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The Union of Socialist Council Republics of America

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posted on Jul, 19 2020 @ 04:27 AM

Now many people around the world are wondering where the current tragic events in the United States came from. How could this state allow it to put itself on the brink of collapse, civil war, and its citizens - death in the 21st century. But these events did not happen out of the blue. They have been preparing for a very long time, and their roots must be sought in history.

Few people know the fact that back in 1934, Leon Trotsky for
Liberty Magazine wrote "If America Should Go Communist", in which he showed how the socialist revolution in America would be carried out.

“Actually American soviets will be as different from the Russian soviets as the United States of President Roosevelt differs from the Russian Empire of Czar Nicholas II. Yet communism can come in America only through revolution, just as independence and democracy came in America. ...

The American soviet government will take firm possession of the commanding heights of your business system: the banks, the key industries and the transportation and communication systems. It will then give the farmers, the small tradespeople and businessmen a good long time to think things over and see how well the nationalized section of industry is working. ...

To be sure, the American soviets would establish their own gigantic farm enterprises, as schools of voluntary collectivization. Your farmers could easily calculate whether it was to their individual advantage to remain as isolated links or to join the public chain. ...

Even the intensity and devotion of religious sentiment in America will not prove an obstacle to the revolution. If one assumes the perspective of soviets in America, none of the psychological brakes will prove firm enough to retard the pressure of the social crisis. This has been demonstrated more than once in history. Besides, it should not be forgotten that the Gospels themselves contain some pretty explosive aphorisms. ...

Within a few weeks or months of the establishment of the American soviets, Pan-Americanism would be a political reality ... "

At the very end of the work, Trotsky describes the sacrifices that every American will have to make for the sake of the Socialist States of America:

"One final prophecy: in the 3rd year of the Soviet rule in America you will no longer chew gum!"

That's all the victims. Americans just need to give up chewing gum and they will have a heavenly future in a free society. These ideas were developed in 1951 in his article "Trotsky on the Role of the USA" by the famous American communist, member of the editorial board of the American Communist League magazine "New International", George Novak (under the pseudonym William F. Warde).

True, Trotsky, as always, is silent that, in addition to chewing gum, Americans will lose their property, their families, their faith, morality, morality, state and life itself, as happened with the Russians 100 years ago. But these are little things that ordinary people do not need to know about. We can state that all of Trotsky's ideas regarding communist America were slowly and steadily embodied in life and, finally, came to their real implementation.

Trotsky's current followers in the United States are silent on how his theory of "permanent revolution" was implemented in practice. And she was tragic, especially in Russia. The Bolsheviks wanted, at the cost of the existence of Russia and the Russian people, to kindle the fire of the world revolution, the fate of the people and the state was of little interest to them. The Russians, with their blood and their lives, had to pave the way for the world triumph of communist ideas.

posted on Jul, 19 2020 @ 04:28 AM
The most striking, but little-known fact of this communist expansion was the Soviet-Polish war of 1919-1921. A communist revolution flared up in Germany, the Bavarian Soviet Republic was formed, and the Bolsheviks decided to provide it with military assistance in order to further, with the help of Soviet troops, make a revolution throughout Europe.

But on the way of Trotsky's and Tukhachevsky's troops was Poland, which it was planned to transit. In 1919, Soviet troops launched an offensive against Polish troops who occupied Ukraine and Belarus. They defeated the Polish army and reached almost to Warsaw, the road to Germany and further to Europe was open. But suddenly the "Miracle on the Vistula" happened, the Soviet troops were defeated, and 157-165 thousand Soviet soldiers were captured. They were placed in concentration camps, of which there were more than 30. Due to the monstrous conditions in the concentration camps, cold, hunger and executions, according to Russian scientists, about 80 thousand people died.

It was not profitable for Soviet propaganda to mention this fact for many understandable reasons, and even more so for Poland. Thus, the price for Trotsky's "world revolution" was hundreds of thousands of Russian lives.

This is what the current communists have prepared for the United States and its citizens. They are ready to unleash a world war, this time a nuclear one, which will kill millions of Americans. Moreover, as before, there will be no winners in this war.

Are Americans ready to sacrifice their lives, the lives of their loved ones, their homes and business, and finally their state for the sake of the world revolution of the current globalists - communists? It seems to me that no. But maybe I'm wrong.


posted on Jul, 19 2020 @ 06:57 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

You call yourself a Russian Troll? Who are you trolling for? Lol

I kid. I kid.

If they got the cojones to try and pull an armed revolution than by all means. They would get their asses handed to them though. The majority of Americans are fine maintaining the status quo, and the Libertarians are a bit more vocal, and the Anarcho-capitalists will definitely jump in with an ability to act in good grace.

The Communists and "woke" progressives are indeed a minority.

posted on Jul, 19 2020 @ 07:09 AM

originally posted by: AutomateThis1
a reply to: RussianTroll

You call yourself a Russian Troll? Who are you trolling for? Lol

I kid. I kid.

If they got the cojones to try and pull an armed revolution than by all means. They would get their asses handed to them though. The majority of Americans are fine maintaining the status quo, and the Libertarians are a bit more vocal, and the Anarcho-capitalists will definitely jump in with an ability to act in good grace.

The Communists and "woke" progressives are indeed a minority.

I am "Fishers of men". Do you remember the Gospel of Matthew?)))
All revolutions in the world were made by a minority, but an aggressive minority.
Tomorrow I will post a topic on the forum of why the methods of "velvet revolutions" do not work in Russia
edit on 19-7-2020 by RussianTroll because: correct

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