Here is further evidence, including Joe Biden and co-conspirator The Washington Post, participating in the deadly Covid-19 global attack, courtesy of
very astute ATS researcher, "CrankyOldMan".
Does The World Bank Website List "COVID-19 Test Kits" Before 2019 & Is There More To The Story?
The Last American Vagabond has a 10 minute dig into this story. He is not fully certain with what is going on, does show this data does link to other
websites and is run by the WHO.
One theory he presents is that PCR test kits have recently be renamed to Covid19 test kits. This theory is not as bad as the WHO preparing the last
two years for this pandemic. It is still a troubling situation with the psychological campaign to solely focus on Covid19 while PCR kits can detect
many other things.
With this volume of good traded over the years, there will be other evidence around for the planning of the pandemic, like Event 201 as one example.
The warehouses that store and distribute these goods will be one good place to check if covid19 equipment has been in the works for years.
Just rechecked the link to the website and the description of the data has been changed from "COVID-19 Diagnostic Test instruments and apparatus" to
"Medical Diagnostic Test instruments and apparatus".