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‘Morality pills’ may be the US’s best shot at ending the coronavirus pandemic,

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posted on Aug, 15 2020 @ 03:17 AM
Covid aside,

EVERYONE in power should be the 1st to take this (if it worked with no side effects etc)

If we could eliminate corruption and have enlightened leaders, i believe the world would be a much better place.

An unrealistic dream i know 😔

posted on Aug, 15 2020 @ 07:46 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder
I think this video is even more relevant with what's going on..... it's at least 10 years old now.

The Story of Your Enslavement.

edit on 15-8-2020 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2020 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Vector99

Well, there are laws against that now, whereas in the past there were not.

I hope this is sarcastic... laws?

Well that's my laugh for the day.

posted on Aug, 15 2020 @ 02:09 PM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: ChaoticOrder
I think this video is even more relevant with what's going on..... it's at least 10 years old now.

The Story of Your Enslavement.

Great video but, he missed the crucial fact of the beginnings of human farming. Before humans were capable of producing more in a day than they consume we were hunter gatherers.

This means that the only way to deprive a human of value or capital in a hunter gatherer social group was by consuming them.

Cannibals were the first farmers and they used language and religion to decieve the hunter gatherers into becoming capable of producing more than they consume in a day by teaching them to farm hemp.

Thus arriving at the authors begging in the video.

The importance of the true beginning. Is that with modern DNA analytics we can prove certain family lineages have a propensity to display the traits of cannibalism in the form of prions disease.

I wonder what effect cannabis consumption had on the one eating the victims meat? Did victims fed cannabis prove less likely to cause the shakes and laughing fits.

Could we use modern genetic analytics to prove certain families have always held the keys to power going all the way back to cannibalizing their fellow humans?

Could cannibalism be responsible for human progress as a society with all language religion and forms of human organization into groups having come from and been controlled at every stage by cannibals and their decendents?
edit on 15-8-2020 by Stevenmonet because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2020 @ 03:03 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Vector99

Well, there are laws against that now, whereas in the past there were not.

Oh yes, I’m sure the covert intelligence agencies whose programs are classified and not viewable by the public, I’m sure the additions of some laws brought them right in line. Plus, we all know that government agencies (the people of) would never disregard or skirt the laws. Unheard of.

posted on Aug, 15 2020 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: KansasGirl

It can be difficult to see one's tongue bulging one's cheek in this medium.

But the fact remains that when those experiments were being conducted there was no law against it.

edit on 8/15/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2020 @ 06:08 AM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder

originally posted by: solarjetman
This seems a bit intrusive in the context of battling the pandemic, but I actually like the idea of treating people to have a greater capacity for morality. Imagine what the world would be like if we started with every politician and billionaire on the planet.

It's more than a bit intrusive to suggest secretly dosing the water supply with a drug which alters brain chemistry. As you say the idea of a "morality pill" isn't necessarily a bad idea, it could help people who have trouble feeling empathy such as sociopaths. The fundamental flaw with the thinking presented in this article is the logic "if someone doesn't want to comply with Covid-19 rules it must be because they lack morality or empathy" because that simply isn't true. We're painted as if we're grandma-hating lunatics who don't care about anyone, but that is obviously not true at all.

My capacity to feel empathy is already so high it can cause me problems, I wont even kill an ant because I can imagine what it's like to be the ant and maybe in another life I was an ant. Hell, maybe all conscious experiences are just the same life separated by what we call death. I cannot know the answers to these questions so I treat them all as a real possibility. I can empathize with almost anyone and imagine what it's like to be in their shoes, it doesn't matter if that person has completely the opposite beliefs to me, I will still try to be friendly (unless we're debating in the mudpit lol).

The left seems to have this belief that right wing ideologies arise from a lack of morality. They just want lower taxes because all they care about is making themselves rich, they oppose things like a basic income and free universal healthcare because they are greedy old white men who lack empathy for others. Increasing my level of empathy even higher would not change my political beliefs because I believe the most prosperous societies with the highest standards of living are those which encourage innovation and respect free market principles. The result is economic growth, less unemployment, and more tax revenue for the government without having to increase taxes.

Having more empathy also wouldn't change my stance on Covid-19 because I fundamentally believe that Over-flattening the curve only prolongs the suffering and prevents herd immunity. The most logical and humane solution in my view is to allow everyone to get back to work, get kids back to school, while following reasonable safety precautions to prevent overwhelming any hospitals. Simply don't visit your grandparents if you're worried. It is very clear that herd immunity is working in places which were hard hit by Covid-19, this suffering will all end when we allow herd immunity to occur at a safe pace. Instead many places are trying to flatten the curve until there is no curve, like NZ.

NZ is in a very precarious situation right now because they'll have to open their borders at some point, and the moment they do they'll feel the full force of Covid-19 because virtually no one there has immunity. I'm guessing they'll wait for a vaccine but unless they force people to take it I'm not sure how effective it will actually be at preventing them experiencing a Covid-19 wave. People are reaching the boiling point and that's clear with all these riots and other chaos happening around the world. At some point we have to acknowledge the very real possibility that our overblown fear-based response to Covid-19 has actually resulted in more suffering than it has prevented.

I would suggest that maybe those people who dismiss this widespread suffering and angst are actually the people who need a bit more empathy, the ability to really grasp the widespread economic destruction which has ruined countless lives. Those who constantly signal how much virtue they have often turn out to be exactly the opposite of what they claim. The person who wrote this ridiculous article clearly needs a taste of their own medicine if they cannot realize how sociopathic this plan sounds. It expresses a deep disregard for basic human rights and tries to portray it as being morally justified. Drugging people until they all sing songs and hold hands may sound nice but it's plainly evil.

Yes, these are good points. "A bit intrusive" is definitely an understatement-- dosing the water supply is nothing short of insanity. It does make me curious about what might happen if those with extreme power in society (many of whom I think actually ARE sociopaths) were given a treatment like this. It also makes me wonder about a hypothetical future global crisis which truly does require the cooperation of the entire planet to overcome. Something like the climate change threat (if we are working under the premise that humans have the capacity to change the outcome) would be the true test of humanity-- coronavirus is just a practice run. Seeing how we are handling coronavirus though makes me believe we are screwed for the big test unless we really do pull something outrageous like drug the water supply heh.

I don't know that the left thinks the right has no morals; if anything that's usually the other way around. I think the left gets frustrated by how hyper-individualistic right-wing ideology can be though. It often seems like nothing matters until it affects them personally. And when you hear officials say things like maybe old people need to just take one for the team and die to save the economy, or "it is what it is" with regards to the number of US deaths, it certainly doesn't sound very empathetic at all. I personally agree that we can't lockdown forever and need to open up, BUT I also believe that wearing a mask is the price of admission to doing so safely, and that someone who is perfectly able to wear a mask and has access to one but refuses to do so because "reasons" simply lacks empathy. Studies have shown transmission goes down by up to 70% when everyone wears masks-- that sounds like a good place to start with reopening, but for some reason we've even politicized something that benefits everyone AND helps the economy go on.

edit on 18-8-2020 by solarjetman because: (no reason given)

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