posted on Jul, 19 2020 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to:
This is a fairly tired and easy to disprove conspiracy theory.
However, it is interesting to note what happened to many of the western Marxist / Trotskyite revolutionary communists after 1989: they became right
wing libertarians.
The objective of Marxist activists is Communism and Marx told us that Communism would not be achieved until the State had withered away and died.
Unlike Anarchists, they see it happening in an fairly ordered (I'm not sure if that's quite the right word but it will have to do) way with the
inherent contradictions of capitalism driving it from crisis to crisis until it collapses. There may be chaotic moments along the way but the whole
process is can be theoretically mapped.
It is easy to speculate that they have gone under deep cover to deliver the final Marxist aim, using the right like Lenin used liberals, but they've
thrown all the theory out of the window.
Instead, they are working towards the dissolution of the state and the rebuilding of a new, purer, economy and society closer to Milton Friedman's
dream that Leon Trotsky's. They are working with right wing economists, and the Steve Bannon / Dominic Cummings school of number crunchers, to bring
a new revolution.
Seeing how that worked in South America in the 1970s or Russia in the 1990s, that's an uncomfortable prospect. Already, some analysts are looking at
post-Brexit UK as an emerging market. If it could happen in London, it can happen in Washington.
So, rather than looking for shadows in the past, you'd be better off questioning what is happening today with the people around the people in power.