posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 01:28 AM
Americas disinformation has been exposed to the light of day; finally, concerning its intentional composition of a fake pretext for war. Through the
use of forged evidence to justify a war. Saddam allegedly gassed Kurds in 88, no one cared then, in fact Rumsfeld shook his hand the very same year.
Yet, recently they dug it up the past to justify their actions, and everyone just rolled over. The United States, thanks to Bush and his
administration made the United Nations irrelevent.
Now we're getting involved with Africa. I have my own theories on that. First, We're going to use Conflict Diamonds secured from Africa as a
bargaining chip to have organizations do our dirty work for us, like we did with the Taliban and Northern Alliance. Secondly, we're dumping billions
of dollars into Africa for Aids. I think that is to buy the support of Africa, and erase African dissent towards America, also by generating a
dependence on Western medicine for them to cope with their diseases, thus earning a new revenue for american drug companies.
I also think we're using any excuse necessary to place troops at strategic locations around the world to prepare for a new world order, or something
else just as sinister.
Who knows? "It's not that bad," said the Wiseman, "It's worse."