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Bob Lazar's hand scanner

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posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 04:39 PM
As most people will have read about at some time or another, the well known Lazar claimed that while working at 'S-4' part of the process involved using a hand scanner (Identimat). There has been some speculation and controversy over this subject. The piece of equipment was even featured in a Spielberg movie years previously. Others say but that doesn't mean he copied the film, Spielberg himself even stated the use of this equipment in the film caused him some attention from an alphabet agency.

well I read this article today.

This article states the very same hand scanner was used (to some varying degrees of success) by the staff who were working on site during the development of the stealth technology that is now very well known. Of course back then, this was the stuff of sci-fi and ultra top secret.

What are the chances here. Did Bob strike lucky again, or is it no coincidence that the facility he claims to have worked at was, in fact, using the security equipment that he described?

posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 04:48 PM
a reply to: sg1642

Your source is from 2018.

So is this:
edit on 8/28/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: Phage

Not verbatim but essentially what he described was a device with pins on that measured the length of the bones in the hand and used a very bright light on the hand. I could find his original description of needed?

His original claims were made in the late 80s not recently.

edit on 3251642 by sg1642 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: sg1642

I could find his original description of needed?

Sure. Since his claims about gravity being a wave have also been retroactively distorted to fit reality it might be instructive.

But even if he did work for Kirk Meyer at Los Alamos, it doesn't back up the other, rather large holes in his tale.
edit on 8/28/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 05:34 PM
The biometrics hand and finger scanners today blow those things away. Next they should put a mechanism that would send a spike needle through the hand for any imposters or people who try to get in, maybe one for the eye scanner, that would deter a few.

posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 06:16 PM

The scanners were especially troublesome for the F-117 program's Materials Application Repair Section (M.A.R.S.) personnel, better known as "Martians," who labored tirelessly to keep the stealth jet's radar absorbent—not to mention toxic—skin in perfect order. Cuts, contusions, blisters, and broken digits were very common among them, making getting past the Identimat a futile proposition at times.

That's interesting.

posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 09:55 PM

originally posted by: sg1642
As most people will have read about at some time or another, the well known Lazar claimed that while working at 'S-4' part of the process involved using a hand scanner (Identimat). There has been some speculation and controversy over this subject. The piece of equipment was even featured in a Spielberg movie years previously. Others say but that doesn't mean he copied the film, Spielberg himself even stated the use of this equipment in the film caused him some attention from an alphabet agency.

well I read this article today.

This article states the very same hand scanner was used (to some varying degrees of success) by the staff who were working on site during the development of the stealth technology that is now very well known. Of course back then, this was the stuff of sci-fi and ultra top secret.

What are the chances here. Did Bob strike lucky again, or is it no coincidence that the facility he claims to have worked at was, in fact, using the security equipment that he described?

The same hand scanner showed up in the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", as well as "Popular Electronics" magazine, which Lazar surely read at the time. Do the math.
edit on 28-8-2020 by FosterVS because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 11:29 PM
I believe Lazar

posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 11:45 PM
a reply to: sg1642

I believe Bob Lazar is telling the truth.

edit on 29-8-2020 by 19Bones79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2020 @ 04:47 AM
a reply to: FosterVS

You're missing my point here. I even mentioned the very same thing as you in my original post. Perhaps you need to 'do the math?'

What I am pointing out is the very same hand scanner was in use during the have blue project which is quite a coincidence.

I'm not starting lazar is telling the truth, there are many holes in his story. What I mean is every now and then something pops up that supports his story. Such as pentagon released video footage showing a craft flying belly first, just like he described, or this hand scanner that did turn out to be used in area 51. If he's a fraudster then he is a fairly smart one. If you are reading about it in popular mechanics, that does not mean it's in use at Area 51.

posted on Aug, 29 2020 @ 02:22 PM

originally posted by: 38181
The biometrics hand and finger scanners today blow those things away. Next they should put a mechanism that would send a spike needle through the hand for any imposters or people who try to get in, maybe one for the eye scanner, that would deter a few.

Yes. Every person that would be expected to use it.

It's comparable to shooting a person that enters your house. "Oh, well, it's my house, why not, what's his businessin my house, right?" - well, sometimes people drink one too many. Or are nearsighted and confused by the similarity of modern houses. Or are simply senile.

FYI, even the current stuff still frequently fails (false positives, false negatives). So, what are you going to tell a person who was blinded by a device by accident? "oh, well, you have TWO eyes, don't you" ..?

posted on Aug, 29 2020 @ 05:41 PM

originally posted by: sg1642
a reply to: FosterVS
...or this hand scanner that did turn out to be used in area 51. If he's a fraudster then he is a fairly smart one. If you are reading about it in popular mechanics, that does not mean it's in use at Area 51.

You have any proof at all that these hand scanner were ever used at Area 51?
1) the Tonopah Test Range ISN'T Area 51. The Drive article you reference claims the hand scanners were used at the TTR during the testing of the F-117.
2) he IS a smart fraudster, I will give him that. Maybe he got the hand scanner story from the same place he got the moniker S-4 from - his father-in-law at the time, who worked at the REAL Site-4, which is east of the TTR.

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 04:11 AM
christ I cant believe we are going over this again...

the hand scanner - that also just happened to be in the most successful Extraterrestial movie of all time "Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind"

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 06:21 AM
a reply to: sg1642

Why do people continue to believe him hes been caught lying so many times. The last one was his claim the FBI raided him over element 115,

This fool makes a huge deal over it but actually told the truth on redit but then lies thinking people would not notice he contradicted himself.scroll to the bottom and look at his picture the idiot

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: dragonridr

I know - its the UFO meme that wont die...

posted on Sep, 11 2020 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: Phage

i believe he belives what he is saying, for the most part.

he lied on his CV and got outed but all the other stuff as far as what he say, i belives that he belives what he saw was ET

what a great counter Intel than that, heck in the movie mirage men Dotys AFOSI buddy said they would even go as far as letting people believe a black project was from Venus and they might even fuel that suspicion

posted on Sep, 12 2020 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr
a reply to: sg1642

Why do people continue to believe him hes been caught lying so many times. The last one was his claim the FBI raided him over element 115,

This fool makes a huge deal over it but actually told the truth on redit but then lies thinking people would not notice he contradicted himself.scroll to the bottom and look at his picture the idiot

" “They asked to go upstairs with me and commented on the location of the 115 and Jeremy,” said Lazar in an interview."
Riiiiight. Upstairs = where handily there were no witnesses to the incident. Per the article, this would be the 3rd time Lazar was raided for selling stuff he probably shouldn't have been.

posted on May, 29 2021 @ 06:42 PM
Seems somebody found they had used one in a movie, and latched onto it as (somehow) evidence he was lying. (He wasn't)

Funny thing is, when he first made the claims, nobody brought this movie up. Instead, they either said he was 1) lying or 2) went so far as to claim it was impossible. No different than those who refuse to tackle the exhausive statement he made in regard to the physics of the craft's operation.

Debunkers have a way of latching on to the most mundane and unimportant connections to make their shaky cases a little less shaky.

posted on Jun, 8 2021 @ 04:04 PM
Even if Lazar had the 115 in his hand on camera, it still wouldn't be enough to prove anything to anyone, including the skeptics on this thread. Even if a person on this thread had worked for the Govt in this capacity and had seen alien tech or entities, there would be no way to prove it on this thread. That's the singular aspect that few here fully grasp.

posted on Jun, 8 2021 @ 04:17 PM

originally posted by: JBurns
Seems somebody found they had used one in a movie, and latched onto it as (somehow) evidence he was lying. (He wasn't)

Funny thing is, when he first made the claims, nobody brought this movie up. Instead, they either said he was 1) lying or 2) went so far as to claim it was impossible. No different than those who refuse to tackle the exhaustive statement he made in regard to the physics of the craft's operation.

Debunkers have a way of latching on to the most mundane and unimportant connections to make their shaky cases a little less shaky.

Agreed. While Lazar's claims don't necessarily prove anything, the fact that the hand-scanning machine is used in a movie doesn't disprove his claims either.

Lazar has co-workers/personnel who've testified off the record as to him being at 51 where and when he said he was. That testimony wouldn't have much effect here, though. It's just 'he-said/she-said' to the skeptics.

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