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This guy for real? An interesting read even if he ain't.

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posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 02:18 PM
Little things in what he said, eg - invincible leads me to believe he is mentally unstable. My advice is to avoid him. I don't understand these people talking about going with him and using a concealed weapon. I'd be very careful - finding the truth is dangerous, going somewhere alone with a psychotic guy who thinks he's invincible.... well...

What he says is interesting, may also be a ploy to get you alone with him. Dunno.

- Nazgarn

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 05:18 PM
Sounds like some of the people I used to see pedeling bikes up and down the street at 2 a.m. and trying to get cigarettes.

This dude is nuts. If you do decide to go meet his alien friends, bring at least about 12 of your closest friends.

Id do it if I were you. Not only do you have a large crowd to protect you if he tries anything, but also, plenty of people to witness anything odd on the 1 millionth percent chance hes telling the truth.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by Dallas

Don't know about the rest of my fellow ATSrs but. Suggest you have the man tell his own story here after acceptance to ATS.
'Cause that story is so extreme I feel it needs the man/woman experiencer to quantify it - O.K.


I agree with Dallas here......this story should be told to us via first person to be able to better make any judgements.
So sounds pretty far out, but MOST abductee stories are pretty dang far who can say.
Get this person to join ATS.......good idea.
He very well COULD be very delusional and in need of phychiatric help. Maybe he is pulling your leg for some other reason. If he truly believes this, then he is either delusional or its true.

[edit on 16-3-2005 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 04:54 AM
Seriously, check it out like some members have said take some sort of weapon with you or a friend insist on taking a friend....If these aliens want to meet you then I'm sure one more person wouldn't hurt. If you decide to go DON'T GO ALONE! and do make sure you take some sort of weapon just incase he is a killer, remember your safety is number one priority
. If you do go keep us updated like 'what you saw' and 'what they said' also keep us updated with what this guy says ask him questions a good way to find out if someone is lieing is ask questions and see how they react to the questions I don't know the facial expressions to tell if someone is lieing but google it and try it.

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 01:18 PM
Allright here's my plan. I'm going to try an get him to change his story about something, and catch him in a lie. That way if he lied about that then most likely his whole story is false. If I can't do that, then, we'll, I'll figure something out.

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 01:25 PM
I still say get him to prove the invincibility bit...hehe...

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 01:27 PM
its all true! I mean, has he ever lied to you before?

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 02:11 PM
if he's invicible, why will he live until the apocolypse? wouldn't he survive that too?

I wouldn't go anywhere with this kook. while I don't condone violence, I do think you should ask if you could stab him in the heart. Only once. See if he dies. If he doesn't - real deal. If he does, call Jonnie Cochran.

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 05:36 PM
I realy think he is a liar, i have seen quite some abductees story and this isn't a reliable one, especially when he talks about being invencible...
or i'm wrong and this is a revelation.

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by cownosecat
3. He claims to have been starving from walking in Wisconsan for days, and to have been told to go into the woods instead of the hospitol. He went, he said he got really scared, he doesn't know why, then woke up. After wich, all these things started to happen to him.

if he was starving why didn't he go to his house and eat some food?

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 02:48 PM
I agree with the ones here who say he's exhibiting symptoms of psychosis. Whether or not it's drug induced is anyone's guess, but if you DO go to his house, go with someone else.

If you try to counter his claims, he will not believe you because to him, these things are real. He is seeing things that aren't there and sensing things that aren't there. It's being fed by things he reads and sees on tv -- he's integrating fiction into his life and treating it as if it's real because he quite literally can't tell the difference.

DO be cautious. I've known a few like him. They tend to be reasonably harmless -- however, they can suddenly decide that you are an Agent of the G'zralnk Empirical Gibbons and will start screaming at you or do something odd (like try to pour water over you) or attempt to hit you.

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 02:56 PM
OK, best case scenario... you're getting into a situation that involves a psycho. Worst case scenario... you're getting into a situation that involves aliens giving you cancer. Hello? Could we at least bring somebody in to play good cop? This is a lose lose situation- walk away.

And yes, don't make Gazrok ask again, bash this monkey on the head and see if he's really dent resistant or better yet, offer to give him a free operation to remove his cancer- you may not be a trained medical professional of any kind, but hey, you can't kill him.
Just to be on the safe side though, I'd wear a poncho when I tested that theory. You've seen Gallagher before haven't you?

[edit on 24-3-2005 by The Vagabond]

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 02:59 PM
Don't want to be smart or anything, but curious to understand why you talk about the guy,not his thoughts on the subject ?


posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 04:37 PM
What does he do at this cafe? does eat, drink, play on video games?
Break his fingers, they hate that.
He sounds like an escapee from the Dulce base or maybe he's just lost in life.
The breaking fingers thing might be a little strong... sorry.

It may help you and us on ATS, if you can obtain one of his implants, not THAT ONE though!

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by Crakeur
if he's invicible, why will he live until the apocolypse? wouldn't he survive that too?

I wouldn't go anywhere with this kook. while I don't condone violence, I do think you should ask if you could stab him in the heart. Only once. See if he dies. If he doesn't - real deal. If he does, call Jonnie Cochran.

i was thinking of the same thing

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 06:39 PM

And yes, don't make Gazrok ask again, bash this monkey on the head and see if he's really dent resistant or better yet, offer to give him a free operation to remove his cancer- you may not be a trained medical professional of any kind, but hey, you can't kill him.

I agree... Make the guy prove he is invincible! Just sneak something on him when he isnt looking... And if it doesnt kill him... uh oh....try it again. lol. And then if it doesnt kill him. say sorry. If he doesnt accept your apology. Run. Then, of course. Post your findings here on ATS.

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 07:18 PM
I have always wondered why cafes, coffee shops, etc. are such
lunatic magnets. It might be that they know they'll have a captive
audience of naive, poetic college freshmen!!!

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 09:08 PM
Why don't you ask him to cut his finger or somtin'

If he bleeds, he ain’t invincible... truth be known.

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 10:03 PM
I’ll cast my vote along with the people suggesting that this guy has drug or mental health issues.

Such people can be fascinating. It’s very intriguing to hear someone say outrageous things with complete conviction. You can see that they really believe what they are saying and it makes you wonder, if only for a moment, if their tales could possibly be true.

But I would use great caution in associating with him. At a trivial level, he could become a pest you can’t get rid of, especially if you listen to his stories when other people will not. He could also start to incorporate you into his delusions, and react unpredictably or violently. At worst he could be looking to victimize you.

I would avoid the suggestions that you bring any kind of weapon with you. If you really think you might need one, then you should be avoiding that situation to start with. When weapons come into play, someone is going to get hurt, either you or him, and realistically I don’t think you want to deal with either of those possibilities.

If you insist on satisfying your curiosity about this person, some things you might try to scope out:

Is he working or going to school?

Is he eating regularly?

Does he really have a home to go to, and if so, what is the family situation?

Has he ever sought medical attention for his health problems?

Does he seem to have any money to spend, even on food at the coffee shop?

Answers to these questions might give you some idea if this person is a fully functioning member of society or if he’s out on the margin. I suspect that he’s somewhere out on the edge, and that you would be unwise to follow him there.

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 10:29 PM
Sneak a cell phone and a gun or knife at the very least and bring a friend with these things as well, and be careful b/c even I know their have been both "disapperances" and murders in that mountain range, and I'm in the kingdom of the suburbs. Otherwise, lie, don't go, call the police or a mental ward to watch the guy, and check out this guy's record if possible. He could be a molestor or a murder.
What ever you do, remember pros and cons always come first.

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