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UFO Animal Reaction Research.

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posted on Sep, 3 2020 @ 03:59 PM
Quite a number of pretty bizarre UFO animal reaction cases out there and research scientist Linda Zimmerman goes into quite some detail about the subject in the interview below.

From 10:30

Guest Linda Zimmermann to discuss the reactions of animals during UFO sightings, which may provide clues to the nature of the phenomenon and how to conduct better research. So many sightings occur because the witness was alerted by a dog barking, or barnyard animals making sounds of alarm, but that aspect is usually just a brief mention in reports.

Back in the day Joan Woodward also conducted some great research which can be found on the NICAP website - the file 'Animal Reactions to UFOs: A Summary of the Evidence' can be found at the bottom of the link below and there"s also an interesting one about fish reaction here.

This page represents the work being done by Joan Woodward (Animal Reaction Specialist) and Jean Waskiewicz (NICAP's Computer Database Specialist) and is under construction.

Joan Woodward's excellent report us linked below. This is summarized version from the original paper, Animal Reactions to UFOs: A Preliminary Investigation from the Animals' Perspective, MUFON Special Publication, July 2005, 60 pp, published as a submitted paper in the 36th Annual International UFO Symposium, (2005) pp. 229-278.

link / Info

Plenty of cases out there but If anyone's aware of any other relevant examples then please post away - always found it a bit freaky that directly after the Stanford incident Louise Smith's pet parakeet was 'terrified of her'.


And that after Robert Taylor's UFO encounter his dog refused to leave the house for months afterwards.


The Mellen's family dog also seemed a bit freaked out

She saw the same or a similar silver domed disc, now hovering over some evergreens.  She went inside for heavier clothing and when she came out she brought the family dog with her. As they walked toward the evergreens, the dog gave a big yelp and started to whine and paw at her ears and then became completely still.  Jane carried the dog back into the house because she refused to move.


And also quite a few cases involving strange cattle behaviour like in the Rosedale, Godfrey and Edwin Fuhr cases.

During the time that 5 flat bottomed, spinning domed objects were hovering 12 to 18 inches above the grass, cattle in a nearby field were reported to have been bellowing and to have broken through a fence in four places. Observations of the objects and of the cattle were made independently by different people. The direction in which the cattle were moving relative to the objects was not stated.



edit on 14-10-2021 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2020 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: karl 12

Thanks, always a great contributor....

posted on Sep, 3 2020 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: karl 12

One theory that keeps popping into my head regarding the animal reactions, i.e. nature going silent, birds stop chirping, insects going silent etc. is that when the craft is present near you, you are entering it's time-field. If it's true that these craft can generate immense amounts of gravity, that gravitational-generating force will affect space-time.

So, it's not that the animals have stopped making noise, it's that time has slowed down, or stopped altogether. And because of that, you're not hearing anything.

Just a theory.

edit on 3-9-2020 by NightVision because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2020 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: karl 12

Holy freaking stars and flags Batman!

Thank you Karl! I’m drowning in political madness!!!

I’ll shut up now and do some reading. I already knew your thread would be amazing after reading past the title and author.

🍻 to old time ATS!!

posted on Sep, 3 2020 @ 06:01 PM
I have been in the woods and taken note of odd silence.
There was no wind.
Everything went still and silent.
My dog was very uneasy.
She was whining at a low volume.
When I tried to comfort her she rolled on her back and pissed herself.
I was awake all night with a shotgun at the ready.
Come sunrise, the birds started singing and there was a sense of peace restored.

posted on Sep, 4 2020 @ 09:18 AM
Thanks for the replies and certainly some pretty fascinating content found in the Zimmerman interview (especially dog behaviour involved in the Saturn shaped UFO incident and the cats reacting to the red spherical object) - also interesting that bizarre animal behaviour (and the Oz factor) is also reported in Missing 411cases, Bigfoot sightings and ye olde Faerie lore.

originally posted by: NightVision

One theory that keeps popping into my head regarding the animal reactions, i.e. nature going silent, birds stop chirping, insects going silent etc. is that when the craft is present near you, you are entering it's time-field.

Very intriguing theory mate and Gort once made a pretty remarkable (and relevant) post here which may be of interest - Alfred over at RealTVUFOs has also put together this very handy search page.

Focus On UFO Incidents Involving Animal Reaction


posted on Sep, 5 2020 @ 07:10 AM

originally posted by: NightVision
So, it's not that the animals have stopped making noise, it's that time has slowed down, or stopped altogether. And because of that, you're not hearing anything.

You wouldn't see anything either, right?

posted on Sep, 6 2020 @ 05:41 AM

originally posted by: KKLOCO

Thank you Karl! I’m drowning in political madness!!!

No worries mate - pretty curious aspect to the UFO mystery and some of the reported animal 'reactions' are pretty compelling (and pretty bizarre) - also interesting to note that it didn't seem to matter what UFO shape was being reported.

NSID Listing of Animal Reaction Cases (PDF File)

Woodward Summary (PDF File)

Thought this case was an intriguing one and there's a good thread below from Orkojoker.

UFO Case Directory (Animal Effect Cases):

“Redlands, California
February 4, 1968”

“Animal Reaction Feature:

Between 7:20 and 7:25 p.m. in a residential area, many people over several streets came outdoors because of the unusual barking of the dogs in the neighborhood and/or because of an unusual sound. A circular object at an estimated altitude of 300 feet was seen moving slowly to the ENE.

Joan Woodward, Animal Reaction Specialist:

It is estimated that 200 people saw or heard this object, including four University of Redlands professors (geology, mathematics, chemistry, and art) who became involved in the investigation. The object’s size was estimated to be 50 feet in diameter. It had lights on the base that appeared to expel jets of orange flame, and it had lights on the top that alternated red and green, giving the impression the object was rotating.

The object flew slowly for about a mile, stopped and hovered briefly, jerked forward, hovered, and then shot straight up at high speed.


Also interesting that some witnesses reported the 'hair on their arms standing up' or being 'sick to their stomachs' as I suppose human beings can be classified within the animal kingdom as well.

Human Related Physical Effects of UFOs in Close Proximity - A CATALOG OF UFO-RELATED HUMAN PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS

edit on 6-9-2020 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2020 @ 07:09 AM
Strange rabbit case from England, November 20:

Animal Reaction Feature:

Between 5:30 p.m. and 5:45 p.m. (dusk), the Milakovics and their son were driving through an area with fields on both sides of the road. They noticed first one rabbit and then several more scurry across the road from left to right. Looking left, they saw a brilliant object in the field to the left.

Joan Woodward, Animal Reaction Specialist:

The Milakovics stopped their car and got out as the object rose slowly and flew over their car. Doris Milakovic noticed the air temperature felt warmer as the object flew over head..


Source / free E-Book (public domain)

Keyhoe, Donald E., and Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., 1969, Strange Effects from UFOs, Washington, D.C., NICAP, pages 29-30 (PDF File)

Australian UFO freaks out cattle - also possible water collection.

About 1 a.m. on a clear, calm, moon lit night, George Blackwell, 54, farm hand and caretaker, was awakened by a screeching whistle and the sounds of cattle bellowing and of a horse running about as if panicked.  Looking out, he saw the cattle up in one corner of a paddock and the horse was running in a circle in a small paddock.  He also saw an object with lights moving 8-10 feet above the ground.  It was not illuminating the ground.  For about 2 minutes, still making a whistling sound, the object moved about, passing near a shed, a hedge estimated 500 feet away, and a silo, and it hovered for a minute over a water tank, before settling on the ground.

Dressing and going out on his motorbike, Blackwell rode toward the landed object, which was continuing to make a whistling sound.  Stopping to open a gate, a disturbed cow, frothing at the mouth, came through the gate and hid itself in an adjacent shed.  Blackwell rode his bike to 50 feet from the object and watched until it took off.

A week after this event, cattle were still having to be rounded up to the east (at the end of a large paddock), and the stock would not go near the area of landing, marked by a dark ring on the ground.


posted on Sep, 7 2020 @ 07:36 AM
Another Australian AR water case - December 30th, 1995:

Seasonal parties, previously well behaved, suddenly erupted into antisocial behaviour. Residents reported their animals cowered and hid, and many dogs howled for no apparent reason. Car patrols were dispatched from one spot to another as the object moved back and forth over the area.All callers gave the same account of a saucer-shaped craft, 20 to 30 meters across, surrounded by bright white light, and with intense shafts of light that penetrated the foaming water below, or when away from the water, once the shafts of white light were off, underneath was a red glow or flashing red-orange lights.The event largely died out around dawn at 5am, after Police units had been dispatched on over 35 calls..


Bluebook's Dr Hynek describes the Iowa Toll Gate UFO incident (involving rabbits).

posted on Sep, 7 2020 @ 12:08 PM
Daylight disc freaks out farm animals - Saskatchewan, Canada - February 19, 1968.

A small domed disc moved about a farm at very low altitude for 20 minutes during the noon hour. There was a penetrating high-pitched whine. 

When the object first appeared, a dog was seen cowering and lying in the snow, trying to cover its ears with its paws (possibly this could be translated as rubbing its face and ears with its paws--jw).  As soon as the object left, the dog wanted to get into the house.

Sixteen head of cattle, loose in the farmyard, bolted when the object moved into the area. 
They entered the cattle sheds and did not emerge until at least a half-hour after the object disappeared

NICAP New Look Report

UFO freaks out cattle - New York, August 19, 1965.

A 3-year-old Holstein bull was secured to a steel bar outside of a dairy barn containing 17 cows. About 8:20 PM, Harold Butcher, 16, was operating the milking machine when the radio had static-like interference and the tractor motor running the milking machine cut off.

The bull made a noise “like I have never heard come from an animal before.”

Harold looked out the window at the bull, which was trying to get lose, and he saw an elliptical object nearing the ground with a “beep-beep” sound about a quarter of a mile away (1320 feet).
After hovering briefly on or near the ground, the object shot up into low clouds.

As the object rose, the noise pitch increased to a level approximating a sonic boom. The cows produced only one can of milk that evening rather than the normal 2 ½ cans. Later examination of the bar to which the bull was secured found it bent.

The object was metallic-looking, football shaped, and estimated to be 50 feet long and 20 feet thick. A reddish vapor was emitted from the bottom area and when the object rose, the red vapor shot toward the ground and bounced back toward the object.


Some interesting reading on Security Guard UFO sightings:

A number of years ago, a security guard working the late shift at Cairo Mill in Waterhead Oldham Greater Manchester, England, heard a noise outside the mill. Investigating he saw a saucer-shaped craft with a large window, thirty meters in diameter and lit with a blue light hanging over the building. After five minutes, the strange object shot up into the sky and disappeared. That was not the only thing that disappeared that night. Apparently the factory cat disappeared also at the same time.

Professional Security - Unearthly Encounters - UFOs and Security Guards by James Foster Robinson

edit on 29-7-2023 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2020 @ 09:42 AM
a reply to: karl 12

Great Thread Karl and no shock there either!

What I think is interesting to ponder in regards to "animals reactions to UFOs" - is to consider the reactions of animals to more earthly events too. Events such as earthquakes and other similar things...

It has been widely documented for many years - some even going back thousands of years - the reactions that animals have to naturally occuring disasters, sometimes seemingly hours or days before. It would be interesting to cross-reference the studies carried out in that area - with the UFO events to see if there is any correlation in the behaviour of animals.

The issue, as always with not only UFOs but the animal aspect is a lot of the time, all you are left with is are anecdotes and theories. If it was proven that animals were acting oddly in a supposed UFO encounter - but then the UFO encounter was debunked, where would that leave us?

An interesting thread Karl, that's for sure and I cannot recall seeing one discuss such topics as this before - or - for a very long time.

edit on p43917202400 by pigsy2400 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2020 @ 09:54 AM
Sad tale of dog passing away after UFO encounter (details of autopsy found at link) - sourced from APRO Bulletin, August issue, 1977.

Angel Maria Tonna, a 52-year-old rancher, and his foreman, witnessed a fiery disc-like two plates placed face to face hovering a short distance above the ground behind the barn. The cows “were going crazy” and all the dogs were barking. The object approached, and Tonna felt electric shocks that went all through his body and a very intense heat hit him. Three days after the event, Tonna’s dog, who had been 15 from the object, was found dead. 


His dog Topo (Dunce in Spanish) who was a constant companion during Tonna's walks around the ranch, was with him. "Then I heard a noise" he said, and he saw a fiery disc like two plates placed face to face hovering a short distance above the ground behind the barn. He stood and watched the object until his foreman told him the cows were running away, then he noticed that the cows "were going crazy" and all the dogs were barking.

At this point, the disc began to move in a southerly direction, breaking off the branches of a tree near the barn. The object displayed a rocking motion as it flew, and stopped and hovered over some trees about 100 yards south of the barn at an altitude of about 60 feet. It stayed there only a moment, then moved east another 75 yards or so, and stopped above a concrete bath that the cows were forced to walk through to disinfect them.

By then, Tonna and his dog, a 60-pound black and brown police dog, had run back to the west side of the barnyard and climbed back over the fence. The light from the object illuminated the whole barnyard, and Tonna said he felt attracted to it. Tonna and Topo walked a few feet toward the UFO and it made another turn and began moving toward them. It came to a stop about 60 feet from them and Topo ran toward it to attack it and protect Tonna, but stopped and sat on a small mound about 15 feet from the object and looked up at it and howled.

When the object started moving toward Tonna, he noticed six beams of light "like small wings" - three on each side. At that point, Tonna said, he felt electric shocks which went all through his body and a very intense heat hit him. He flung his arm up over his face to shield his eyes. He said he felt attracted to the light and couldn't move. "I don't know if I couldn't move or didn't want to," he said.

After several minutes the object began moving away, turning from its original bright orange color to red. It increased its speed as the color changed and when it got to the forest about a half a mile to the south, it was out of sight..

Following the incident the dog would not eat or drink. He moved around normally but stayed in the house all day, which was unusual. On the morning of the third day after the incident, Topo was found dead on the same mound where he had sat and howled at the disc.

1977: Dog dies after close encounter on ranch in Salto, Uruguay

Another strange dog death reported by Henrico County Sheriff A.D. "Toby" Mathews  - Source: The Richmond Times-Dispatch.

"I happened to look up and there was that UFO right above the cornfield, it was just hovering right up above the power lines" about 200 feet in the air, Mathews said.

The craft, which Mathews described as white and about 30 feet in diameter, made hardly a sound and emitted no light. The object was about 4 or 5 feet wide at its widest point, which was in the middle, he said.

"It was just like the ones you see on TV," Mathews said. "It was a bright moon that night," so he got a good look at it.

Mathews said he ran back inside his house to get a flashlight, and when he returned and shined it on the craft, the UFO turned slightly, emitted a burst of light and "took off like a bullet, just tremendously fast."

Mathews said he rechained the dog and went to bed after the craft disappeared, and he got up about 5 the next morning and went out to check on his dog. He let it run loose for a few minutes, as was his routine, but the dog didn't come back.

Mathews said he canvassed the area, but the dog was nowhere to be found. When he returned home, he was startled to find his dog lying motionless in the middle of the road just beyond his circular driveway. He was dead.

"He didn't have a mark on him -- no blood, no singe [marks], no nothing," Mathews recalled. "It looked like he almost was sleeping. And whatever killed him, they had taken his chain collar off" and dropped it on the shoulder of the road. "I couldn't believe how it got off him like it did."

Sheriff reveals 1966 UFO encounter and death of dog

posted on Sep, 9 2020 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: pigsy2400

It has been widely documented for many years - some even going back thousands of years - the reactions that animals have to naturally occuring disasters, sometimes seemingly hours or days before. It would be interesting to cross-reference the studies carried out in that area - with the UFO events to see if there is any correlation in the behaviour of animals.

Hola Pigsy and thanks for the post mate, it certainly would be interesting to cross reference those studies and have always held a bit of a fascination with tales of bizarre animal behaviour down the ages - when it comes to the 'early warning' aspect then did think Zimmerman brought up some intriguing factors like mechanoreceptors in the beaks of birds and magnetoreception molecules found in the eyes of dogs (and primates) so there definitely appears to be something going on.

As for UFOs, have read quite a number of global accounts describing 'all the neighbourhood dogs barking' just prior to or during a sighting; dogs going rigid, cowering or covering their ears also seems to be a thing - as does refusing to go outside afterwards (or refusing to go near physical trace evidence) - also thought it interesting the Woodward Summary file brought up some simultaneous UFO AR reports and described how the majority of them occurred at relatively close range.

originally posted by: pigsy2400

The issue, as always with not only UFOs but the animal aspect is a lot of the time, all you are left with is are anecdotes and theories.

As always mate but like with other research threads involving global reports and strange aspects like pendulum motion, colour change during acceleration, solid light beams, water collection, stopped watches/clocks etc it's always interesting to see just how many are out there (a lot).

originally posted by: pigsy2400

If it was proven that animals were acting oddly in a supposed UFO encounter - but then the UFO encounter was debunked, where would that leave us?

Fair point and if genuinely odd animal behaviour was observed during the close range sighting of say a weather balloon then false positives always have to be factored in - also relevant that Zimmerman discusses the flipside in the Willis interview and proposes how AR may be used to expose pseudosceptic 'force fit' debunks.

originally posted by: pigsy2400

An interesting thread Karl, that's for sure and I cannot recall seeing one discuss such topics as this before - or - for a very long time.

Cheers pal have been looking through quite a few UFO report websites (well, the ones that haven't been deleted yet) and UFO animal reaction does seem to pop up quite a bit.

Don't know if you've looked into the research of Stan Gordon and the ex intel/police/military personnel involved in the 'Westmorland County UFO Study Group' but there are some relevant reports on the site and an interesting, recent one below.

Low Level UFO Encounter with Strange Electronic and Animal Affects Reported near the Chestnut Ridge in Pennsylvania

The passenger was confused about what she was seeing since it looked so unusual. She saw what appeared to be a glass tube cylinder among bright lights that seemed to be covered with a smoke or haze. The cylinder appeared to be attached to a large V shaped object with several rows of different colored lights.

The driver pulled the car over and stopped the vehicle so he could view what the other person was watching. The man said he was amazed when he looked up and noticed the odd sight in the sky approximately 80-100 yards away from the vehicle. Hovering about 60 feet over the trees was a very strange looking object in the shape of a V. The V shape was made up of numerous small rectangular shaped white lights. These lights were glowing but would brighten and dim at times. The driver estimated that there could have been 50 or more lights. The object was estimated to be about 40-50 feet long.

Above the smaller lights were four larger round lights that were strobing and orange, blue, red, and green in color. The brightness of these colors appeared pale compared to the smaller rectangular white lights. These lights seem to strobe from left to right. There was a larger light that produced a beam that was scanning the sky above the object.

The driver lowered the windows as they continued to watch the object. The two observers were amazed that the hovering object was completely silent. As the witnesses continued to watch the object, some odd affects took place. The driver stated that it was as though “the electronic system of the car was having a seizure.” The radio was off at the time, however they suddenly began to hear an odd clicking sound inside the vehicle but they were unable to locate the source. At the same time it was noticed that the dash lights were dimming on and off with the beat of the clicking sound. The driver also stated that soon after he was having a problem with his cell phone dropping the signal several times.

The observers watched the object for about 3 minutes but became very disturbed by the encounter and decided to leave the area and continue down the road. The passenger stated,  “we were beside ourselves in awe.” They didn’t even think of trying to take a picture.

The object was still hovering as they began to drive down the road going about 30 miles per hour. That is when something else strange occurred. About 30 seconds after they left the location of the observation, a deer ran out from the woods in front of their car. The driver of the car is an experienced outdoorsman and said the deer looked dazed and confused. It was moments later that another deer did the same thing. Then just a short distance down the road a bird hit the car windshield and continued on..


posted on Sep, 12 2020 @ 01:50 PM
More on Linda Zimmerman's research into UFO animal reaction (focusing on dogs).

One of my favorite NICAP case involves “Thunder,” the 175-pound Great Dane who “went crazy” barking by the sliding doors toward the woods of his Sandy Hook, CT home at 8:30 pm on the night of March 31, 1983. After several minutes of incessant barking, his owner went to see what was causing Thunder so much distress. There was a massive V-shaped craft which remained hovering in the sky for 20 minutes. Thunder “appeared fearful and barked” the entire time, and the next day he refused to go outside. Anything that would provoke such fright in a 175-pound dog would certainly be enough to make me think twice about going outside!

I recently interviewed a woman from Cresskill, New Jersey who had a German Shepherd named Hans, who had a similar reaction back in 1968. Hans was just two years old; strong, and very protective of his owner. While walking Hans near a schoolyard, the woman and her friend spotted a dumbbell-shaped craft hovering silently over the school field. They were mesmerized by the sight, but their “trance was broken” by Hans, who was “cowering, trying to dig a hole in the dirt on the side of Rose Street (which was unpaved at that time) and whimpering.” This fearful reaction by the usually fearless dog caused them all to run for home.

Another dramatic case involved a golden retriever in Putnam Valley, NY in the fall of 1984. The witness, “Joe,” told me that one night his dog began to whine, so Joe assumed he wanted to go out. However, when he opened the back door, the dog began to tremble and whine even more. Joe finally got the dog outside, where he promptly curled up into a tight ball and whined in terror. It was then that Joe noticed the entire sky above him was blacked out.

A massive black triangle, “the size of two football fields,” was hovering no more than 250 feet above him. Yelling for his wife, she came out and was also stunned and frightened by what she saw. The craft “just sat there” over them for at least five minutes. A week later, strange figures began appearing by Joe’s bed at night, he developed uncontrollable nose bleeds, and this activity continued until the following summer when he finally decided to move out of his house. Perhaps Joe should have paid more attention to his dog!

Another case I just covered in my new book “More Hudson Valley UFOs” involved four witnesses on a hot, summer night in 1988. The four friends were by Lake DeForest in Congers, NY—a location I have written about on several occasions, and where I had my own intense experience. The dogs in the neighborhood “began howling crazily” and then an odd “snake-like” UFO appeared in the sky with alternating red and green lights composing the “body,” with a bright, white beacon at the “head.”

Throughout the sighting, the “Dogs were barking and howling and making a total racket,” one witness told me. Another witness described the incredible sounds as “The dogs of Rockland (County) going out of their skulls.” As dogs are capable of hearing at distances four times greater than humans, and can hear at much higher frequencies, can we conclude that these craft—which are often silent to us—are emitting sounds that are alerting our dogs to their presence long before they come into our view? Should investigators consider utilizing sound detectors in the roughly 20,000 to 60,000Hz range to replicate the superior capabilities that dogs have over us?

There were other cases of dog reactions with which I have dealt that may bear this sound theory out. During a cold winter’s night in 1985 in the town of Wallkill, NY, a man told me his dog “was barking frantically outside.” He tried several times to quiet the dog, to no avail. Then a 40-foot diameter sphere of multi-colored lights appeared over a field across the street. This bizarre craft, which looked like a “massive ball of Christmas lights” began rotating and moving, almost as if it was rolling down the field, only it definitely remained above the ground. After this craft “shot straight up into the air” and was gone, an enormous triangular craft passed directly over his house. How did the dog know these craft were in the area before they could be seen, and why was he so frightened by them?

More recently, on January 4, 2013, a man in Pine Bush, NY, who works in law enforcement, couldn’t get his dogs to stop barking out in the yard. As he was trying to calm them down, he realized “There was something huge in the sky that blocked out all the stars.” The object was an incredibly large, silent rectangle at an altitude of about 200-250 feet. There were several white lights along the edges, one in the center, and one red light, as well.

Finally, there is the remarkable case from Monroe, NY in 1982. A woman, Donna, was in bed with her husband when her two Samoyed dogs “started going crazy” as if there were intruders in the house. Donna tried to wake up her husband, but he somehow remained in a deep sleep despite all the barking.

“Then there were these bright lights shining in the bedroom window, as if a Mack truck had just pulled up.” The next thing Donna knew was that it was morning. Her skeptical husband didn’t believe a word of what she told him about the dogs and the lights, and her being unable to awaken him—until he went outside to look for any signs that something had been there.

Running back in the house, white as a sheet, he told Donna that the huge pile of sand that was in the driveway (which was going to be used for a construction project) was completely gone. All that was left was a few concentric circles of sand which had been compressed and fused into the blacktop! Fortunately, they had the presence of mind to take photographs, so we can estimate the size of the outermost circle, which was about 12 feet in diameter. And while the original circles have been paved over, Donna told me that I would be welcome to uncover and study them, if I can find the appropriate scientific team to do it.

So what are we to learn from “man’s best friends” and their reactions to UFOs? They are able to sense a lot more than we are, and can sense whatever it is at greater distances and long before our eyes and ears can pick it up. Researchers and investigators should always include questions about witnesses’ pets, as well as inquire about the reactions of birds, livestock, wild animals such as deer, and insects.

There is more to UFO phenomena than we can probably imagine, but with the help of the faithful family dog, perhaps we can gain a little more insight and knowledge into the nature of the phenomena.

Unable to link

posted on Sep, 14 2020 @ 11:38 AM
March 15, 1965 - Everglades UFO case involving claims of man being knocked unconscious by UFO light beam- physical trace evidence and animal reaction also reported.

As he neared the object, Flynn saw the craft was not a plane, but a large, cone-shaped machine hovering a few feet above the ground. The craft was about 75 feet in diameter at the base and 25-30 feet high. Four rows of ports of windows were visible, with yellow light shining through them. Flynn heard a whirring like 'a diesel generator,' which disturbed one of his dogs 'who was howling in his cage and trying to get out', but could observe no equipment or occupants.

After several minutes, Flynn approached the craft, Within 200 yards of the UFO, jumped out of his swamp buggy, stepping into the circle of light and raising his hand as a friendly gesture in case he was being watched. As he did this, the UFO emitted a jet-like noise and a blast of wind that knocked him off-balance. As he continued to approach within a few yards, the UFO emitted a light beam like a welder's torch, striking him on the forehead and knocking him unconscious. Later he told the local newspaper "I felt a blow like a sledgehammer between the eyes, and that's all I know."



posted on Sep, 15 2020 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: karl 12

Great topic, Karl. Really love your UFO research threads. When looking at animal reactions and other patterns often observed during UFO sightings, it almost seems as if the phenomenon has its own unique "fingerprint". It's a bit like investigating the traces left behind at a crime scene, figuratively speaking.

Not sure if it was mentioned, but James McCampbell (as you probably know) also did some related research in his book "Ufology" (Chapter 6, Physiological Effects"). There's a whole section on how animals react in certain cases including some interesting thoughts on what could cause them to act as they do when UFOs are around.

Here's an excerpt:

Ufology - Animals Too

Both a man and his dog were temporarily paralyzed, at the same time, when an object dived down toward them and then climbed back into the sky. It was luminous and white, a condition seen previously to coincide with the strongest emission of microwaves. In this case, the man and the dog were about equally susceptible to the induced paralysis. While there is no laboratory evidence of microwave paralysis in humans, experiments on small animals have produced motor paralysis that disappeared when the exposure was terminated.

Some cases he mentions include other patterns as well, like color change, which is where things get even more interesting. Again, great thread and thanks for sharing!

posted on Sep, 15 2020 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: NightVision
a reply to: karl 12

One theory that keeps popping into my head regarding the animal reactions, i.e. nature going silent, birds stop chirping, insects going silent etc. is that when the craft is present near you, you are entering it's time-field. If it's true that these craft can generate immense amounts of gravity, that gravitational-generating force will affect space-time.

So, it's not that the animals have stopped making noise, it's that time has slowed down, or stopped altogether. And because of that, you're not hearing anything.

Just a theory.

When my mom and I saw a UFO back in 1988, it followed beside us for about a half mile to a mile and then it hovered silently over the trees just across the street. Very small country town, and when you don't hear crickets at night (anytime not in the dead of winter), you'll remember that night because of eerie it feels. When I got out of the truck, it was almost as if I was floating in a dream and there wasn't a single sound around us. No crickets, no barking dogs in the distance, nothing. Just dream like. Years later when I asked my mom about what she remembered, she recalled that moment and said it felt like we were in a vacuum and that's why it scared her so bad. I was 9, don't remember being scared, I just wanted to stare at it but had to run into the house. It took me a few seconds to get to the closest window but the UFO was gone.

posted on Sep, 17 2020 @ 09:00 AM

originally posted by: jeep3r

When looking at animal reactions and other patterns often observed during UFO sightings, it almost seems as if the phenomenon has its own unique "fingerprint".

Hey Jeeper there certainly does seem to be patterns in reported UFO behaviour mate and many thanks for providing that James McCampbell link - had read the book many moons ago and forgot it contained some truly relevant content - great post and a great read for anyone interested in the subject.

Under circumstances clearly indicating a landed UFO was nearby, a Canadian woman heard knocks at her door. Her dog rushed forward, then suddenly retreated, trembling as if terrified, and retired into a comer. (67)

When a man opened a door to investigate the cause of his dog's howling outside, the animal crawled in on its belly in abject terror. The man found a UFO and its pilots outside. (68)  One of several dogs owned by a witness was so terrified that it ran into a barbed wire fence; the others whined while cowering on the ground. (69) 

A dog became disturbed in a car when a UFO was first sighted. By the time the driver was flagged down on the highway by the UFO people, the dog was lying in a tight ball under the seat, trembling violently. He was still cowering there two hours later..(70) 

A Frenchman out hunting with his dog saw two people climbing out of a small UFO on the ground, 40 meters away. He fled, but his dog, running toward the UFO, soon retreated, walking as though he were partially paralyzed.. (71) 

Three very fierce dogs inside the house, and two dozen fowls outside, were for forty minutes cowed and paralyzed by a vivid hot beam of light, varying in color from red to violet, directed at the house from one of a number of UFOs nearby. As the revolving beam returned and caught the dogs through the windows, they became apathetic and silent, recovering slightly in the intervals.. (72)

Physiological effects among animals are by no means limited to dogs. Among the 200 cases under study, influences were also noted upon wild birds, pigeons, ducks, geese, chickens, turkeys, sheep, cows, horses, and cats. All these creatures are severely agitated by UFOs and they seem to fear them. A cat, hissing and spitting, leaped into the air and then hid under a bed, (75) sheep stampeded, (76) cows in the field panicked and ran away, (77) horses reared up and cattle did everything but turn somersaults, (78) and so on..

Some of them may have been paralyzed. With a whistling sound, a UFO landed in a meadow in Denmark. The witness became paralyzed when he approached within 50 meters and observed that nearby cows seemed unable to move. He further noted that birds had stopped singing.. (79) 

A UFO was spotted one night standing on three legs on some railroad tracks 300 meters from a man's home. It rose silently while a dome on top started to spin and the legs retracted. It was gone in 20 seconds. The next day, the witness inspected the site with his dog. There were no marks or traces, but one sniff sent the dog dashing away, howling.. (81) 

A thick, gray disc coming straight down over a farm in Australia threw all the animals into a panic. For several days the cows could not be herded into the paddock over which the UFO had hovered. (82) similar aversion was demonstrated by some cattle in Iowa. In the middle of the night, a cigar-shaped object remained on the ground for 20 minutes amidst a vivid, red illumination, crackling noises, and the odor of ozone. In the morning the cattle were found to have bolted to the end of the pasture, from where they refused to budge toward the landing site for feeding. (83) 


Also always found the 1952 Flatwoods case a real interesting one and when a large, rounded, black object (pulsating cherry red and pale orange) was observed by several witnesses on the top of a hill, did find it relevant that it's stated two police dogs refused to go up it the day afterwards.


• Also claims of missing metal and liquid samples and restricted documents involving the Pentagon and DSI giving 'utmost priority' to the lab analysis of the subject samples.


posted on Sep, 17 2020 @ 10:34 AM

originally posted by: LSU2018

When I got out of the truck, it was almost as if I was floating in a dream and there wasn't a single sound around us. No crickets, no barking dogs in the distance, nothing. Just dream like. Years later when I asked my mom about what she remembered, she recalled that moment and said it felt like we were in a vacuum and that's why it scared her so bad.

LSU2018, you and your mum are really not alone in describing that aspect and there are many (many) other similar UFO reports out there - researcher Jenny Randles coined this specific term for it back in 1983 and there's a good breakdown here.

UFO Reality (1983) British ufologist Jenny Randles noted that some UFO witnesses experience a "sensation of being isolated, or transported from the real world into a different environmental framework. . . . I call this the 'Oz Factor,' after the fairytale land of Oz."

Oz Factor


• Close range UFO encounter by Police Officer George Wheeler involving EM effects, lightbeams and a hose like appendage protruding from the object - dogs at a nearby farm were also reported to be barking and 'acting unusually weird' that night.

Wheeler would further recall that the main exterior of the craft was indeed a metallic silver color, the top was a brilliant glow of orangey-white. In fact, he would claim staring at this top part was “like looking into the sun” such was the brightness. Furthermore, it was huge. At least around the size of a two-story house.

Perhaps of most interest was the black hose-like appendage. Wheeler claimed it projected downward into the trees below. Whether it went all the way to the ground is unknown. There are, however, several close-contact UFO sightings featuring similar “black tubes”. Most often, these devices are seemingly used to extract water from a supply on the ground, either a water tower or even a lake or river, for example.

The George Wheeler UFO Sighting

edit on 17-9-2020 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

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