posted on Jul, 23 2020 @ 03:54 PM
Space X pulled off another milestone yesterday - after successfully launching the ANASIS communication satellite for the South Korean military were
able to recover the payload fairings
Space X is best known for recovering the first stage boosters to be refurbished and reused. Since 2015 Space X has been able to successfully
57 boosters, In fact the first stage for the ANASIS flight was the one used to launch the Dragon spacecraft to ISS in May
Space X has been working on a means to recover the payload fairings, the fairings protect the payload from aerodynamic forces on launch
The fairings are jettisoned once rocket reaches altitude (about 100 km). Previously had been lost Since the fairings cost several million dollars
each, Space X has been working on means to catch them in midair. Objective is to grab the fairings before hit the water as seawater is highly
Several previous attempts failed . Space X deployed 2 recovery craft name MS CHIEF and MS TREE to do the recovery
Stationed about 480 miles )775 km) downrange in the Atlantic, the recovery craft sporting large nets were able to snag the valuable fairings
before hitting the water
Video at link on 23-7-2020 by firerescue because: (no reason given)