+2 more
posted on Aug, 28 2020 @ 11:43 AM
Hello ATS!
I've been a member here for 10 amazing years. As a woman, I'm sending a shoutout to my brethren here for being gentlemen and never giving me that
"uh-oh feeling." I don't always agree with your opinions, and some of you can be curt at times and even a$$hole-ish in your replies, but never
ONCE have I been creeped out by my interactions with you. You never send me weird, intrusive questions via private message, and I don't ever get the
sense that you treat me differently because I am a woman. I've been treated like any other voice here, and I thank you for that.
Why is this noteworthy, you ask? Why am I compelled to thank you for your perpetual common decency? Well I'm glad you asked, because I need your
advice! See, I love to play Words With Friends. I'm quite addicted to it, and often have 10-15 games in play at a time. The issue is, most of your
"brethren" who request a game with me start to say things in chat that have nothing to do with the game, and often make me uncomfortable.
Usually starts with "Where are you playing from?" which is cool, because I like the fact that people from all over the world play this game and I
enjoy that multi-cultural aspect. I usually answer "South Carolina, you?" But many men start off with something like, "Hello dear..." and start
messaging multiple times a day with stuff like, "How did you sleep last night, dear?" (would they ask a man that?)
Often they ask if I'm married, which I reply "yes, you?" Some follow up with "Happily?" Some immediately resign the game. Some say they are
divorced or widowed and lonely (I mean, I'm a nice person... I don't mind polite conversation with a lonely person, but I'm really just in this for
the challenge of the game... not to find a penpal!) If I don't reply at all, some say things like, "Why are you ignoring me?" or the keep posting
"Hello" "Hello" "Are you there" every few hours or days. One particular guy, even after telling him I'm married (to which he said "does your
husband know how lucky he is?" I mean dude, I could be a lunatic axe murderer and my husband could be buried in the back yard. You don't know is
he's lucky to have me or not, lol.) But anyway, he requests my email address to get to know each other better and wants to chat on zoom and exchange
pics AFTER I told him I'm happily married and prefer to just play WWF. If he wants to hook up with a woman, there are dating sites galore... Words
With Friends is not the place!
Never once has a woman on Words With Friends communicated anything other than game dialogue. ("Nice play" or "Good Game" or "Is that a word,
lol?") I suppose I could just decline any game requested by a man, but I'd hate to think that's the only option. There ARE decent guys I play who
are in it for the game and challenge my game skills.
I'd like to know, do you have any advice for me? Anything I can say up front that is to the point but not rude (in case man in question is not one of
THOSE men.) Imagine I'm your sister, or mom, or any other female in your life you care about... what advice would you give?
Thanks again for your respectfulness to me. Where will you go when ATS closes its doors? How will I find you amongst the creeps, lol...