posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 12:26 AM
Hi Walt,
Welcome to ATS...hope ya find something here to interest you, and look forward to reading whatever you are willing to share with the rest of the
As for your Avatar: Currently the url for your avatar reads:
You have left out a vital bit of the url, which I will include soon...however, the Avatar you are attempting to use is far too large anyway. Cyrrently
it measures 796x918 Pixels.
HERE are the site guidelines for Avatars, which sets a maximum of 160x320.
I've resized the Avatar you want, so it fits within the maximums, I've also uploaded it to ATS...if you wish to use it, feel free to copy and paste
this url into your Avatar Box in your profile:
If you have any questions or problems, then feel free to sing out
HERE and
someone is bound to come to your aid soon enough.