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I am John Kopiski, a Russian Farmer

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posted on Aug, 13 2020 @ 03:24 AM
Why do many Westerners dream of moving to Russia?
Recently, a film was published in Russia about the Englishman John Kopiski, who lives in a Russian village and he really likes it.

In Russia, many residents of Europe, the USA and South Africa now see a lost paradise, "the West they have lost." Everything that once made the West great can now be found in Russia:

1. Working capitalism, in which the diligent individualist can achieve a lot by his own labor.

2. Good old European culture.

3. Nuclear family, which consists of a strong father, caring mother and obedient children.

4. Priests who refuse to marry gay marriage and who actively uphold traditional values.

5. Large free space for living.

6. Lack of aggressive migrants living on benefits from countries with an alien culture.

7. True freedom of speech, which includes the freedom to joke on politically incorrect topics.

All this was found in Russia by John, who has a strong family and five children, he owns a large farm and regularly goes to church. The film has generated great interest in the West and is now available in English. I present it to you, dear forum members. Please write your opinion, it is very important.

posted on Aug, 13 2020 @ 03:57 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

i don't know anyone who dreams of living in russia. many people dream of a house in italy or france, or a domicile on a greek island or in scotland, ireland. the russians i know despise the system around putin but still love their homeland. for me, russia is a big cultural rich country, gagarin, tarkovsky, literature, beautiful women, drunken men, corruption, vodka and endless landscapes.

posted on Aug, 13 2020 @ 04:22 AM
a reply to: oloufo

i don't know anyone who dreams of living in russia.

I've known people who wanted to live in the area of Lake Baikal. Siberia has appeal for people who are accustomed to living in and near wilderness.


posted on Aug, 13 2020 @ 04:56 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

When i was in my teens and early 20's i dreamed of living in Russia. The girls are beautiful, big open spaces, it just seemed a mysterious country to me.

Fast forward to my early 30's i met a stunningly beautiful Russian girl, Yulia, here in Ireland. She emigrated here with her family. Ive been to her home city Saint Petersburg twice. To her Babushka's apartment in the city and to her summer house in the country. I wasn't seeking out a Russian girl, we met in a pub.
Ive been there in the summer and in the winter. Crazy difference. Saint Petersburg is a beautiful city. Every day we would go to the Hermitage museum. The Church of the Saviour on spilled blood. All the palace's and museums are amazing architecture.

The Russian people are very like us Irish. They enjoy a sociable drink. The love their meat and vegetables. They are as funny as hell. They are very friendly. And their education system is amazing. Yulia, along with nearly every person i met over there is very intelligent.
I would recommend a visit to this beautiful city to anyone, and i do all the time. I cant wait until we go again. Hopefully next year. Her Babushka doesn't speak a word of english and my Russian is limited. But we have the best of times when im there. We giggle a lot. Great woman.

I hope in years to come we might end up over there but i cant see Yulia agreeing to it. She loves Ireland too much.

The Church of the Saviour on spilled blood

edit on 13/8/20 by SecretKnowledge because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2020 @ 04:58 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: oloufo

i don't know anyone who dreams of living in russia.

I've known people who wanted to live in the area of Lake Baikal. Siberia has appeal for people who are accustomed to living in and near wilderness.


a good friend of mine is from tomsk. siberia is pretty fascinating but living there is not that easy. but i love to visit lake baikal one day.

posted on Aug, 13 2020 @ 05:14 AM
a reply to: SecretKnowledge

The Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ on Blood, or the Temple of the Spas on Blood, in St. Petersburg was built in memory of how Emperor Alexander II was mortally wounded at this place by terrorists. money for the construction of the Temple was collected by all of Russia.
A very beautiful temple. It is even more beautiful inside than outside.

edit on 13-8-2020 by RussianTroll because: correct

posted on Aug, 13 2020 @ 05:31 AM
John looks like a good man, works hard and has achieved a lot with his life. Some of the shots of the county side and way of life do not look too different from some parts in Australia.

posted on Aug, 13 2020 @ 06:01 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Whites in South Africa are fleeing the nation in droves due to over reach by blacks looking to strip them of everything, and take their nation Socialist, which you can't really do with a large poor population. You degrade the standard of living to make everyone equal basically.

Those on the right in Europe and the US that aren't patriotic could be moved to go to Russia. It plausible. That said there are few on the right that aren't patriotic in the USA.

In my Opinion, Russia is coming along. Kudos to you and your nation. if you had some more tropical territories, I might be inclined to immigrate. However, I don't like the cold, and to be honest, trying to learn Russia is hard. (I don't know how you guys do it kudos). That said, your nation is beautiful, and within another 20-30 years your economy will be fully humming along.


posted on Aug, 13 2020 @ 06:02 AM
Plus the babes are babes until they hit that bubushka point in life.

posted on Aug, 13 2020 @ 06:03 AM

originally posted by: oloufo
i don't know anyone who dreams of living in russia.

I do.

I dream of living in a country where our leader would garner a convincing 104% approval rating and basically become President for Life. Plus, in Russia, you no go to party, party come to you.

posted on Aug, 13 2020 @ 06:05 AM
Forever prez.

Just like CHYNAA.

a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

posted on Aug, 13 2020 @ 06:12 AM
a reply to: Lysergic

Our two bestest buds in the whole world.

posted on Aug, 13 2020 @ 07:50 AM

originally posted by: RussianTroll

Why do many Westerners dream of moving to Russia?
Recently, a film was published in Russia about the Englishman John Kopiski, who lives in a Russian village and he really likes it.

In Russia, many residents of Europe, the USA and South Africa now see a lost paradise, "the West they have lost." Everything that once made the West great can now be found in Russia:

1. Working capitalism, in which the diligent individualist can achieve a lot by his own labor.

2. Good old European culture.

3. Nuclear family, which consists of a strong father, caring mother and obedient children.

4. Priests who refuse to marry gay marriage and who actively uphold traditional values.

5. Large free space for living.

6. Lack of aggressive migrants living on benefits from countries with an alien culture.

7. True freedom of speech, which includes the freedom to joke on politically incorrect topics.

All this was found in Russia by John, who has a strong family and five children, he owns a large farm and regularly goes to church. The film has generated great interest in the West and is now available in English. I present it to you, dear forum members. Please write your opinion, it is very important.

Your name suits you....therefore.....

posted on Aug, 13 2020 @ 09:20 AM
I wonder if I can retire and move there...
For one more time , we agree .
The West is done.
Over with ....
edit on 8/13/20 by Gothmog because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2020 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

If I remember he had Russian ancestry and everyone that knows him in Russia regards him as Russian regardless of where he was born.

Many people love Russia, we may not have agreed with it's politics in the past but even then we never hated the Russian people - though there are some lunatic's in the world that still do but not us though I have to say I have reservations about Russian submarines shadowing Royal Navy ship's and hanging around Scottish waters, of course we know exactly were they are but that is another matter.

The largest sovereign nation in the world by territory, the most resources mostly untapped and probably including rare earth deposits as well as Oil (still important even when we move away from petrochemical's because of some extracts that are not available from any other source).

The most potential unused arable land in the world and with global warming much more is becoming suitable for farming - oddly much of that shows some evidence of having been farmed by unknown cultures in the distant past possibly during previous warm periods, vast barely researched civilizations including many undiscovered or denied such as the builders of the huge cyclopaedia walls at Mr Shoria in Siberia which may indicate a previous age of technology (Something the more open minded archaeologists and scientists of Russia are more open to being a possibility).

There is a lot to love about Russia but as with any nation a lot to not like as well.

Our social system in the UK was NEVER intended to be a hand out to migrant's, it was NEVER intended for them at all under any circumstance but only for our own citizen's when they were out of work.

Make no mistake the use of our systems in that manner is a deliberate policy to bring about there collapse, making them unsustainable is one method of getting rid of them.

But there is a growing backlash against it, we in the UK have IDIOTS in our government paying France blackmail money or the French will dump there illegal migrants onto us illegally, in fact they are doing so right now and allowing there problem to filter to us and I seriously hope it backfires on the garlic munching frog crippling baguette bashing (better stop myself) because if they allow migrant's to get through there nation they will have MORE not less migrant's to deal with as a result.
And if our IDIOTS in power do not do something about it and fast instead of trying to brush it under the carpet like a little dust no one is going to notice (too late we have already bloody noticed) then the growing anger of the British public will turn on them as well (and I do hope they stop giving our bloody tax payers money to the French - cheeky two faced back stabbing blighters - we bloody saved them in WW2 but no they hate us because we Sank there FLEET which they were about to give to NAZI Germany and then had we not everyone would have lost the bloody war - I suspect there government is Vichy at heart - I mean they are so far up Merkel's bum that that macron look's like he has a German hat).

edit on 13-8-2020 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2020 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

A really nice video .....
Is that You?

I would say that John could have done what he has done almost anywhere

in the world, because of himself, his character. and work ethics....It wasn't

Russia that made John.

Nuclear family, which consists of a strong father, caring mother and obedient children.

^^^^The crux of John's success, and when one son wanted to fly on their

own ....... he let them find reality (no cushioning or bailing out)

Tough love not applied enough these days, parents are terrified of the word NO

they fail to realise in the real world there is no love without respect.

Respect to John Kopiski

Sadly there is not enough respect in the swj woke world of today.

posted on Aug, 13 2020 @ 11:49 AM
I have always been extremely fascinated by Russian literature and its great minds. A fascinating country with an extremely rich and great history.

I read The Master and Margarita in my mid-20’s and was just blown away. I then went out to read Russian folk tales and discovered baba yaga.

My brother lived in kiev for 14 years. I never made it to russia however. I wish to visit one day.

posted on Aug, 13 2020 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: RussianTroll
a reply to: SecretKnowledge

The Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ on Blood, or the Temple of the Spas on Blood, in St. Petersburg was built in memory of how Emperor Alexander II was mortally wounded at this place by terrorists. money for the construction of the Temple was collected by all of Russia.
A very beautiful temple. It is even more beautiful inside than outside.

Yes it sure is i went in a few times.

The Hermitage with its winter garden is beautiful too

posted on Aug, 13 2020 @ 04:34 PM
My first love was a doukhobor canadian but beyond that I haven't seen much appeal to russia as I picture the scenery to be just more canada, trees and tundra, grasslands... probably totally wrong there. And there will be a lot more culture than canada being so much older.

Will check out the movie.

posted on Aug, 13 2020 @ 06:51 PM
Maybe all of you types really should move to Russia if you like it so much better there! Good riddance!
edit on 13pmThu, 13 Aug 2020 18:51:24 -0500kbpmkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

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