posted on Jul, 27 2020 @ 10:24 AM
Whole title.
"Self-replicating Chernobyl mold could protect the ISS from space radiation"
An interesting development to say the least.
In experiments the fungi blocked 2% of the radiation. Not really a total stoppage but encouraging enough for further study.
Astronauts on the ISS get 20 times more radiation exposure than people on earth and that's with the earth's magnetic field still protecting the
"A new study, yet to undergo peer review, was published on the pre-print repository bioRxiv on July 17 and examines one of these species,
Cladosporium sphaerospermum. It suggests the fungi could be used as a self-healing, self-replicating shield to protect astronauts in deep space.
Specialist science publication New Scientist reported on the findings on July 24."
Humans are not going to leave the planet and thrive without development of new technologies to stop radiation and grow food. As of today anyone going
to Mars is going to die an agonizing death.