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126 days later, how do you think the pandemic will end?

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posted on Aug, 3 2020 @ 06:12 PM
a reply to: Bluntone22

My opinion also

posted on Aug, 3 2020 @ 06:16 PM
a reply to: anzha

" 126 days later, how do you think the pandemic will end? "

Possibly With a BANG !

posted on Aug, 3 2020 @ 06:32 PM
It's definitely got a November 3rd or shortly thereafter expiration date.

Suppression data

I'm watching this guy's state by state data, looks like it's playing out. FL, AZ, TX, GA, and a few others seem to be hitting suppression. That thread started 2 weeks ago, and seems to have been a better hypothesis that actually holds for a couple of weeks than anything I've seen from Governments, MSM, President's Task Force, or anywhere.

I only go back to sources that have given good info in the past. Few if any have made an actual predictive claim that holds after two weeks.

Long story short, even though cases, hospitalizations, and sadly deaths will continue. Many areas are going to be hitting a suppression via heard immunity shortly. New Cases and infection rates will plateau and then decline followed shortly by hospitalizations and death rates. The funny thing is this suppression is hit when a certain percentage of the population had tested positive, and it holds pretty consistently regardless of how heavy mitigation efforts have been. Actually a harder lockdown may require a higher percentage to gain suppression.
edit on 3-8-2020 by jefwane because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2020 @ 06:52 PM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
Hey, AM....and people wonder why I license-carry. Now I'm packing 2.

Wait when these millions get cut. Then watch out for your little old lady on the corner who has no food or water...

Well, if anyone should get dragged out of their homes to experience the joys of an angry mob it shouldn't be average citizens who managed to hang on to their jobs or businesses, it should be our elected leaders.

Nothing says, 'I have a message I want to deliver to you', like a wickedly-sharpened pitchfork illuminated by the light of a blazing torch.

I'll bring the torch!

posted on Aug, 3 2020 @ 09:13 PM
I'm done trying to predict - never thought we would have a 5 month+ lockdown.

But if I had to guess this will probably end like the 9/11 terrorism threat. It will never really go away but instead fade. (Have you noticed there have almost been no major terrorism attacks or mass shootings?)

After Nov 3rd (and I do think this is the cut-off date), treatments will slowly get better over the next year. It will be like strep throat, you go to the doctor for pills when you have a cough.

There will still be theories about the start of the virus for the next fifty years but like JFK, no formal finding.

posted on Aug, 3 2020 @ 09:26 PM
a reply to: blueman12

I am ready to punch in the face, the next corporation or person, who is going to keep me "safe".
They have no business deciding who is "at-risk", nor any authority to carry out this Communist/Occult/Satanic Ritualistic imposition on the world. The United Nations and Bill Gates must be stopped, or there will be a culling, the likes of which this world hasn't ever seen.
There is no virus. It is T-H-E-O-R-Y, nothing more. Correct that, it is theory and one helluva moneymaker!!

posted on Aug, 3 2020 @ 11:05 PM
It will get worse year by year for the entire decade. Masks / lock downs will have minimal effect. You can already see that now.

Vaccine is hopium. Maybe works in the short term...but if existing data points are correct...won't last long.

Some will take it and never get sick and become cheerleaders for the vaccine...the thing is, they would have never gotten sick anyway...asymptomatic forever.

There is no herd immunity.

Other tangential effects may kill more - war / societal chaos....more war if anything...but not for a good number of years though. 2025+ China - USA. China - India, whatever...

Your immune system is either strong enough or not.

You are either humble enough to adapt / change, or you are not.

Perhaps finding a job won't be a problem...because more and more people will either get chronically sick or just die.

This is not like 1918, nor other past pandemics.

edit on 3-8-2020 by dontneedaname because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2020 @ 07:22 AM
a reply to: anzha

Orwellian fakery. It will be long since over but they'll still force us to abide by ridiculous mandates for our " safety."

posted on Aug, 4 2020 @ 09:35 AM

originally posted by: ToddB
a reply to: blueman12

I am ready to punch in the face, the next corporation or person, who is going to keep me "safe".
They have no business deciding who is "at-risk", nor any authority to carry out this Communist/Occult/Satanic Ritualistic imposition on the world. The United Nations and Bill Gates must be stopped, or there will be a culling, the likes of which this world hasn't ever seen.
There is no virus. It is T-H-E-O-R-Y, nothing more. Correct that, it is theory and one helluva moneymaker!!

Do you see the US government deciding who is "at-risk" and how do you see this "culling" taking place?

asking for a friend...

posted on Aug, 4 2020 @ 10:26 AM
I do not see the Pandemic ending, at least not in the 2021-2023 Window... it will continue but at a subdued infection rate, so the Pandemic will be reduced into an Ongoing Concern

We, the broad spectrum of humanity, will be placed on a 'Program Treatment' for COVID/ Corona Virus, ingesting a cocktail of syrums-drugs ...designed to 'Treat' not 'CURE' the multi layered Virus/pathogen

((( this is the same Eugenics principles we discovered at play in the Decades Old movie -->> SOYLENT GREEN )))
edit on th31159655514704322020 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2020 @ 01:03 PM
In a year or 2 they will have a better idea.

First year will be all experimental and learning

posted on Aug, 4 2020 @ 02:38 PM
If Covid 19 is passed by aresol particles; will a mask be enough protection? Aresol particals can get into the eustachian canal and breed like rats in the tympanostomy or myringotomy tubes. Or even tear ducts for that matter.

I think it's going to take a lot more than a mask, 6ft distance from others and a spray can of lysol to get this pestilence under control.

Kids in a classroom will be living, breathing petri dish.

They may have a "vaccine" next year but only the rich will be able to afford it.
edit on 4-8-2020 by olaru12 because: another semi colon

posted on Aug, 4 2020 @ 03:23 PM

originally posted by: olaru12
They may have a "vaccine" next year but only the rich will be able to afford it.

Rushed Vaccine, yeah even if I was rich I still wouldn’t take it.

posted on Aug, 5 2020 @ 06:46 AM
People will never forget that the GOVERNOR's of NY and NJ sent sick people into nursing homes. Sent them in with the most likely to get sick and the numbers prove the old people were 99.99% of who died. The statistics were tweaked apparently to protect the need to cause disruption to the economy and pure fabricated Panic and THAT won't be forgotten either.


originally posted by: CraftyArrow

originally posted by: Bluntone22
a reply to: CraftyArrow

I thought it over and I feel I should clarify my statement.

The virus will run it's course for about two years.

If trump wins all the deaths will be his fault for the way he handled things.

If biden wins he will be praised for his handling of trumps mess...aka like Obama blaming Bush for 8 years.

I think the virus has already ran it's course, as most don't even get a sniffle.

Win or Lose; Trump will be blamed for all "COVID" deaths.

If Biden wins, the vice- soon to be president will take all the credit for ridden Trump's "inadequacies."

edit on 5-8-2020 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 09:50 AM

originally posted by: CraftyArrow
a reply to: blueman12

Have you ever heard of globalist?
They usually involve the entire world with their agendas. : P

Haha great comeback ! I love it !

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

Don’t forget the NJ cruise ships they let port and let loose. This was planned from the start.

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