posted on Aug, 31 2020 @ 10:14 PM
Damn, almost brought a tear to my eyes you guys.
It's true I was spending too much of my time online. ATS was my equivalent of reading the newspaper every morning, and it was often the last thing I
read before I went to sleep.
I'd go through and open every thread that caught my eye in a new page, and throughout the day I'd read a bit here and there and take notes of what to
look into.
Between family matters and work matters I needed to prioritize.
I've made good progress in the two weeks I've spent away from the internet. I've got my sleep pattern corrected. I've reconnected with my family, and
let them know that I want to be more involved and spend more time with them rather than the occasional message on Facebook or Instagram.
I'm spending more time with my younger cousins, so hopefully they don't grow up like I did barely knowing any of my elders.
I've gone out on a few dates, and although they were complete crap, it feels good to know that women still find interest in me.
My new professional life is going extremely well, and depending on how the rest of the year and next year go, I'm expecting to find myself meeting the
goals I've set for myself.
As far as my time on ATS goes, I realized that I had deviated from what I wanted to accomplish for myself when I set out to create this account. I was
doing a lot of posting, yet in my opinion not really doing a great job of contributing in a beneficial manner. I had sunk to calling people idiots and
blatantly calling people out without providing supporting information.
You'll likely see me every now and then contributing, but I want my posts to have a more thought and work out into them. I'm going to do my best to
refrain from posting short quippy remarks and also ignoring what I believe to be trollish behavior from members regardless of if they actually believe
what they are saying or not.
Therefore, if I don't have the time to type out a good post that is contrary to the statement I'm addressing I simply won't comment at all.
I want to enjoy being here.
And for those of you who said I'd be back. Well, yeah. Y'all are right. I had some free time, curiousity got the better of me, and I wanted to see
what the commentary here has been concerning some recent events. Now, I'm debating on if I really want to comment on the thread that sourred me to log
back in.
The break was healthy for me though. Thanks for the kind words.