posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 02:14 PM
Hey everybody.
I was talking to my dad yesterday, and he mentioned something interesting. He is an civilian working at a military laboratory, and I believe
that he knows somethings, but getting anything out of him is nearly impossible. He may not know jack, however, I get the feeling that he has
suspicion. Yet, when we talk about the subject he always takes a skeptical point of view.
Anyways, yesterday he starts talking to be about something called "nitinol". An alloy that has some pretty amazing properties. When heated
it will contract rather than expand(which is was all metals do when heated). In addition, this metal can be made to remember a specific shape. When
bent and contorted then piece of alloy can be made to immediately return to its memory shape by heating it to a transition temperature.
I found this quite interesting. First of all, why would he even bring this subject up, it was a pretty random subject. It kinda came out of
the blue. My initial feeling was, "why is he telling me this? does he believe this to be back engineered alien technology?".
The properties on nitinol sound very familiar to the mystery material found at the Roswell crash site. You all remember that? The foil like
material that could be crushed and twisted up and it would unfold back to its original shape.
Roswell happened back in 1947. This nitinol was first unleased in 1962, and we can be certain that they had to be fooling with the stuff for
several years. That puts it right about the time of the crash.
I know for a fact that the laboratory that this stuff was created at was the place to be during the 60s & 70s. The base was jam packed full of
scientists. I believe that if an alien ship really did crash back in Roswell. That there is a good chance that it would have been taken to this base
to be back engineered.
Just some food for thought!
later guys!