I have something to say. Nothing euphoric, not an epiphany. Just a gentle reminder for all those people who may have forgotten.
To all those that are going through rough times or can’t seem to find some peace within their own hearts and minds. To all those that have lost
their way or have let fear take hold of them...the people that are so concentrated on
one aspect of this world that maybe, just maybe,
they've forgotten to see all the beauty this world holds...
I want to remind you that you are supposed to be living right now. You’re supposed to be experiencing life to the fullest. You're supposed to be
sharing moments with one another and discovering what makes us different,while gaining understanding of what makes us the same.
You are supposed to be staring at the stars knowing that there is a possibility that 7 billion other people are gazing up at them just like you. You
are supposed to be creating beauty when there is none to be had, lifting others up in times of need, learning about who you really are as a person
while you learn who other people are. Sharing ideas, laughing, teaching our children to love and respect each other and themselves...teaching them how
to value one another. You are supposed to be gaining insight and offering wisdom.
You should remember that you..each and every one of you...are valuable. Your thoughts, ideas, actions..all are meaningful and have the power to create
or destroy. That each positive action you take creates a ripple effect on the whole world. That each negative action you take does the same.
Don’t be scared of what might be. Don’t be scared of dying. Each moment in your life is yours to do with as you please. Each choice you make is
yours to choose. Remember to make the most of your time here on this planet and above all else...Don’t be scared to live.
We were meant to live. To fully experience this world and what it offers. We were meant to laugh with one another...we were meant to
make this Earth beautiful for ourselves and our loved ones.
You are powerful, you are beautiful, you are unique. You can change this world for the better....one action at a time and....
You are not alone. You will never be alone.
Thanks for letting me vent.. I appreciate it.