Medjugorje is said to be the longest ongoing apparition of Virgin Mary from June 1981 till now.
It is easy to be taken for granted when every next month the next message "of Our Lady" is released by the seer Marija one of the six seers.
The Vatican so far has approved only the first 7 days of apparitions, out of 39 years. For the rest, as well as for the messages, the Vatican
commission keeps silence. Pope Francis said that Our Lady is not a postmaster to send a message every 4pm (the hour of the apparitions is 6:0 pm but
clearly he meant Medjugorje the biggest apparition - no other apparition has such a fixed hour in the afternoon).
Is Medjugorje doing the work of God or not in the final count?
Let consider what it is said in Fatima, the 100% aproved apparition by several popes some now canonized saints. Fatima (in the known part of the
secrets) warned of concrete historic events that can be verified with the century passed. Also Fatima gave the promise of the 5 First Saturdays that
everyone who does that devotion will receive the grace of final repentance and will not go to hell. It is very similar to the 9 First Fridays given by
the Sacred Heart of Jesus in 17th century.
Why don't we have a similar promise in Medjugorje? Wasn't it so difficult for Gospa (Croatian word for Our Lady) to give any such promise, or simply
to repeat the one given in Fatima? Instead, she addresses her followers as if they are the unbelievers, as if they need repentance and not the world.
Let put her followers at 10 million (although in 4 decades more people have visited Medjugorje, the older ones have already passed away). Are those 10
million people the worst of all Catholics? Because, by addressing them, Gospa clearly shows they have much to do. Or are they the best of all
Catholics, the only ones that will be saved physically, and therefore Gospa addresses the rest who will certainly die, but who will not read her
The trouble is, Gospa does not really offer a remedy, even by standards of conservative approved apparitions. Fatima does - First Saturdays,
Consecration of Russia.
I will quote the last message received on July 25, 2020. It turned my view at 180 degrees, although I had doubts for a long time.
July 25, 2020 Message to Marija
"Dear children! In this peaceless time in which the devil is harvesting souls to draw them to himself, I am calling you to persevering prayer, so that
in prayer you discover the God of love and hope. Little children, take the Cross in your hands. May it be your encouragement for love to always win,
in a special way now when the Cross and faith are rejected. You be a reflection and an example with your lives that faith and hope are still alive and
a new world of peace is possible. I am with you and intercede for you before my Son, Jesus. Thank you for having responded to my call."
At first look, it is just a big warning for the activity of Satan, for the world peace, and call for prayer and far so good.
Let look deeper though.
How is it that the "devil is harvesting souls" now MORE than before, "now when the Cross and faith are rejected"? What happens NOW that didn't happen
10 years ago for example? And whom does Gospa address? The 10 mln followers who after all haven't abandoned the Cross she calls them to hold?
Projected on the current crisis in the Catholic Church (pls see my other thread )
this message takes a clear side. "now when the Cross and faith are rejected" in the meaning the changes in the Church that pope Francis is doing
supported by the majority of the bishops, are a "rejection of faith and cross".
Then we are infront of the choice: Medjugorje or the Pope's authority coming down from apostle Peter?
I am sure everyone has his own answer to that question. And many conservative catholics have already taken their decision that goes Against pope
Francis as the legitimate successor of Peter who indeed holds the keys of the kingdom of Heaven and can loose sins as he decides.
Another view of all that is, where Fatima prophecy lead the world to. I have long threads where I prove that the one sided release of the secret is
meant to prepare the world for a martyrdom in the coming cataclysm - not to save it from the cataclysm. I strongly recommend the film 2012 even if you
have watched it 2-3 times already. Although it doesn't say everything, it says enough and shows how until the end there will be fanatics, including
cardinals and presidents, who will prefer to stay and pray until the church's dome falls upon them, or until the tsunami wipe them all.
I strongly believe that Our Lady (the real one that appeared in Fatima) has given also a rescue way. Exactly that rescue way is kept secret. Because
it involves non traditional methods. Whether it is alien spaceships, whether it is deep underground cities (including inner earth or under Antarctica
ice) they go against the views of most of the believers who will demonize them. Therefore, to save the multitudes, the popes preferred not to disclose
the truth in advance. Another reason for that non disclosure is the mass chaos that may erupt if the people know their days are numbered.
By 2020, the time has already come and gone for the release of the full Fatima secret. Our Lady asked for such release in 1960 according to Lucia.
Where does Medjugorje stand? With the latest message that comes to no surprise after years of expectations of "10 secrets and a great sign" that never
came to be, it clearly shows the way of mass sacrifice, a new holocaust that deluded minds will prefer to undergo than to be rescued in spaceships or
underground. Now I have no doubts. And I had them for a long time, that in the last moment Medjugorje would call for the people to be rescued. NO, IT
WILL NOT. It puts all the weight on the Cross and on the Afterlife, not on this life. It doesn't offer any favor to the 10 million people who
unceasingly say rosaries and offer their sufferings everyday. The reward of Medjugorje is the cross, that will culminate in voluntary mass sacrifice
of stupidity.
Jesus died and resurrected, so we can live. Not that all people die.
Let remember the words of Jesus quoting prophet Hosea:
"But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice.’ For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”
(Matthew 9:13)
I will stop here, if you want more reasoning of why the way given in Medjugorje and the restricted Fatima secret lead to the abyss and not to survival
in the era of peace, please read my other threads. Here are some of them:
Pope Francis in Fatima compares the saved Church to the Manchild of Revelation
101 years from Fatima apparitions
3 days of darkness: life or death
The 4th secret of Fatima
Malachi Martin, Fatima. "Russia and Kiev are involved in the final solution of this problem"
What really happened in Fatima?
New Secret of Fatima?
You think you know the Second Secret of Fatima? on 26-7-2020 by 2012newstart because:
(no reason given)