I received pics of these in an email from a buddy a couple of weeks ago. I didn't know what to do with them so I just sat on them for a bit. After
checking to make sure they were real (They definitely are. They're on the school corporation's web page in pdf form), I decided to dump them here
and see what all of you have to say about them.
I will provide some demographic information about my area and the school, in case it might make a difference in anyone's opinion. I have redacted the
name of the corporation, address, phone, any names, anything that may be used to find where it's located and subsequently dox myself. I'm not
providing any links for the same reason.
Please remember that this is not in the Mud - Pit so a little decorum is much appreciated. Let's get started!
"Anti-Racism Statement"
"Reading List" for Students & Parents
"Reading List" for Educators
Now that you've looked over those, here is some demographic info to make things more complicated.
I live in a midwestern state, in a small city (approx 60k population). We are known as a factory town, so the majority of people are in the lower to
middle part of the middle class.
Racial breakdowns
Entire City
White - 83.9%
Black - 9.9%
Hispanic - 4.0%
Asian - 1.4%
American Indian - 0.7%
School District
White - 81%
Black - 11%
Hispanic - 4%
Asian - 1%
Native American - 1%
Yes, predominately white area and school district.
The school administration is comprised of a white male Superintendent, as well as a white male Assistant Superintendent and a white female Assistant
Superintendent. The local school board is comprised of 5 white females, 1 white male and 1 black male.
The Principals of the schools in the district are as follows:
White female - 5
White male - 4
Black female - 1
Hispanic female - 1
It was difficult enough to find the principals so I didn't even attempt the vice principals. Lol
Ok. That should be plenty of data points to play around with or to use to confuse the situation. If there are any other pieces of data that you can
think of that might help out, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
So, I guess the reason I am bringing this to the ATS members is because I'm not sure if I should be outraged that a mostly white, upper middle class
school board has decided to teach the white kids how to not be racist to the Black kids by using Marxist approved literature or if I'm just looking
too deep into all of this.
In my eyes, I see it like this: "Come one, come all! Grab your 'How to not be a racist bigot, while also feeling guilty for being born white
packet' brought to you by a bunch of snooty white folks who know how to solve racism because we are white and smarter than you!"
Am I wrong for seeing it like this? I'm white. I graduated from the high school in the district and the demographics were similar as to when I
graduated 20 years ago (we may have had 2 percent more black students than today but still very similar). There was little to no racial tension or
animosity going on back then. Yes, there were the usual groups that hung out together and they were typically segregated by race but it was not done
intentionally and if you were fun to hang with, we'd hang with you. The big weekend parties were almost always a good mix of every race and there was
never any trouble that was due to race.
Any fights that happened were almost always over a girl and that was that. I am white and growing up, my best friend was black. I didn't even realize
there was a difference until we were in 5th grade and we were making some kool-aid on a hot summer day and he told me that he was gonna teach me how
to make it the right way, not like the white folks do. And that was the first time I realized we were different! Lol!
So, growing up in the same town, 20 years earlier than today, how did my school go from pretty much everyone getting along with very little racial
tension to a school district that is pumping out anti racist propaganda and going to force socialist approved literature into the minds of the
students? Where they degrade 1 race of students and prop up another race? Has society devolved that much in 20 years? Have we taken steps that far
backwards that this is necessary? Is it my cognitive dissonance that has kept me from seeing all of this?
***One last disclaimer***
I don't have a dog in this fight any longer. My step daughter graduated from this school this year and my daughter attends school at one of the
smaller county schools. So, I no longer have to deal with the shenanigans going on in the district. However, there were MANY issues that I had with
the school, their rules, the biased way those rules were enforced, the lies and cover ups that went on, etc. Last year, my step daughter was in class,
sitting next to a boy that went to the bathroom, took a pic of a handgun he had and posted it on snapchat. The school went on lock down within
minutes. Cops were crawling in and all around the school. Every student was stopped and frisked even after they caught the kid. The school's
statement was that the boy was not at school that day. That he took the pic at home and posted it the night prior. That they went to his house and
arrested him that morning... Blah blah blah. Well, she was thinking ahead and screenshot his post. It was most definitely in the school bathroom and
was posted a few minutes before the screenshot. Never mind the fact that he was literally sitting next to him prior to him going to the bathroom. Why
did the school lie? Why did nobody want to answer my questions? Why didn't the media want to hear the real story? Why the cover up? All to protect
the school's reputation and to save their own ass? That's my only guess. It was just a bunch of similar stuff that they'd lie about and when called
out, they'd refuse to answer.
OK ATS, let me know what you think about all of this. Is it a good thing? Is it a bad thing? Is it right or wrong? Let me hear your takes on this
anti-racism stand the school has decided it needed to take.
Thanks for your time!