This hedonistic immoral anti-humanitarian group of monsters....they fear truth....and the simple truth is that ALL RELIGONS HAVE A COMMON BEGINNING
They have spent thousands of years and Trillions upon Trillions of dollars keeping doctrines seperated and bastardized.
I grew up in a church that taught pre-tribulation rapture. The doctrine has only been popular for around 100 yrs, so you have to believe that other
theologians & scholars had it wrong for 1900 yrs, that’s pretty spiritually arrogant. A feverish little girl dreamed it & her minister dad
popularized it. Originally it was a Jesuit thing just to be different from Martin just saying, don’t be surprised if the bad stuff
starts & your still around.
Everything has been planned for such a long time, going back to the fall of Babylon.
In my own lifetime, growing up in the 70's and 80's... into the 90's and 2000's, I saw it happening in real-time, throughout my whole life. They
shaped western culture and societal norms through music, TV, movies and news. All of it working together to bring about a generation of people that
would do their bidding without question.
In the late 70's and early 80's they started to bring homosexuality and over-sexualization into TV shows. Remember Soap? Three's Company? How about
the movies of the 70's into the 80's? Harper Valley PTA, for instance. Olivia Newton John's video for Let's Get Physical.
Or how about the ridiculousness of the 90's, the Clinton scandals, the OJ Simpson trial that was on TV 24/7. Gangster rap, sexual rap of the 90's
(NWA, 2 Live Crew, etc.)... all of these helped tear down boundaries. I'm just listing some of them off the top of my head. Will and Grace. Married
With Children.
NWO has been creeping forward, while we all slept. Ripping morality out from under society and replacing it with depravity. The world is crying for
a restart, because they've been conditioned to. Everything leading up to this point has been to bring about this result.
Since 09/11/2001, one crisis theme after another has continued to mold society.
Now we're on the cusp of seeing church and state restored. COVID-19 and climate change/restoration are being used as an excuse to bring about
enforced days of rest (Sunday), which goes against the Biblical Sabbath (Saturday); God's law. Sunday rest will eventually be made into law after the
beast (Papal Rome) regains full power, with the help of the United States. Persecution will begin again. By the way, this is nothing new, most
scholars agreed on these prophecies and the identity of the beast a couple hundred years ago.
Look for it to come, it's already in the works. The new normal and the great reset consist of reuniting of church and state, so that world religion
under the Papacy can be reinstated. Look at the Catholics being lined up in the Supreme Court and in the current administration.
As to how they will get everyone to embrace Catholicism... Remember in 2014 when most of Protestantism got together to say the protest is over?
People will embrace a religion that requires no real effort but to rest on a counterfeit day and call it the true Sabbath.
This will eventually be the vehicle for Satan to come on the scene and deceive the whole world.
Things are about to get real nasty. Even if you don't believe me, just keep it in mind. When you see it happen, you'll know. I wouldn't be waiting
around to get right with God, though. Now is the time to look up, because your redemption draweth nigh.
edit on 2-10-2020 by Freth because: (no reason given)