posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 12:18 PM
I got a letter in the mail in February from a group calling itself the Nouveau Society and their team of experts. Seems they found me because,
according to their 2 million-year-old manuscript, I was about to enter the second cycle of growth whereupon I would begin to develop (or not) the
hidden skills posessed by my superior brain. In utilising these special abilities, I could become a superior gambler, a charmer of the ladies and
most importantly wealthy as my skills would manifest themselves subliminally rendering you normal folk defenseless against my hypnotic panache and
This secret book that was recovered from a temple (tomb) would be sent absolutely no charge to me so long as I faxed or had my confirmation note on
the desk of the mysterious letter penman no later than February 25th. Even more ominous, if I failed to meet the due date my opportunity would be
lost forever and they would never contact me again thus robbing me of the necessary education by which I could healthy, wealthy and wise.
Question: has anyone ever received this same correspondance or heard of this secret sect founded by the leading chemist from the DuPont Corp.?