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Coronavirus and mother nature to the rescue .

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posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: Phage

From my first source...

Mounting evidence of fleeting immune response

In the first known estimation of the rate of SARS-CoV-2 antibody decay, the researchers studied the blood samples of 20 women and 14 men who had recovered from a mild case of COVID-19. They conducted tests to detect and quantify immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies against the coronavirus 36 and 82 days, on average, after symptom onset in 31 participants. The remaining three were tested three times between roughly 37 to 86 days after illness onset.

Mean participant age was 43 years (range, 21 to 68). Four of the 34 participants had symptoms characteristic of COVID-19 and an infected household contact but not been tested because of only mild illness and limited testing availability.

The protective role of antibodies against the novel coronavirus is not known, but antibodies usually confer at least partial antiviral immunity for some time, the authors noted. The study found that the rate of antibody loss for SARS-CoV-2 was faster than that reported for SARS-CoV-1, the virus that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).

The findings are similar to those of several previous reports showing rapidly decreasing antibody levels after infection, including one published Jun 18 in Nature, which showed that levels of antibodies against COVID-19 began to decrease within 2 or 3 months of infection.

From the nytimes article on the newer study...

“The antibodies decline, but they settle in what looks like a stable nadir,” which is observable about three months after symptoms start, Dr. Bhattacharya said. “The response looks perfectly durable.”Seeing antibodies this long after infection is a strong indication that B cells are still chugging away in the bone marrow, Dr. Pepper said. She and her team were also able to pluck B cells that recognize the coronavirus from the blood of people who have recovered from mild cases of Covid-19 and grow them in the lab.

Multiple studies, including one published on Friday in the journal Cell, have also managed to isolate coronavirus-attacking T cells from the blood of recovered individuals — long after symptoms have disappeared. When provoked with bits of the coronavirus in the lab, these T cells pumped out virus-fighting signals, and cloned themselves into fresh armies ready to confront a familiar foe. Some reports have noted that analyses of T cells could give researchers a glimpse into the immune response to the coronavirus, even in patients whose antibody levels have declined to a point where they are difficult to detect.

“This is very promising,” said Smita Iyer, an immunologist at the University of California, Davis, who is studying immune responses to the coronavirus in rhesus macaques but was not involved in the new studies. “This calls for some optimism about herd immunity, and potentially a vaccine.”

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 06:24 PM
Also...if you didn't laugh at Dr. Pepper you should have your "funny bone" looked at.

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 06:28 PM
a reply to: RickyD

So the study you linked is not related to the article?

It does seem that T-cell immunity (even as acquired from other coronaviruses) may be a factor, but immunity is still terra incognita. Much yet to be learned but that second source seems to indicate that plasma therapy may be effective in treating those who are already infected.

There is a real world study which casts doubt upon hopes of natural immunity however.

The study found that, despite the high impact of COVID-19 in Spain, estimates of the prevalence of antibodies remain low and are “clearly insufficient” to provide herd immunity. “This cannot be achieved without accepting the collateral damage of many deaths in the susceptible population and overburdening of health systems,” the researchers wrote. “In this situation, social distance measures and efforts to identify and isolate new cases and their contacts are imperative for future epidemic control.”

edit on 8/20/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 06:30 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: Fallingdown

This isn't new because you only just found out about it!

It is already the predominant strain in the USA and was identified back in February.

Look at all the other countries that had a major problem with COVID-19, and have now gotten over it. Just about every other country except for the UK and the USA.

What is wrong with those countries who haven't brought it under control and that have then suggested that this is somehow political? Sounds like they are incapable of doing what even third world, un-technological, poor countries have done.

The US is 10th in deaths per million the only semi fair way to judge these countries like Belgium Peru the UK Spain Italy and Sweden

according to

The US Rt from Covid-19 Rt World Statistics the US is at 1.1 while plenty of European countries are higher like Germany is at 1.5 even Canada is at 1.3

but lets not let facts get in the way, remember Italy ravaged early shutdown early still has more deaths per million and a higher transmission rate 1.3 and the UK has more than Italy

edit on 20-8-2020 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: Phage

Basically they are saying more people will die getting to herd immunity...and while that may be true more people will die either way be it by broken economies or the virus. If I can't work my time is numbered until I cant pay bills and buy food...if I get sick there is a chance I die but the odds look better than being homeless and hungry as those are certain. I have about 2 months of bills and grocery money left unless this new 400$ a week pulls through...even after that which will run out if I cant get back to work I will be screwed.

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 06:39 PM
a reply to: RickyD

Basically they are saying more people will die getting to herd immunity...and while that may be true more people will die either way be it by broken economies or the virus.
Yes. A whole lot more people.

Unfortunately, the economy is not going recover in the next 2 months. Even if everything instantly went back to "normal." That "V shape" was always a myth.

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 06:39 PM
a reply to: Phage

It Also hasnt been proven that reinfection is a thing per one of those articles...but there was a link and I have a headache so I didn't read the study or whatever it linked to about that yet.

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: RickyD

Yes. Immunity is terra incognita.
I said that.

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: Phage

It wont snap back instantly but time lost is time lost...every day we are shut down is a day lost in righting the ship.

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: Phage

Stop using your sciency words lol I only have a BS I'm a layman here lol!

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 06:42 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Most other countries, like yours, pale in comparison to the size and population of the US. Pretty easy to figure out.

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: RickyD

It's latin. It means "unknown territory."

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 06:44 PM
a reply to: RickyD

And if more people get sick it won't help matters.
And if more people get hospitalized it won't help matters.
And if more people die it won't help matters.

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: Phage

People are getting sick still anyway.

I still think allowing doctors to use the HCQ Z-pack Zinc treatmemt will cut a lot of that way down.

Less people are dying now and again see above and I think less still would.

I know you will disagree with me on that but it's not like we dont use those drugs safely already...why not try.

Also thanks for the Latin lesson I took Spanish in school so I'm bad at Latin save the most common of phrases.

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: Phage

Yes I’ve considered it and with this new news I don’t give a crap .

If it is 10 times more contagious and less fatal.

I hope it burns through the population like a wildfire .

But from repeatedly reading your positions over the last months. I guess it’s safe to assume you would prefer it’s slowly goes through the population killing as many people as it can .
edit on 20-8-2020 by Fallingdown because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: RickyD

I still think allowing doctors to use the HCQ Z-pack Zinc treatmemt will cut a lot of that way down.
Why do you think that?

Less people are dying now
Yes, health care folks are learning.

...why not try.
There is nothing preventing doctors from trying. The problem is that claims that it is a "cure" do not help the situation. Such claims minimize the threat and that is counterproductive.
edit on 8/20/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to: Phage

Because every doctor I have read about who is using it has been saying it helps a lot and has cut way back on hospitalizations and deaths.

Those claiming cure are wrong then and probably not very knowledgeable on the topic. Many pharmacies in the US refuse to give HCQ even if prescribed it...most of these treatments have to be given by the hospitals themselves which hinders things. I know if I do think I have it I will be asking for HCQ treatment and as much as it will suck I will doctor shop to get it. I am lucky though as I live in a huge city with like 5 hospitals near me...most are not.

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 07:15 PM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: Fallingdown

This isn't new because you only just found out about it!

It is already the predominant strain in the USA and was identified back in February.

Look at all the other countries that had a major problem with COVID-19, and have now gotten over it. Just about every other country except for the UK and the USA.

What is wrong with those countries who haven't brought it under control and that have then suggested that this is somehow political? Sounds like they are incapable of doing what even third world, un-technological, poor countries have done.

The US is 10th in deaths per million the only semi fair way to judge these countries like Belgium Peru the UK Spain Italy and Sweden

according to

The US Rt from Covid-19 Rt World Statistics the US is at 1.1 while plenty of European countries are higher like Germany is at 1.5 even Canada is at 1.3

but lets not let facts get in the way, remember Italy ravaged early shutdown early still has more deaths per million and a higher transmission rate 1.3 and the UK has more than Italy

Italy had more deaths per million, but have now turned things around, as I said.

Italy had 7 deaths and 642 new cases on the day of 19 Aug 2020. That's about 0.1157 of a person per million, per day, dead.

USA had 6,756 deaths and 273,374 new cases on the day of 19 August 2020. That's about 20.585 people per million, per day, dead.

You can play statistics games all you want but the USA's figures are bad on nearly every measure.

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: RickyD

Because every doctor I have read about who is using it has been saying it helps a lot and has cut way back on hospitalizations and deaths.
How do they know it helps? Do they have a control group?

Many pharmacies in the US refuse to give HCQ even if prescribed it
I have heard of such an instance. But I don't think it's what you're talking about.

A 42-year-old woman from the Los Angeles area who’s diagnosed with lupus said her health care provider stopped filling her prescription for chloroquine – and sent her a message thanking her for her “sacrifice” to help treat those seriously ill with the coronavirus.

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 07:25 PM
if you are looking at the usa and a country much smaller with much less population,,you don't just look at the raw number you figure out what per cent of each population got sick got hospitalized ended up dead...

originally posted by: KnoxMSP
a reply to: chr0naut

Most other countries, like yours, pale in comparison to the size and population of the US. Pretty easy to figure out.

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