This premise is nothing more than a tool for social manipulation and behavioral control. It's promulgated by adherents of "soft sciences" and flies in
the face of studies and data compiled by geneticists and biologists that in modern times have been cowed into silence.
Interestingly, the bulk of your post centers on "intelligence tests", which by their very nature can be skewed and adapted to present practically any
conclusion that administrators of the test wish to reach. Poking holes in IQ tests is set up as an easy victory for the "soft scientists" and their
You don't even need to get down to the nitty-gritty details of gene encoding, phenotyping, and cellular research; just trust your own eyes. Line up
residents of North America, South America, Africa, the Arctic, Asia, the Pacific islands in a room. Yes, yes, get past all of the simple-minded banter
about all being homo sapiens, all having language, social norms, blah blah blah. What do your eyes show you.
They all. Look. Different. They
have different skin color, eye color, hair color, facial features. Now if we can expand upon our thought experiment, and grow the room to sufficient
size to hold enough subjects from each of the above category that comprise a reasonable statistical sampling of the entire human race, you'll discover
even more differences beyond the superficial ones mentioned above. When we meticulously catalog physical characteristics, height, weight, dimensions
of the skeletal system, blood type, prevalence/absence of certain pathologies/diseases. and plot the data on a graph, we'll invariably arrive at a
picture that resembles a
Normal Distribution, a.k.a Bell Curve. Plotting
all of the data across the different races and applying the standard deviation, a picture emerges that is a stark rebuttal to your thesis. When we dig
into the statistical slices in our graph,
the areas in our graph don't neatly "line up". Why?? How can this be?! It's because....
Race is a //physical// construct.
Who are you going to trust: the "soft scientists", or your lyin' eyes? This is not debatable; it is a consequence of the physical reality of science,
math and biology.
But now comes the really important part, it's the penultimate goal that the "soft science" peddlers wish to arrive at, and their credibility would be
immensely improved if they would dispense with the "Race is social, maaan" fiction and stick to the science:
There's absolutely NOTHING intrinsically "right" or "wrong" about BEING PHYSICALLY DIFFERENT
Having more or less melanin, dark or light shaded eyes, tall or short, certain physical characteristics, is completely orthogonal to some kind of
judgement or "value proposition" for a sub-categorization of the human race.
When we start ascribing subjective "goodness" or "badness" to the very real divergent physical traits of the Human races, THAT is when we're delving
into the realms of "racism" and racial [super|infer]iority.
It's time to embrace the truth, facts and science: we are all of us among the Human races, "different". We need to trust one another to accept this
natural condition, and live with the consequences of Darwin and natural evolution, without pride or prejudice.
Having the "soft science" acolytes preach a fictitious gospel about the nature of race as a social construct is counter-productive, and simply erodes
their credibility. We need to all grow up, accept the science of things, and learn to value and respect one another, without the feeble attempts at
propaganda and groupthink.