posted on Sep, 8 2020 @ 02:35 AM
a reply to:
When there are so few words, every word counts. When the word is used twice, it is twice as count-y.
What's a tommorey.
When I did a search I got Tom Morey, inventor of the body board.
Here I am in the '70s on my body board.
No. That's not me. That's some Ausie in 2020.
I didn't even have a body board.
Knee boarder, all the way.
Longest rides in San Onofre.
( Onofre rhymes with way)
Okay, here I am in the tube.
No. That not me either. At least it's a knee board though.
Where the heck are all the '70s pictures of me uploaded from cell phones on the internet?
I'm just gonna sit on this beach and start a fire and wait for the technology to catch up.
Where are those matches now?
Oh, @#$%^ They're in my wet trunks.
edit on 8-9-2020 by pthena because: (no reason given)