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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - §29§ -

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posted on Sep, 27 2020 @ 03:11 PM

posted on Sep, 27 2020 @ 03:35 PM
Had a set of lucid dreams last night but one nugget thought came out of the final one:

We were getting a new focus of posts on Gmail drafts that were making clear that it wasn't just Obama's cabinet and tech companies using drafts to inter-communicate - this was also their method of reporting upwards to the families... with a specific emphasis on Obama reporting progress to P and to C.

I'm not sure we've considered this fully yet.

Why would Eric Schmidt place the gmail server in North Korea if it was solely for the unofficial comms of Obama's cabinet?

It would make a lot more sense that deep state's "management operations" was in NK and Obama's cabinet was just one feed into that, through gmail drafts.

I would expect similar feeds from: European Union, UK, France, Germany, China, Russia, Armenia, Iran, Syria, Israel, Australia/NZ, South America, Africa, Antarctic, Moon, Mars, etc.

Which brings me on to another question: How is the deep state management organisation set up?

We know there are 12 bloodline families plus UK/Merovingian royals.

From 275:
We know Banks control governments.
We know S.A. controls elected people.
We know Soros controls organisations.

Typically an efficient management team consists of 5 to 8 reports, once you get to 15 it's less controllable. So who are these reports in each of the 3 control spheres above?

posted on Sep, 27 2020 @ 03:36 PM

edit on 27-9-2020 by FlyingFox because: #FREEDOM

posted on Sep, 27 2020 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

EMN, POTUS self-retweeted that drug test one - just upoading it now but DELTA seems to be 00 04:59:11...


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 70edc0 No.173382 📁
Dec 25 2017 15:57:38 (EST)
10, [10-9]
Floor is yours.
Twitter FW_
Twitter [kill_rogue]


Timestamp encodes tomorrow, Sep 28th.

Sep 28th followed by 10 days darkness takes us to October 9th = [10-9]?

edit on 27-9-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2020 @ 03:54 PM

This isn't a game
Turn the safety off
Still we want more, so the beat gets faster
Everyone must play cause fame will find you
Put your face on the cover of a loaded magazine
We're proud of ourselves
Our greatest inventions, methods of killing, have reached perfection
All the players marching to a different drum
The rhythm of the war dance
And the beat goes on

- "Victory Not Vengeance Nation"

posted on Sep, 27 2020 @ 03:57 PM

posted on Sep, 27 2020 @ 03:59 PM
Chief of Staff Mark Meadows says a big announcement is coming tomorrow. I wonder what it is?

posted on Sep, 27 2020 @ 03:59 PM
Did not know this about San Francisco until 5 minutes ago:

Myth #1: According to Israeli-American researcher Arvrahaum Segol, this design was not in error as claimed by the naval base. According to Segol, these buildings were a tribute to former Nazi scientists who built the V rockets. The V rockets were long-range artillery weapons designed for strategic bombing during World War II, particularly terror bombing and/or aerial bombing of cities.

According to Naval Public Affairs Officer Steve Fiebing [from letter excerpt above]: "The original plans submitted to the Navy for the project included... a single "L"-shaped 3 story barracks. The plan called for the "L"-shaped dormitory building to be repeated three times and placed at 90-degree angles to the central buildings."

Myth #2: The building WAS intentionally designed to look like a swastika and the two buildings next to it are designed as bomber planes flying towards it as a symbolism of destroying the Nazis. After examining the two buildings next to it, they definitely resemble airplanes! I believe this rumor over the other.

edit on fSundayAmerica/Chicago0804699 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2020 @ 04:04 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
In a real world a person who got no votes, whose party base despises her, whose persona is grating and insufferable, would recuse herself from voting because she is now the Presidential Nominee.

One: Already decided. Two: That decision is SOLEY based on the desire to put her own nominee up when she is "elected". This conflict of interest is the exact definition of conflict of interest - she did the same during impeachment.

In a real world this despised candidate would have resigned in order to appease renOgade's crew and run - despite the disdain for her, but instead she's spent two years away from California campaigning in front of a dozen people or so at at time so she could be backdoored into the position of Presidential Nominee by Appointment.

Immoral, unethical, inexplicable.

Candidate Harris' Twit Drivel

Uh, that's *my* seat on the Supreme Court, that as a citizen I *allow* my elected officials to fill. I just let Ginsberg sit there during her appointment.

Idiots, every one of them.
edit on 27-9-2020 by LanceCorvette because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2020 @ 04:32 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox

Going hot next

posted on Sep, 27 2020 @ 04:57 PM
The secrets of Alice in Wonderland

I found this article interesting, relevant, and purely by chance. (Or did I?) It’s from 2015. Some highlights. But if you’re into the mystical inner workings of the mind/imagination then have a click and read the whole thing.

It is now one-and-a-half centuries since Alice first made that journey – and Carroll’s humble tale has inspired countless films, paintings, and even a ballet. What is less well known is the way it shaped our understanding of the brain. Not just Freudian psychology and analysis, but modern neuroscience. Memory, language, and consciousness: long before we had the technology to map the brain’s Wonderland, Carroll was already charting its contours with his playful thought experiments. “It explores so many ideas about whether there’s a continuous self, how we remember things from the past and think about the future – there’s lots of richness there about what we know about cognition and cognitive science,” says Alison Gopnik at the University of California, Berkeley

The White Queen and mental time travel

“It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards,” the Queen remarked.

“What sort of things do YOU remember best?” Alice ventured to ask.

“Oh, things that happened the week after next,” the Queen replied in a careless tone.

Later on in her journey, Alice has lengthy discussions with the White Queen. She is one of Carroll’s most baffling creations, claiming to have a strange form of foresight. In fact, her comments on memory are themselves surprisingly prescient. “Since the mid-2000s neuroscientists started to realise that memory is not really about the past, it’s about helping you act appropriately in the future,” says Eleanor Maguire at University College London, who often uses the White Queen to illustrate the idea.

“You need to project yourself forward to work out the best course of action.”

One possibility is that we imagine the future by pulling apart our recollections and then piecing them together in a montage that might represent a new scenario. In this way, memory and foresight use the same “mental time travel”

“There's no use trying,” Alice said: “one CAN'T believe impossible things.”

“I daresay you haven't had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”

Continuing her exploration of human imagination, the Queen extolls the virtues of thinking about the impossible. The passage speaks to Gopnik, who first read Alice when she was three years old and now spends her career studying how we build our imaginations.

She has found, for instance, that children who play pretend and practice “believing the impossible” tend to develop more advanced cognition. They are better at understanding hypothetical thinking, for instance, and they tend to develop a more advanced “theory of mind”, giving them more astute understanding of other people’s motives and intentions. “A lot of what they do in pretend play is take a hypothesis and follow it out to the logical conclusion,” says Gopnik. “What’s interesting is that Carroll was also a magician and you can see that same ability to take a premise and to take it out to a crazy conclusion.”

to think theres not frankenscientists out there studying the Q phenom insults my own theory of mind

Bet they love my posts 😎

posted on Sep, 27 2020 @ 05:02 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
Chief of Staff Mark Meadows says a big announcement is coming tomorrow. I wonder what it is?

That a big announcement will be coming Tuesday and Tuesday’s big announcement will be , there will be a big announcement Wednesday and so on and so on....

posted on Sep, 27 2020 @ 05:16 PM

originally posted by: Aallanon

originally posted by: carewemust
Chief of Staff Mark Meadows says a big announcement is coming tomorrow. I wonder what it is?

That a big announcement will be coming Tuesday and Tuesday’s big announcement will be , there will be a big announcement Wednesday and so on and so on....

I have to agree that the ongoing foreplay and super secret big announcement tomorrow thing is getting pretty GD old.

I'd rather they just STFU and let it happen.

posted on Sep, 27 2020 @ 05:30 PM
Trumps taxes have been obtained by The NY Times. Let the crap-storm ensue.

posted on Sep, 27 2020 @ 05:33 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

History has shown that Trump doesn't tweet *anything* that doesn't eventually turn out to be true.

posted on Sep, 27 2020 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: Trillium

Wait for it.

posted on Sep, 27 2020 @ 05:37 PM
The Q bunny just keeps going...kinda like Trump. He's on tv more than actors. Don't know how he does it.

posted on Sep, 27 2020 @ 05:54 PM
BOMBSHELL: Federal intelligence officials cloned phones to surveil and map entire structure of Antifa / BLM terrorist operations in preparation for mass arrests

posted on Sep, 27 2020 @ 05:57 PM
WOW Enjoy The Show

Buckingham Palace FOR SALE? Royal residence listed by estate agent for EYE-WATERING price
BUCKINGHAM PALACE has been featured by an online estate agent who estimates the royal residence is worth a staggering amount of money.

posted on Sep, 27 2020 @ 06:05 PM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

During Trumps presser a little while ago, the big news for Biden is that Hunter used Air Force 2 to fly to China. So now there is word by the Administration that a Government jet was used by a private party to conduct private matters, or does this mean that Obama and Biden allowed Hunter to go to China an receive a bribe for them on their behalf? Either way, letting his son use Air Force 2 for a private matter, or to receive a bribe from China for the administration are both illegal acts.

Sorry Joey-Joe this time claiming that you didn't know what your kid was doing isn't going to fly.

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