posted on Jul, 23 2020 @ 11:48 AM
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My favorite take away from this was when Stone revealed he had dosed his dad with acid one night after he had returned home from war.
I found that deeply insightful to who Stone is. And I'll start with the caveat he said his dad was fine and almost seemed to enjoy himself... But I
understand many would find that very wrong, and for the most part I'd agree. I appreciated that he shared it so much because it shows that rebellious
side of Stone. And the reason I said for the most part I'd agree is because he said him and his dad were fighting about the war itself. His dad was
justifying it, and so from Stone's perspective, his father was willing to say with our exceptionalism we're never wrong, we just have the opportunity
for learning on future wars. Stone had just come back from that war, so to hear that I'm sure was a slap in the face someone so loved was willing to
impose something on him in such a deep manner. I think he did that as a way to impose something on him.
I'm not going to say it's OK, because that's not. But I certainly understand and appreciate Stone, and more importantly his work after having that