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Actual picture of roswell debris

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posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 09:57 AM
This is the actual wreckage from roswell, as you can see it sure isn't bosa wood!

" target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 10:01 AM
I thought there isn't any "original" pictures from the Rosewell crash!

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 10:06 AM
What's the source of this picture? How do I know that it's not a picture from Bob Villa's garage?


posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 10:08 AM
I think this is a case for GazRock

The Writer of this articel needs to provide documentory edivence as to where this picture derived from and why he is so sure that this could possiably be from roswell.



posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by CGBSpender
This is the actual wreckage from roswell

Says who?

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 10:12 AM
Yeah CGB, you better start running for the hills! Gazrok is about to unload.


posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 10:17 AM
Humm...very interesting. Got any more?

Kinda looked like an old tablesaw at first glance.

How do you know they're what you say they are?

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 10:24 AM
You will find that gazrock will firstly request more information: your sources /their sources, there is simply not enough right now, and seeing as you are fairly new to this - then here is a little friendly advise.

Gazrock will more than likely give an open and fair judgement on your post. Maybe offering information such as the very time this was discussed (on ATS) and where (the information) it acutally did originate from and what they (The Source) were like in terms of credability.

If you impress him - with his knowledge and research experiance - then you will more than likey impress everyone here, i and some other members of this website respect his opinion on such matters due to the time and knowledge and fairness he" exudes" when analysing ALIEN & dis-info material.

Put your data out here - all of it - stick your neck out and "maybe" you will see how & why this website has become one of the most hit conspiracy sites; due to the quality of its members.

I wish you kind regards and the best of luck.

Regards and the best of luck with your research.


posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 10:33 AM
link way. I'm pretty damned sure there are "no" actual photos from the crash...I wish Gazrock were here.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 10:40 AM
Yeah, umm. I could have taken that picture in my garage this weekend. Nothing in the photo screams otherworldly debris.

Might help if you were to give a location for the photo. I time frame, and the best would be the name of the photographer. It sure doesn't look like Jesse Marcelis' dinning room table.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 10:43 AM
Original picture came from here....

Which came from here

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 10:45 AM
isn't this a photo from that crazy "pseudo documentary" that fox put out about 8yrs or so ago on roswell and the alien autopsys?????

seems like the photo was from the piece of the documentary where they were showing the "crash debris" from roswell...........and they showed that piece of debris that looked like it had hyieroglyphs on it? and also showed the piece of the craft skin that when you crumpled in your hand it automatically unfolded again with no crumple marks on it???

surely i wasn't the only idiot out here that watched that stupid show????

i believe that photo is from that show. that's my thoughts on it anyway.


posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 10:54 AM
You guys don't have to wait for Gazrok to come along. He already left us with loads of info. The Case for Roswell threads

The photo is of replicas.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 11:13 AM
SO how then on that Peter Jennings show do they show that government balloon with is foil fitting into the picture of that guy with the foil on the ground when the pictures arent even real? Are they copies of real pictures or is the picture just a reenactment?

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 11:24 AM
Thanks for the love guys...
Though I certainly wouldn't "attack" such a member, hehe...

As stated though, it is a replica, made for the Fox special (as amb1063 pointed out). The more famous pic from the special is of the I-beam replica. Here's an excerpt from the special, where Marcel was talking while handling one of the replica pieces, during the special...

(FOX) "I picked up this particular I-beam and held it up to my upper left to look at it with the kitchen light reflecting on the inner surface, and that's when I saw the writing, or the symbols of some sort. I thought at first this is hieroglyphics, or some sort of writing like that. It certainly looked alien to me." [Also shows Marcel Jr. handling replica of I-beam, about two feet long, one cm. high, aluminum in color, with lavender symbols.]

The show often used such recreations throughout, often not citing that they were indeed recreations.

The only piece of alleged debris that I know of that still seems to be unexplained is the one sent to Art Bell. You can read about it here:

Here's an excerpt...

AB: All right, can you before we get to that, tell us what kind of tests were done on the material?

LH: Yeah. You gave him ten pieces. And the ten pieces broke down into five small, what turn out to be, this is very interesting: They are perfect squares. They've been measured, and they are exactly six millimenters by six millimeters square, and less than one millimeter thick. And every one of those five little squares weighs exactly one hundred sixty milligrams each.

AB: How likely is that, because the pieces I gave you Linda, were not all shaped the same? I gave you some circles I think, some oblongs, and some squares.

LH: That's right. The five squares are exactly perfect squares. And they exactly weigh a hundred and sixty milligrams each, and they are machined. The edges of each one of those little squares, when they looked at - and this comes to your question - he used a scanning electron microscope, which is used with the energy dispersive spectroscopy. Now, what this all means, these big words, is that they have the ability now, with scanning electron microscopes, to take something, let's say this is six millimeters wide, which is just a little bit over a quarter of an inch. And they can go down to the surface, and they can keep going down and down, they get down to one to two microns. And to show you how small that is, if you could take and isolate a single blood cell out of your blood stream, it would be about seven microns in diameter - a blood cell. They're going down to one to two microns, which is about a third the size of a blood cell, to take a look at things on these artifacts that you sent. And when they get to a place that they're interested in, or various places, they then can ratchet - change into - a particular kind of switch which is the energy-dispersive spectroscopy. And when you find out what you want to measure, you're on a spot, this will determine exactly what elements are there.

When they did this, on the five little squares, on the two elipticals, which also were six millimeters wide...

AB: Linda, I'm going to ask you to hold on for just a moment... Linda are you there? Yes, I hear you. All right, so we were on the smaller pieces, and you said they weighed a hundred and sixty grams each.

LH: Yeah, the five. And out of the ten pieces that you sent, eight of the ten have a common denominator of each being six millimeters wide. So there were five that were perfectly square. There were two eliptical that were six millimeters by eight millimeters. And the circle was six millimeters in diameter. So six millimeters seem to be a constant, at least in some of these dimensions. Now, one we'll call it the very thin blade, it measured exactly ten inches by one point five inches, which the scientist thought was unusual that anything would end up in even inches, which is a terrestrial measurement. That could be that it was sawed-off from something, that's unknown. He thought that was strange that it should measure so exactly. And the last piece is the approximately two and three-eigths inches by one and fifteen-sixteenths inches, not square - almost square - we'll call it the "vent". It is the small, very very thin object with very thin slits throughout it.

Note: the "Initial Report of New Metal Sample from Roswell" link at the bottom is a Different piece of debris from that mentioned in the article linked to above...and this other piece doesn't stand up near as well to scrutiny...

SO how then on that Peter Jennings show do they show that government balloon with is foil fitting into the picture of that guy with the foil on the ground when the pictures arent even real? Are they copies of real pictures or is the picture just a reenactment?

The pictures are real. But, everyone in them (with the exception of Ramey) has sworn affadavits saying that the material in those pictures is from a balloon reflector and that they aren't pics of the actual debris. This is explained and shown in detail in the Case for Roswell threads that another member has already provided the links to....
This photo op was done as damage control, and was done after the cover story went into full swing. And while Ramey has never come forward, the memo in his hands does far more talking...
(as any search into the "Ramey Memo" will reveal).

[edit on 15-3-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 08:30 PM
What? Everyone's so familiar with the alleged debris?

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 08:39 PM
Have you heard about the photo of the 2 military personnel bending down and holding peices of a weather balloon? They are saying that it was a balloon. The general in the picture is holding a piece of paper. Someone took the paper and ran it through a computer to enhance it and try to get readable words from it. While every word didn't show up enough did that it spoke of a crash, occupants and some other words relating to an actual ufo crash.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 08:44 PM
go gazzy it ur birthday, we gonna party like it ur birthday !!!!!

back to topic like any1 else has said it looks like any old piece of junk found in a garage. i know i got stuff like that in mine!

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 03:55 AM
I still say the most amazing thing about Roswell is the 'memory metal' that was recovered there just recently has been reproduced by scientists. Wonder where I can get some?

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 06:03 AM

Originally posted by dbrandt
Have you heard about the photo of the 2 military personnel bending down and holding peices of a weather balloon? They are saying that it was a balloon. The general in the picture is holding a piece of paper. Someone took the paper and ran it through a computer to enhance it and try to get readable words from it. While every word didn't show up enough did that it spoke of a crash, occupants and some other words relating to an actual ufo crash.

It's the Ramey memo. Definitively a smoking gun. We talk about it here and here.

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