a reply to:
Thanks for the interesting thread subject and your opening post.
I have thought and considered consciousness much. I also see evolution as the explanation of life's development and diversification through this whole
universe (the stars being a kind of life too). It is universal and the same principles and variables would happen anywhere life was able to form out
of the processes that establish it.
I believe that the Bible explains evolution as the olive press and wine press. If we think about it that is what evolution is doing constantly in the
here and now. It works so slowly. Even over the course of a million years we as humans have not changed a great deal, but we still are changing. How
long we can continue without becoming extinct is anyone's guess. What we evolved out of, those creatures, are still here. We are them. They are our
ancestors that changed over millions of years from apes around Lake Victoria in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda. My display name means Big Brother. It is a
place in Kenya. I have no doubt my big brother was from that place originally. We should respect those countries because that is where we all evolved
from and began spreading over the earth. They deserve respect and recognition for this.
I also find in the Bible the metaphor/parable of Adam and Even in Eden to be most enlightening. If we recall that Yeshua of Judea spoke mainly in
parable and metaphor to make his teachings known then it is excusable to be an evolutionist and still find the Bible to be very much a tool and record
of recent human conscious development. The onset of civilization has run totally in parallel to the Bible. No doubt it is what has civilized us in the
West and made us change at ever-increasing "warp" speed. Isn't that quite amazing. Even those who do not believe in the Hebrew Vision have to accept
that it has been the very means by which we have established even our law and social values. I believe the fall of this in the West has fragmented us
and is bringing much chaos. It was bound to happen. Even the New Testament says it would happen, that even the Saints would get weary.
The Eden metaphor describes the Original Sin of Consciousness. Our human consciousness is totally flawed. It is the human condition. We only have to
consider our brutal history and current status too to see that as clear as day. Consciousness in this sense is an awareness of good and evil, what is
creative and what is destructive and what is right and wrong. In Genesis the Almighty sighs that we dared to tread where Angels feared to. We still do
not have a clue about what right and wrong is. I make errors every day, no matter how hard I try.
I believe animals, plants and all matter don't have a sense of good and evil, right and wrong. They do not question as such. They just go according to
their program. They feel and think though, no doubt. Even the Corona Virus is thinking hard collectively. The viruses are cleverer than we
collectively. This virus is wiping the floor with us and destroying our economies.
All that is manifest here is real, is a stage and in state of change continually, DNA versus environment and in a constant feedback loop: Not through
any spooky means, but by the simple equation that what works best will breed best and live to fight another day until it too becomes the weakened old
Priest of Nemi waiting for the new kid on the block to take the priesthood away by sword combat, the fittest of the fittest winning Diana's favor in
her grove, a performance of survival of the fittest in its most obvious brutal demonstration and metaphorical manifestation.
There is unique human consciousness with all its crazy magic while the rest of life collectively and unconsciously evolves according to its DNA
integrity/improvement or its going off on a dead end tangent that does not work and does not breed to fight another day.
I love the human race, but we are so compromised and destructive because of Adam's Curse. Try to be good and kind to each other. You have so much
beauty and amazing qualities if only you knew it. Here we all are making ourselves prisoners of our own attitudes and prejudices. We all came from
Africa. It is best we say our Adam and Eve were black because we did come from dark skin. Eastern Africa deserves our respect as our birth place if we
are to respect our species in its entirety. All the fossils of us say it is so.
One more thing: Sometimes we can have more important babies than children. Some of the most influential people in the West had no children yet have
been incredibly influential and directed the very course of our societies. With humans there are other kinds of breeding we do. Ideas, creativity/art
and inventions are clear examples. Even our digital creations are evolving. They are subject to evolution too. Think of how former technology evolved
into "Machinosapien" and is still evolving. Everything happened that way just the same. Only the human is flawed though to the point that we destroy
and unhinge our environment by our madness. The others have to keep changing too as their best examples produce the best next generation. They don't
paint paintings that sell for millions a few generations later. Even "Star Trek" had to evolve into the "Next Generation", Captain!
edit on 9-8-2020 by Kakamega because: (no reason given)