tched at their husbands for buying!
It’ll be a swift and sweet evac.

“I know we have orders to shoot sir, but that crosshairs...we were all so confused”
edit on 9-9-2020 by TexasTruth because: (no reason given)

+8 more 
posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 06:06 PM
Uncle Bill Gates already stated that another outbreak would strike again.

He's the leader of the heist so you might as well take his word for it.

posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 06:21 PM

This is NOT the Mud Pit!!!

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Members must also Stay on Topic!!!
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No Political Trolling.....either in words or images.
Is There Civilization Without Civility

You are responsible for your own posts.....those who ignore that responsibility will face mod actions.

and, as always:

Do NOT reply to this post!!

posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 06:38 PM
Wife works in a school, little kids. Just told her, she got mad. My kids already 18 years old and up. I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight if they were younger.

It feels like we're living a missing page of the apocalypse.

posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 06:45 PM
To everyone bitching about people not wanting to wear a mask. I said, what will you do when the government want to take the children to protect them from the virus. Yep really a stupid question wasn't it.

Now how do you feel about being forced to wear a mask over nothing. Give these crappos a mask, and they'll take your kids. I bet the children won't get released back to the parents unless they agree to a "covid test", which I'm sure will fail for any healthy kids that have organs that are needed by certain people. Oh, let me guess... I'm out of line again.

Writing on the wall, but no body knows how to read since the schools are all shut down.

posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: infolurker
What are they preparing for? We know Covid in its current form would not require this level of precaution or the need for "internment". What is going on here? What are they expecting to happen that would require this?

Something is not right with this picture. We had heard about some "camp activation" at the start of the pandemic but this is recent. Are we expecting a new China plague to hit us that we are unaware of or is there another reason?

Something does not smell right here. They are preparing for something else.

The Center for Disease Control recently updated their website advising parents to prepare for a “sudden sleepover” for their children in the case of a disaster, which could include COVID-19. jO6aXbJeFrb4eecKlgG_-wBY0K8

Per the order, anyone testing positive for covid who does not require hospitalization can be ordered into isolation.

Additionally, anyone who has been exposed to COVID and anyone who is asymptomatic but deemed “high-risk” can be ordered to isolation as a precautionary measure.

Students exiting hospitals also could be required to isolate in such a facility, said the order.

Quarantined students cannot leave an isolation facility until they have a written release from health officials. Each educational institution would decide if parents or other visitors would be authorized to enter the facility, per the order.

No isolated or quarantined student can leave the premises to which he has been restricted without written permission, according to the order.

Ohio FEMA Camps – Still More Questions Than Answers

The response from the governor’s spokesperson, “Again, the nature of these shelters is typically for natural disasters. Usually, people seek alternate shelter well before the rare cases where local authorities might condemn a property due to a natural disaster.”

I think this will be in regards to Joe bidens statement he made about sending the children to market, i would Imagine there would be a slaughterhouse close by. Grandma and grandpa libs Would probably keep the children calm with candy.

+14 more 
posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 06:51 PM
I guess once kids inside the FEMA Camps, they'll be forced to get the vaccine.

posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 06:51 PM
a reply to: infolurker

If you ever wondered about who thinks they own the children...

Seriously messed-up !

Either this is gonna get uglier, or it's gonna get even more uglier.

And if it ever ends : it's gonna be ugly as hell...

We all need to support each-other now.


posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 07:24 PM
Sudden Sleepover now headlining Pandemic Tour ‘20

Other bands include:

Setup at the Salon!

Good Trouble

Words are Violence

Tin Hat and the Anti-Vaxxers

Brick Pallet


Social Distance Club

And also, The Disenfranchised and Homeless

festival pro-tip- You don’t wanna miss Brick Pallet!
edit on 9-9-2020 by slatesteam because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 07:32 PM
This is their way of forcing Schools to stay closed. The parents themselves will not wan to send them under this threat, which it is just that a threat!

posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 07:38 PM
Richard Michael DeWine is an American politician and attorney currently serving as the 70th governor of Ohio.

posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 07:38 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Check out Operation Moonshot in the UK. Scary stuff man.

posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 07:39 PM

originally posted by: Trueman
I guess once kids inside the FEMA Camps, they'll be forced to get the vaccine.

Might as well move to China!

posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 08:16 PM
a reply to: infolurker

The two links you provided are conservative sites run by a right wing company called Star News Digital Media Inc. These websites just started in 2018 and are paid for by wealthy right wing PAC’s. They really aren’t reporting anything that can be called news, rather propaganda. It’s all detailed in the link I provided above.

I don’t believe anything in the OP. It is not at all true. Unfortunately, people will believe it and take it at face value.

Remember boys and girls - Deny Ignorance

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