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The Crate In The Desert - UFO's, Nukes and the "Deep State"

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posted on Aug, 19 2020 @ 05:08 PM
Didn't see another post on this....It kind of belongs in several forums but since it started with the Unidentified show here seems best.

I believe it was Unidentified S2E3 UFO's and Nukes that had the story from the soldier who was guarding a mysterious crate in the Jordanian desert when he saw a UFO. The more interesting part of the story was the crate. It wasn't explained much other than it was maybe nukes and that's why the UFO showed up. There was a little discussion of it in the Unidentified show thread figuring it was probably stolen/illegal/missing nuke parts.

That soldier, Jeremy McGowan, did a much longer interview recently on the Somewhere in the Skies podcast.

Spoiler: He tells a long version of the story and says exactly what kind of recovered nuke device he thinks was in the crate as well as saying where ever it went made the US very bad people. He seemed to be implying we maybe gave it to another country? Or maybe used it to frame a country to go to war? It was the mid 90's so many events from then to now to try to speculate on.

This seems like classic ATS fodder to me. Forget the UFO for now, or don't. He probably saw one but it was just a fast light in the distant sky and it didn't stop or interact with anyone/thing.

The bigger story is the crate and where it went.

He talks about all the different groups at that location. CIA, FBI, multiple military branches, DOE! Which lends credence to the recovered missing Russian nukes story.

He talks about a CIA doc that refers to an incident in Jordan intercepting Russian missile guidance parts about the same time as his event.

He claims he was told not to get near the crate and claims he got cancer in his groin years later and thinks it might have been from sitting on the crate. Claiming he would sit, lay and even piss on it which sounds so weird but IDK a young soldier, bored guarding a box in a barren dessert maybe you don't care.

He claims to have researched where he thinks the nuke device went and it's BAD but won't say where. He also claims he ran all this by Lou Elizondo who found it very plausible and that Lou implied he knew more about this incident (or something like it) but couldn't say details. He also claims Lou found other people involved that corroborated Jeremy's story and his theory on where the crate went.

They basically spend the last 15 min talking up about how bad this whole thing is. They aren't willing to disclose where the crate actually went but said enough re-search will allow you to track it down. I guess start with that CIA doc and work around from there?

Thoughts? LOL

edit on 19-8-2020 by FishBait because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2020 @ 05:13 PM

edit on 19-8-2020 by FishBait because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2020 @ 05:37 PM
One low ranking soldier to guard a crate of nukes out in the middle of nowhere?

posted on Aug, 19 2020 @ 05:45 PM

originally posted by: Mark08
One low ranking soldier to guard a crate of nukes out in the middle of nowhere?

Yup, and one low-ranking enlisted person speculating that it must be "Bad." There's a whole lot of empty space to fill in for this story.

posted on Aug, 19 2020 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: schuyler

originally posted by: Mark08
One low ranking soldier to guard a crate of nukes out in the middle of nowhere?

Yup, and one low-ranking enlisted person speculating that it must be "Bad." There's a whole lot of empty space to fill in for this story.

Agree. Based on his story there was no one but friendlies from all branches of US gov in the middle of nowhere so the "guarding" part was more of a formality. No one was showing up out there with a decent US military presence on site. So stick the low ranking guy to sit there all night with the crate just in case while everyone else gets some sleep.

A lot of this would also depend on what you think of Lou Elizando. If we believe Lou is legit and vetted Jeremy and his story then it may be worth exploring. Unfortunately the whole "what I know would blow your mind but I can't tell you" thing is a buzzkill and makes you wonder if they are lying. If you have this amazing info and you got it from open source research then why not come out and say it?

posted on Aug, 19 2020 @ 06:53 PM
speculative but interesting nonetheless. S&F

posted on Aug, 19 2020 @ 09:32 PM
Did I miss some nuance or is any loosely guarded crate in the mid-East that gives one crotch rot automatically nukes now?

How's about an ancient anti-diluvian radioactive machine that was secreted outta archeological dig?

We've lost our creativity.

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 01:47 AM
a reply to: FishBait

It wasn't explained much other than it was maybe nukes

Maybe nukes?
So he thinks it was nukes because years later he got groin cancer from sitting on the crate?

If it was nukes wouldnt there be more than one soldier guarding it?

I know all the alphabet agencies might have been there, but it coulda been anything. No one actually confirmed it was nuclear devices or parts

about the same time as his event

So it might not have been this event at all.

But, they gotta make a tv program and fill those minutes so anythings possible

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 05:58 AM
a reply to: FishBait

If it was nukes (or anything high priority), why would they leave it outside for one E-1 to stand over ("but don't get too close...")?

If there was such a huge presence of everyone and their mother, why wouldn't they just secure it INSIDE? You know, with locks and gizmos and stuff?

I can guaran-damn-tee you that those DOE and CIA guys weren't sleeping in the sand...if they were there.

Any large deployment or force presence means buildings (I use that term loosely), shipping crates, defensive positions. Hell, if it was that important or secret squirrel stuff, everybody's got an entrenching tool. Dig a f'ing hole and put it there until you need to transport it.

Too many holes operationally in the story to make me a believer.

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 09:11 AM

originally posted by: 35Foxtrot
a reply to: FishBait

If it was nukes (or anything high priority), why would they leave it outside for one E-1 to stand over ("but don't get too close...")?

If there was such a huge presence of everyone and their mother, why wouldn't they just secure it INSIDE? You know, with locks and gizmos and stuff?

I can guaran-damn-tee you that those DOE and CIA guys weren't sleeping in the sand...if they were there.

Any large deployment or force presence means buildings (I use that term loosely), shipping crates, defensive positions. Hell, if it was that important or secret squirrel stuff, everybody's got an entrenching tool. Dig a f'ing hole and put it there until you need to transport it.

Too many holes operationally in the story to make me a believer.

So this would be the problem with ATS. While I have no problem agreeing this guy is telling a tall tale with a lot of holes no one commenting has apparently listened to the podcast. You need to listen to accurately de-bunk. I just gave a summery.

They were at an abandoned military base in the desert and staying in the old barracks. I didn't literally mean they were just in the middle of the desert with a bunch of sand, a crate and nothing else. And seriously, "dig a hole to put it in" is a worse story than what this soldier is saying.

If half of the buildings are falling apart and it's a radioactive device leaving it out side might actually be a good option when you know it's going to be safe i.e. no one near where you are. Inside you would need shielding etc or it's just going to build up the radioactivity in a confined space.

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 09:17 AM

originally posted by: SecretKnowledge
a reply to: FishBait

It wasn't explained much other than it was maybe nukes

Maybe nukes?
So he thinks it was nukes because years later he got groin cancer from sitting on the crate?

If it was nukes wouldnt there be more than one soldier guarding it?

I know all the alphabet agencies might have been there, but it coulda been anything. No one actually confirmed it was nuclear devices or parts

about the same time as his event

So it might not have been this event at all.

But, they gotta make a tv program and fill those minutes so anythings possible

I agree there is no hard proof it was nukes. It's like all this stuff, it's an interesting story and it used to be fun to bat this stuff around on ATS but maybe not anymore lol. We are jaded!

Think about you actually have proof that Osama Bin Laden was double tapped by a Navy seal and then dumped at sea? No, you just have a story told by some government people.

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: Baddogma
Did I miss some nuance or is any loosely guarded crate in the mid-East that gives one crotch rot automatically nukes now?

How's about an ancient anti-diluvian radioactive machine that was secreted outta archeological dig?

We've lost our creativity.

Bob Lazar already told that one!

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: FishBait

originally posted by: 35Foxtrot
a reply to: FishBait

If it was nukes (or anything high priority), why would they leave it outside for one E-1 to stand over ("but don't get too close...")?

If there was such a huge presence of everyone and their mother, why wouldn't they just secure it INSIDE? You know, with locks and gizmos and stuff?

I can guaran-damn-tee you that those DOE and CIA guys weren't sleeping in the sand...if they were there.

Any large deployment or force presence means buildings (I use that term loosely), shipping crates, defensive positions. Hell, if it was that important or secret squirrel stuff, everybody's got an entrenching tool. Dig a f'ing hole and put it there until you need to transport it.

Too many holes operationally in the story to make me a believer.

So this would be the problem with ATS. While I have no problem agreeing this guy is telling a tall tale with a lot of holes no one commenting has apparently listened to the podcast. You need to listen to accurately de-bunk. I just gave a summery.

They were at an abandoned military base in the desert and staying in the old barracks. I didn't literally mean they were just in the middle of the desert with a bunch of sand, a crate and nothing else. And seriously, "dig a hole to put it in" is a worse story than what this soldier is saying.

If half of the buildings are falling apart and it's a radioactive device leaving it out side might actually be a good option when you know it's going to be safe i.e. no one near where you are. Inside you would need shielding etc or it's just going to build up the radioactivity in a confined space.

OK. "Abandoned" military base... You yourself said CIA and DOE officials were there so there certainly remained at least some infrastructure.

And, you show your lack of knowledge of field expedients when you claim digging a hole and putting something in it until it can be safely moved is a bad option. In fact, if it was that dangerous, dirt/earth would have protected any guard(s) better than just telling the guy not to get too close while locking him in a room with it. I've seen and received some truly stupid orders but I just can't see most if not all of this not being made up. Did the guy produce a DD-214 or other proof of service?

Lastly, no. I'm not gonna waste my time on a podcast or whatever when the story is, on it's face, absurd.
edit on 20/8/20 by 35Foxtrot because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: 35Foxtrot

originally posted by: FishBait

originally posted by: 35Foxtrot
a reply to: FishBait

If it was nukes (or anything high priority), why would they leave it outside for one E-1 to stand over ("but don't get too close...")?

If there was such a huge presence of everyone and their mother, why wouldn't they just secure it INSIDE? You know, with locks and gizmos and stuff?

I can guaran-damn-tee you that those DOE and CIA guys weren't sleeping in the sand...if they were there.

Any large deployment or force presence means buildings (I use that term loosely), shipping crates, defensive positions. Hell, if it was that important or secret squirrel stuff, everybody's got an entrenching tool. Dig a f'ing hole and put it there until you need to transport it.

Too many holes operationally in the story to make me a believer.

So this would be the problem with ATS. While I have no problem agreeing this guy is telling a tall tale with a lot of holes no one commenting has apparently listened to the podcast. You need to listen to accurately de-bunk. I just gave a summery.

They were at an abandoned military base in the desert and staying in the old barracks. I didn't literally mean they were just in the middle of the desert with a bunch of sand, a crate and nothing else. And seriously, "dig a hole to put it in" is a worse story than what this soldier is saying.

If half of the buildings are falling apart and it's a radioactive device leaving it out side might actually be a good option when you know it's going to be safe i.e. no one near where you are. Inside you would need shielding etc or it's just going to build up the radioactivity in a confined space.

OK. "Abandoned" military base... You yourself said CIA and DOE officials were there so there certainly remained at least some infrastructure.

And, you show your lack of knowledge of field expedients when you claim digging a hole and putting something in it until it can be safely moved is a bad option. In fact, if it was that dangerous, dirt/earth would have protected any guard(s) better than just telling the guy not to get too close while locking him in a room with it. I've seen and received some truly stupid orders but I just can't see most if not all of this not being made up. Did the guy produce a DD-214 or other proof of service?

Lastly, no. I'm not gonna waste my time on a podcast or whatever when the story is, on it's face, absurd.

Sounds about right for ATS. I'm not going to look at the presentation but here is a bunch of posts why it's fake news. Yikes.

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: Mark08
One low ranking soldier to guard a crate of nukes out in the middle of nowhere?

Yeah, that was my thought. That's not how we did it in Minot. We made a lot of effort to make sure Lex Luthor couldn't get his hands on it.

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: Baddogma
How's about an ancient anti-diluvian radioactive machine that was secreted outta archeological dig?
We've lost our creativity.

Dug out of a diamond mine in Alaska, perhaps?

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 03:09 PM

And, you show your lack of knowledge of field expedients when you claim digging a hole and putting something in it until it can be safely moved is a bad option. In fact, if it was that dangerous, dirt/earth would have protected any guard(s) better than just telling the guy not to get too close while locking him in a room with it.

And then you would have to remove a bunch of radio active dirt that you are going to come into contact with in the process. Yea, sounds like there is a reason you are the one that takes orders.

posted on Aug, 21 2020 @ 05:23 AM

originally posted by: FishBait

And, you show your lack of knowledge of field expedients when you claim digging a hole and putting something in it until it can be safely moved is a bad option. In fact, if it was that dangerous, dirt/earth would have protected any guard(s) better than just telling the guy not to get too close while locking him in a room with it.

And then you would have to remove a bunch of radio active dirt that you are going to come into contact with in the process. Yea, sounds like there is a reason you are the one that takes orders.

You further show your ignorance in thinking secret squirrel projects care about leaving dangerous waste behind or that digging a hole then digging out that hole couldn't be done in protective gear or from a safe distance using machines... and in your assumption that I only took orders.

I'm starting to see a pattern with you.

posted on Aug, 21 2020 @ 09:10 AM

originally posted by: 35Foxtrot

originally posted by: FishBait

And, you show your lack of knowledge of field expedients when you claim digging a hole and putting something in it until it can be safely moved is a bad option. In fact, if it was that dangerous, dirt/earth would have protected any guard(s) better than just telling the guy not to get too close while locking him in a room with it.

And then you would have to remove a bunch of radio active dirt that you are going to come into contact with in the process. Yea, sounds like there is a reason you are the one that takes orders.

You further show your ignorance in thinking secret squirrel projects care about leaving dangerous waste behind or that digging a hole then digging out that hole couldn't be done in protective gear or from a safe distance using machines... and in your assumption that I only took orders.

I'm starting to see a pattern with you.

Yea yea, I agree they don't care about the dangerous waste or even the soldiers but digging a hole in a desolate location to bury a box that doesn't need to be buried is not happening. They are just going to increase the contamination to the soldiers by increasing the amount of material contaminated and exposing soldiers to it. There is zero reason to do that. And again, you didn't even listen to the podcast to know the box is the size of a car so they would have needed to flown in a front loader with them. You are not going to bother with that unless it's absolutely needed.

I'm also seeing a pattern with you. There is a reason you are a grunt taking orders and not in charge of anything.

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