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Kenosha Riots look closely

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posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Watched both nights on live streams. If your implying that white supremacy was to blame for last night I would say depends on what you consider white supremacy. It was not kkk members or neo nzi types it was leftists. There was a caravan of BLM and other leftist groups coming in from Chicago and surrounding areas to victimize the area. Police even closed off most exits to stem the flow but seemed to forget Waze is a thing these days.

This is and has always has been a concerted effort by those on the left to make the United States ungovernable and soon they shall reap what they sowed.

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 01:45 PM
If some remember that Smithsonian graphic, now removed, a lot of this stuff could just as easily be written by a white supremacist.

Take a gander here, where even newsweek had some unanswered questions about it.

Only real difference is that an overt white supremacist would say most of that stuff is good & absolutely "whiteness." Whereas the anti-racists imply that stuff like that is bad and still absolutely "whiteness."

I would argue that those traits are not exclusive to any skin color, and that many are actually good & typical behavior for any healthy society throughout all of human history. Bland food sucks though.

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 01:45 PM

originally posted by: Mandroid7
I thought 75% of blm was twitter-fed, white, junior college twinks.

I thought it was mostly aug and db?

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Why would White Supremacists burn down a city when a black man is shot? Just please answer me that question.

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: matafuchs
a reply to: JAGStorm

Why would White Supremacists burn down a city when a black man is shot? Just please answer me that question.

They wouldn't.

Anything to shift the blame from the criminals actually doing it. And the Democrat elected officials cheering them on.

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 02:11 PM
Maybe someone can explain how Gravity Gaming Lounge was racist and had to be looted and destroyed.

I'm next door and have been looking for a place like that to hang out at and meet new people.

They've stated that they won't be reopening. How was this store involved with the police brutality? How was taking all the merchandise and "loot" part of fixing racial tensions in America?
edit on 8/25/2020 by Nivhk because: Autocorrects

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 02:28 PM
I have a good idea why riots are not met with dogs and rubber bullets fire hose or gas this time around. Probably the same reason why they’re not labeled ‘they’ or animals this time around maybe...

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 02:39 PM
Ive noticed (to me at least) a severe disconnect in our thinking..

One side says because some part of the day is peaceful we must ignore it all..

Other side says the riots at night mean we should stop it all...

least that is what it feels like to me, yet when the cops are talked to they know who is there during the day and then comes back at night so why not remove the trouble makers so you can let the peaceful people protest and cut the leadership of the riots?

especially this junk in wisconsin the cops were called for a domestic dispute, suspect was waving a knife ignored the cops and said he had a gun in the car and was going to get it, justified shooting but the media refuses to run the whole story.

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 02:41 PM

originally posted by: matafuchs
a reply to: JAGStorm

Why would White Supremacists burn down a city when a black man is shot? Just please answer me that question.

The left's narrative is that the white supremacists are doing the rioting and violence, but making it look like the other side is doing it. All part of the white power guys' plan to kick off the civil war, tha race war, whatever.

There are many videos where the offenders are clearly black and antifa types, but the lefties will insist it was white supremaciists.

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: oasisjack

"Anti-racists" are absolutely racist, and arguably white supremacist (just not the traditional variety).

Open these raised fists, palm down and.. Bobs your uncle.

It just doesnt have anything to do with the "right" and the tenets are all reversed in word, though precisely the same in results. They want to "tear it all down" because "oppression," in order to create a system designed for total, absolute subjugation from the ground up. Traditional goals with some extra steps that somehow confuse everyone. Probably most accurate to call it: totalitarianism that leverages centralized systems to control the populations words, thoughts, and deeds in totality and perpetuity.

The biggest threat and concern is the institutionalized support for all of this, imo. None of this would be happening without DAs releasing everyone, mayors/governers telling their police to stand down, and media gaslighting everyone.

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 02:53 PM

originally posted by: odzeandennz
I have a good idea why riots are not met with dogs and rubber bullets fire hose or gas this time around. Probably the same reason why they’re not labeled ‘they’ or animals this time around maybe...

Number 1
What you describe were not riots.
They were nonviolent peaceful protests.
The use of means you described was awful.
Tho it would be appropriate to stop these ACTUAL riots.

You people are simply upside down about everything.

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 02:53 PM
If you've watched any of the riot streams over the past couple of months, you've seen white people making up a significant portion of those burning/destroying property. Depending on the area, it's a majority.
The vast majority of them are marxists and anarchists. BLM lays the "peaceful protest" cover, while coordinated groups of mostly white leftists destroy black neighborhoods and scream in the faces of black cops. In places like Portland, the line of cops is often more diverse than the mostly white rioters calling the black officers race traitors.
Not to say black locals aren't participating, especially in the looting, but white leftists are playing a significant role in the organized aspect of these riots, specifically in the provocation of police and destruction of property.

Pretty sure this has been extensively discussed, going all the way back to Ferguson.

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 02:54 PM
Like Burdman, I watched some of the streams last night (Wake Up America, I think it was?) He stream-hopped, and perspective is everything -- compared to other streams in other cities he piped in, Kenosha's mangy destructo-rats were majority black. They can't bury this one.

originally posted by: 38181

originally posted by: Mandroid7
I thought 75% of blm was twitter-fed, white, junior college twinks.

Aka, basement dwelling hot pocket eaters angry Vegans.

FTFY. I find it to be of no coincidence that the hissy fitters also tend to be buried under piles of kale and tofu, too.

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 03:16 PM

originally posted by: elDooberino
If you've watched any of the riot streams over the past couple of months, you've seen white people making up a significant portion of those burning/destroying property. Depending on the area, it's a majority.
The vast majority of them are marxists and anarchists. BLM lays the "peaceful protest" cover, while coordinated groups of mostly white leftists destroy black neighborhoods and scream in the faces of black cops. In places like Portland, the line of cops is often more diverse than the mostly white rioters calling the black officers race traitors.
Not to say black locals aren't participating, especially in the looting, but white leftists are playing a significant role in the organized aspect of these riots, specifically in the provocation of police and destruction of property.

Pretty sure this has been extensively discussed, going all the way back to Ferguson.

I can't argue with anything you've said.

I would like to add that most of the extreme violence causing bodily harm to others has been perpetrated by black criminals though.

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Thanks for the link. I must have missed it all I saw were animals trashing cars at a dealership. On the other hand I saw some pretty sweet scott presler videos from that link. I have to say he's bad ass.

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

They're not white supremacists in the usual understood manner. They're white allies, and BLM is not a racial movement about racism so much as it is a communist revolution taking place.

Understand that Critical Race Theory and Social Justice are the means by which communism is seeking to tear down the US. They could not affect a workers' revolt here, so they moved on to racial and sexual grievance groups using CRT and Intersectionalism. The panacea to it is Social Justice and Equity (not to be confused with equality).

This is a cultural revolution on par with Mao's Red Guard in a way and it will be just as poisonous if we allow it be.

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 03:29 PM
I was watching last night and some guy named Reggie asked a BLM guy what he thought of the fires and he said that it was crazy that antifa was starting fires

Soon we will see these groups go after each other.

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 03:29 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: JAGStorm

They're not white supremacists in the usual understood manner. They're white allies, and BLM is not a racial movement about racism so much as it is a communist revolution taking place.

Understand that Critical Race Theory and Social Justice are the means by which communism is seeking to tear down the US. They could not affect a workers' revolt here, so they moved on to racial and sexual grievance groups using CRT and Intersectionalism. The panacea to it is Social Justice and Equity (not to be confused with equality).

This is a cultural revolution on par with Mao's Red Guard in a way and it will be just as poisonous if we allow it be.

I'd go a touch further and sum it up by saying they took cues from the Bolshevik's economic drivel, AND the Red Guard's socio-cultural cleansing.

If the shoe fits, start calling everyone supporting it Mr/Mrs Mao-shevik. Watch them steam from the ears when it dawns on them (if it ever does)

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: Muninn
I was watching last night and some guy named Reggie asked a BLM guy what he thought of the fires and he said that it was crazy that antifa was starting fires

Soon we will see these groups go after each other.

Two groups of losers exterminating each other like wild animals fighting over scraps?

We could only get so lucky.

posted on Aug, 25 2020 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: Nyiah

The difference is those were mainly worker revolutions...correct?

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