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Now hear this, Vitamin D study stunning results

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posted on Sep, 7 2020 @ 02:06 AM
I was watching this guy at the beginning. He was a doom-sayer. He seems to have at least change his key if not changed his tune.

I'm amazed not so much at what he says, but the tone.

posted on Sep, 7 2020 @ 02:21 AM
I have been taking vitamin D (3000 IUE) DAILY and feel great....much better than before I was on ut.

I highly recommend it...

a reply to: anonentity

posted on Sep, 7 2020 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: Lumenari

Or you have medical conditions and live in Texas where it's over 100F.


posted on Sep, 7 2020 @ 09:56 AM

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: drewlander
a reply to: one4all

Not quite. If you live at the equator maybe you can go outside 15 minutes to get enough sun for vitD, but not as far north as I am in Iowa. Im not even sure eating meat is enough because im not sure there is all that much meat in meat these days given the pink slime situation. Also i found its often injected with saline. If you are going to take a vitamin d supp in any case, i would get it in liposomal form. I take Dr Mercolas from fresh thyme store but any reputable brand should be good.

The human body is able to produce as much as 10,000 IU to 20,000 IU of vitamin D3 in just 30 minutes

You only need to do that 3 times a week.

If you can't spend 1 1/2 hours outside under the sun in a week then your problem is much more toxic then a mere vitamin D deficiency.

It is poor lifestyle choices.


Ehh, i wouldnt say thats entirely true. I’m in NW Washington and work nights. So during the winters he have very short periods of daylight. I end up getting to sleep near sunrise and wake up well after sunset. I am in great shape. I go to the gym regularly(all of my lifts are high advanced level, almost elite, in terms of bodyweight to weight lifted) and take decent care of my body, but i am well aware i am a rare exception. Only two out of the 12 or so coworkers i have, take care of themselves as well or better than i do. Sometimes its circumstantial.
Now if i still lived in Arizona or so, then yes, not spending much time in the sun is more than likely some very bad lifestyle choices.

posted on Sep, 7 2020 @ 09:10 PM
Where I live, I can only get adequate Vitamin D about 3-4 months out of the year. I get out a lot in the summer, and spend a lot of time outdoors. But in the fall and winter, there won’t be enough sunlight for me to get any Vitamin D from it. I’m looking at supplementing as the days get shorter. I just have to find the right dose. I don’t want to take too much. I already get 200% of the RDA of Vitamin D from my multivitamin. In addition, I take supplemental zinc, krill oil, tumeric, probiotics, and garlic for my immune system. My multivitamin also has 250% of the RDA of Vitamin C, and it has a mushroom immune boosting complex. So I think I’m doing all I can.

posted on Sep, 7 2020 @ 10:39 PM
a reply to: ChiefD
So, your multi has about 1600 IU of D3?
Not too bad, but did you read this post and it's links?
Also, does your multi have vitamin K?

We don't get out enough in the summer anymore, and take 2000 IU in the summer.
We take 4000 IU from October to April.

And the older you get, the more you need of most supplements.
Except vitamin A, IIRC.

posted on Sep, 8 2020 @ 05:44 AM
It’s not smart to OF on vitimans just to be safe. Remember how everyone freaked out about fishbowl cleaner? a reply to: infolurker

posted on Sep, 8 2020 @ 07:43 AM

originally posted by: drewlander
a reply to: one4all

Not quite. If you live at the equator maybe you can go outside 15 minutes to get enough sun for vitD, but not as far north as I am in Iowa. Im not even sure eating meat is enough because im not sure there is all that much meat in meat these days given the pink slime situation. Also i found its often injected with saline. If you are going to take a vitamin d supp in any case, i would get it in liposomal form. I take Dr Mercolas from fresh thyme store but any reputable brand should be good.

Northern Canada....then make it 30 minutes in the sun outside....every day as a maintenance routine.....add a small amount of meat....if you begin to feel under the weather then consider supplemental VitaminD from these sources or from another which may use a Liposomal carrier of any kind there are different liposomal carriers.

With the Vitamin D its a case of regular maintenance so the tank is full if you get dont want to get sick with already low levels or BECAUSE of vulnerability caused by abnormally low levels......because the Bug steals it for fuel.

Meat is always a scary proposition if you dont raise and harvest it yourself( grass fed grass finished)....even at that there is a conspiracy behind it because really we need the fat not the meat....I cook my meat in fluids and then dump the flesh and enjoy the rest.....the meat is bad for us long term but they teach us its the fat thats bad for us.......reallly.....we desperately need the fat and the meat/flesh is nothing but a bunch of packaging that we do not need. The meat is the package the Fat comes in not what we need to eat.

posted on Sep, 8 2020 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: puzzled2

@ Luminari commentry.

You only need to do that 3 times a week.

If you can't spend 1 1/2 hours outside under the sun in a week then your problem is much more toxic then a mere vitamin D deficiency.

It is poor lifestyle choices.


edit on 8-9-2020 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2020 @ 07:58 AM

originally posted by: SocratesJohnson
a reply to: one4all

I thought that advice was only for white people

Vitamin D being racist in blacks, especially farther away from the equator, Means more blacks arelikely Vitamin D deficient, and should supplement more

I would call that a genetic pre-disposition...not a finite reality....that can be changed over time and circumstance....hence the amounts stored and consumption ratified in the body may be slightly different according to bodily requirements connected to geography and exposure no one is Vitamin D deficient by birth.....they can be less prepared to live in certain areas because of how their body is pre-disposed to carry and ration VitaminD and its simply a matter of degrees and circumstance but the process remains the same.....keep your Vitamin D levels up to a healthy level to be prepared for a Vitamin D suckin Pleomorphic Bacteria that could try to steal matter where you live.

Supplementing more is not needed....unless you are suffering symptomology that evidences a need for supplements.

How we absorb and store is defining ... and these are minor differences that are geograhiclly designated but that we can change over time.....but that are important to understand.

posted on Sep, 8 2020 @ 08:20 AM
a reply to: one4all
IIRC, if you live north of Boston MA, the days of the sun are too slanted from October to April to provide adequate D3.
Supplements are needed.

posted on Sep, 8 2020 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: Rob808

What are you talking about?
No one buys their supplements from the pet aisle at Wal-Mart.
edit on Tue Sep 8 2020 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2020 @ 09:14 AM

originally posted by: DontTreadOnMe
a reply to: one4all
IIRC, if you live north of Boston MA, the days of the sun are too slanted from October to April to provide adequate D3.
Supplements are needed.

Vitamin D can be gained from Sun-Meat-Plants......if you do not eat meat or Plant based sources and only rely on the sun I see your point....but most people are intaking amounts of Vitamin D in many ways besides only Sun....if we ONLY CONSIDER SUN as the single source then possibly you do not get enough overall in certain areas.....and could require reach normal carrying capacity...with regularity.

If we consider Meat-Plant sources to be supplemental ...ok....I am with you.

We need to understand normal carrying capacity to know what normal levels should be....this has to happen before we consider supplementing.....supplementing will provide no benefit beyond maximum carrying capacity.

Its not about how much we have in us its about how much we have in us every single we deplete it and how we rebuild we recognise the need to short fill the tank with regularity then watch for signs it is depleting.

If we have exposure to some sun...some Meats...some Plants....we get balanced intake....and have a very good chance of maintaining a full tank all the time.

Your geography will as DontTreadOnMe and others are showing define how much of your daily requirements you can expect to gain from periods of sun would be cool to see a Graph of this for everyone to use. In many areas it seems sun might not be enough to fill the tank every day and alternative sources must be found to reach normal daily carrying capacity.
edit on 8-9-2020 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2020 @ 06:31 PM
a reply to: one4all

But you should realize that many of us do not eat as well as we could.
Somehow I doubt highly processes foods and meats retain much of their vitamins and minerals.

posted on Sep, 8 2020 @ 06:45 PM

originally posted by: DontTreadOnMe
a reply to: ChiefD
So, your multi has about 1600 IU of D3?
Not too bad, but did you read this post and it's links?
Also, does your multi have vitamin K?

We don't get out enough in the summer anymore, and take 2000 IU in the summer.
We take 4000 IU from October to April.

And the older you get, the more you need of most supplements.
Except vitamin A, IIRC.

Yes, I checked that out. Yes, my multi has 1600 IU of Vitamin D. It also has 100% of the RDA of Vitamin K.

The multi I take is specifically for those 50+. I’m having my annual physical in October. I’ll be checking with my doctor about supplementing with Vitamin D to make sure it doesn’t interact with any of the meds I take.

posted on Sep, 8 2020 @ 07:56 PM

originally posted by: DontTreadOnMe
a reply to: one4all

But you should realize that many of us do not eat as well as we could.
Somehow I doubt highly processes foods and meats retain much of their vitamins and minerals.

That is absolutely correct.

When I researched the 2 longest lived Groups of People on the Planet one of the Keystone commonalities I noted was a source of highly mineralized water they drank and fed to their Gardens and crops.

De-mineralization of our foodchain is a massive problem.....that is just another part of the overall conspiracy designed to keep us ill and run down so we are more needy of medicines and treatments and less likely to recognized the threats to us all and rebel.It doesnt help that we are told to eat the wrong foods...for example the Green top of a carrot is full of Vitamins and the orange bottom half is full of bad sugars.....but ask any kid what a carrot looks like and they will describe the ORANGE root 1/2....which is the part Power-Marketted to us....same with beets and other foods that we are "mistakenly" taught to eat the wrong parts of and the wrong ways.

Our water and food both need to have the Vitamins advertised and also be adequately mineralized.

posted on Sep, 8 2020 @ 09:08 PM
There is a problem with vitamin d that most dont know, it`s the biological body process that can be compromiced with toxicity....and we really have toxicity problem in out toxic World.

People who live in areas that have high intensity of Sun and also spend time enough in the Sun can have vitamin D deficiencys. So it`s not anymore a situation that depends only how much everyone can get D from food or Sun, but also can body process / make the biological things it should in body.

I guess measuring blood vitamin D would be good idea. But does anyone know is there problems with measuring it ? I mean that if i remember right, there is issue with vitamin b 12 for example....body has inactive and active b 12...but the test dont really show how much person have inactive and active b12 , so a test can show to doctor that person b12 has nice amount of b 12 , yet if only litle amount is active ,person can still have symptoms from b 12 deficiency.

posted on Sep, 8 2020 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: Kenzo

The funny thing is all people that have cancer and COVID who are hospitalised have low vitamin D . This begs the question especially after reading an article on Prostate cancer, where in a few patients removal was advised, and then being put on vitamin D as they were deemed to be low, went on a wait and see for a year, when after the Doctor seemed to think removal was no longer required. It might be assumed rightly or wrongly that the increase in cancer might well be a depletion of this essential vitamin as food has become more industrialised.

posted on Sep, 8 2020 @ 09:30 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: Kenzo

The funny thing is all people that have cancer and COVID who are hospitalised have low vitamin D . This begs the question especially after reading an article on Prostate cancer, where in a few patients removal was advised, and then being put on vitamin D as they were deemed to be low, went on a wait and see for a year, when after the Doctor seemed to think removal was no longer required. It might be assumed rightly or wrongly that the increase in cancer might well be a depletion of this essential vitamin as food has become more industrialised.

The same causality is consuming the Vitamin question up is.....what is the byproduct of that consumption?...whats the easiest way to tell if something is breaking down your VitaminD? Cat can bury his personal business and so can I and we can hide the presence and decomposition of said deposits within other biological proesses underground......things like Pleomorphic Bacteria cannot do this.

posted on Sep, 8 2020 @ 09:32 PM
a reply to: anonentity

Very good point, sick body deplete Vitamin what an amazing nutrient if it even remove cancer.

The liver has Cytochrome P450 enzyme, which has something to do with vitamin D, and toxicity can effect that enzyme...maybe that has something to do with cancers .

This reminds me, i need to take my daily D

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