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A zombie army for a communist paradise

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posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 03:18 AM
A zombie army for a communist paradise

The theme of life and death, the resurrection of the dead, has excited human minds since ancient times. Even in ancient Sumer, in the epic about Gilgamesh, the goddess Ishtar threatened living people: "I will pave the way into the depths of the underworld, I will raise the dead to devour the living, Then there will be less living than dead!" In the mythology of ancient Egypt, the goddess Isis resurrects Osiris. She collects the pieces of his body, scattered in various parts of Egypt, and makes him the god of death and rebirth. The resurrection of the dead on Earth runs as a refrain through the beliefs and religions of all ancient peoples, remaining, however, exclusively in the jurisdiction of priests, sorcerers, shamans and other mediums, without invading the wide public sphere and not being a factor in politics, economics and social relations. And only during the industrial revolution of the 18-19th centuries, in the period of the birth of the doctrine of economic relations by Karl Marx, the first attempts to practically study the resurrection from the dead with the help of science and the introduction of this practice into public relations appeared.

At the beginning of the 19th century, society was horrified by the terrible experiments on the revival of corpses, conducted by Luigi Galvani, Alessandro Volta and Giovanni Aldini. Using electricity extensively, these researchers achieved reactions of dead bodies to it. However, the public demonstration of D. Aldini's experience of "reviving" corpses shocked the public so much that these studies remained unclaimed and were reflected only in literature, in particular in Mary Shelley's novel "Frankenstein, or Modern Prometheus."

An attempt to introduce the ideas of the resurrection of the dead into society was carried out immediately after the October Revolution in Russia in 1917. Following the teachings of Karl Marx that "it was the bourgeoisie has always been a brake on the development of productive forces", the country of victorious communism accused the bourgeoisie of hiding the results of Galvani and Aldini's research, and began to put into practice the idea of ​​resurrecting the dead to obtain the necessary productive forces.

Bolshevik scientist Alexander Bogdanov, in the preface to the publication of D. Aldini's book "Research on the biomechanics of corpses", Pg., 1921 wrote:

“The prospect that was opening up promised nothing more or less than a real revolution in the world of work, an unprecedented explosion in its productivity. But by this time, capitalist production relations had already entered a period of stagnation. The complete suppression of the discoveries of Galvani, Volta and Aldini illustrates the reactionary role of the bourgeoisie, its role as a brake in the development of the productive forces. But, as it was said in another memorable source, the stone thrown by the builders, we will put at the fore

And this stone was laid. In May 1920, Alexei Gastev, together with Alexander Bogdanov, created the Central Institute of Labor (CIT), which was a field, field laboratory of the victorious proletariat. Aleksey Gastev, Osip Yermansky and other employees of CIT in their works proceeded from the so-called "Taylor system", introduced at the factories of Henry Ford. However, Soviet scientists went much further, since the communists viewed labor not as a means, but as the existence of the proletariat, as its conserved substance. In 1921, a special subdivision, the Laboratory of Special Labor Reserves (LOTR), was organized at CIT, which was headed by Alexander Bogdanov and then still very young, full of revolutionary enthusiasm, Nikolai Bernstein, who later became a "great scientist". In 1923, in his article "A Study of the Biomechanics of Impact Using Light Recording," Bernstein stated that he "taught the dead to hammer nails." Bernstein later reflected some conclusions from this article in his book “General biomechanics. Fundamentals of the doctrine of human movements ", M. RIO All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, 1926, 412s.

The experiments carried out by LOTR researchers very quickly led to real successes, even to a real breakthrough. In the above foreword by A. Bogdanov to the book by D. Aldini, the scientist wrote with admiration:

“Corpses - dancing, clenching their fists, clasping a chest, which the three of them can pick up and cannot individually - what a wonderful excuse for the petty-bourgeois elements to close their eyes, hold their noses and shout," # me! " But the proletariat is alien to petty-bourgeois prejudices, carrying out the expropriation of unearned property, it also revises the taboos introduced by the reactionary classes, including the "taboo of the dead," which was thoroughly investigated by Mr. Freud. The workers, first of all, remember that the subject of the experiment, and I would say more broadly, the subject of social rehabilitation, are the bodies of their fallen comrades. It is customary to say about them: death snatched from our ranks - and after these words, only helpless grief remained for the living. "
edit on 17-7-2020 by RussianTroll because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 03:18 AM
“I am deeply convinced that soon we will come out of a state of helplessness and will be able to answer: yes, death has snatched the best. But we will not remain indifferent, we, in turn, will tear those torn out of the ranks of death and return them to our ranks, the ranks of the builders of communism. The bodies of the fallen will be next to us, they will not immediately leave, they will not immediately be taken away by the forces of decay and death: the bonds of proletarian solidarity will be able to hold them for some time, relying on conscious science. Now we have an angle that neither Volta nor Aldini had - cooling chamber..."

Thus, the task of studying the biomechanics of a dead body, solved by the private LOTR order, through the efforts of communist propagandists, turned into a strategic task of the victorious class, a kind of involvement in eternity and the progressive vector of history. With a light movement of the hand, dead bodies are transformed into "comrades in arms" with names and class solidarity. The personification of the "animated dead" made it possible to equalize them in rights with living proletarians and regulate their population, depending on the tasks set by the party. In the article by D. Glyabin "On the replenishment of the legions of free labor." ed. Proletarian avant-garde 1923, no. 1, p. 3-4 says:

“Comrades Bernstein, Fridlyand, Yesyukov, Kots and other comrades demonstrate the triumph of proletarian science and new perspectives of the dialectical transformation of the old world with every experiment they have done. It's just breathtaking when you watch how, as the electricity is connected, dead bodies wake up, how they transfer bricks from one heap to another, how the two of them lift a stretcher with concrete, how, under the influence of precisely calculated stimulation of the muscles of the hand, they stretch out their hands to each other in a kind of handshake ... Comrade Kots invites me to say hello to one of the comrades in my charge, Vasily, who died three weeks ago. And I feel a handshake - cold if you mean the temperature in Celsius, but really hot if you mean the revolution according to Marx. The oldest of the LOTR wards, a railroad worker, comrade Nikiforov, died exactly two months ago - but his body is still capable of movement and capture. Comrade Bernstein says that this is not the limit: if the refrigerating chamber is improved, the humidity is reduced and the cooling rate is increased, the bodies will be able to survive for years, they will be able to make their considerable contribution to the creative work of the victorious proletariat! The implementation of the GOELRO plan will give them more electricity, mobile electrical installations will be able to accompany this unique workforce everywhere ...

You vividly imagine how the mobile vanguard of the proletariat, a class that has thrown a serious challenge to death, takes over on a labor watch. They are not afraid of either cold or hunger, so the fallen, but rebellious comrades are in the forefront of the conquerors of the Far North. They move fearlessly through the permafrost zone. They go, some with a pick, some with a wheelbarrow, some with a jackhammer, they go, biting into the rock, extracting minerals on the go. Their bodies are driven by the best, purest, most revolutionary energy - electricity, thanks to the long elastic bars they look like circus performers, but what they are doing is not a trick, not a circus trick. This is the posthumous march of the vanguard of the proletariat towards a better future, towards communism. I would like to believe that with such fighters we will overcome any obstacles "

The victory of the October Revolution in Russia made it possible to educate in the 1920s a whole galaxy of world-famous communist scientists, whose decadent teachings later spread throughout the world. The desire to become Victor Frankenstein, to give and take away lives like God, sweeping aside all the ethical and moral norms by which mankind tried to live throughout its existence, replacing the divine spark in man with an artificially invented teaching, played a cruel joke with them. Society not only did not accept their ideas, but harshly rejected them, forcing scientists to forget about them forever, or to emigrate. Immediately after the failed counter-revolution led by Leon Trotsky on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the October Revolution, Stalin, who strengthened the party with nationally oriented cadres and began to get rid of the old Bolshevik "guard" of Lenin-Trotsky, on October 25, 1927 disbanded the LOTR, and the Labor Institute began to gradually transform to an ordinary academic research institute.

At the same time, such odious institutions as the Institute of the Brain, the Institute of Blood Transfusion, Proletkult and the psychoanalytic orphanage-laboratory for children of the Soviet elite from one to five years old, raising children according to the theory of Z. Freud, in sex education from a very early age and free manifestation of sexual instincts, located in the Ryabushinsky mansion on Malaya Nikitskaya Street, now the Museum. M. Gorky. As you know, after 1927, Stalin began to revive the institution of the family, morality, morality, banned abortion and made a child out of wedlock in society considered a shame.

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 03:19 AM
The Soviet Union did not accept communism and Marxism in their purest form, but, having retained only its shell and external signs in the form of slogans and paraphernalia, filled this shell with Christian evangelical content. The country rejected the idea of ​​destroying traditional social ties - the country, family and religion, and on new principles began to build a state, society, morality and religion on the basis of Christianity, but in a communist shell.

Naturally, in this new reality, young scientists - adherents of classical Marxism, began to feel extremely uncomfortable in the USSR, and, considering themselves soldiers of social justice, gradually moved to Germany, becoming the basis of the teaching staff and professors of the Institute for Social Research of the famous Frankfurt School. Gradually, these scientists became the "think tank" of the Goethe University of Frankfurt, becoming teachers of a whole galaxy of world-famous scientists, who later moved from Germany, for obvious reasons, to various countries of Western Europe and the USA, spreading left-wing Marxist ideologies among their students.

Now many researchers in the West are amazed at the number of people with a communist ideology, today called liberals and globalists, who quietly occupied all key posts in Western society, science and government. But these are the students of the 50-70s of the so-called "Frankfurt chicks" who were forced to emigrate from Nazi Germany, and who were welcomed with open arms by Columbia and other universities, where they became leading professors. The so-called "cultural Marxists" brought with them a new counterculture with new methods of its implementation, which fell on the fertile soil of America. It was in the USA in the 60s that a new subculture began to appear, based on moral relativism, as the development of classical Marxism.

The methods used by this neo-Marxist scholarly elite to achieve their goals of transforming society in the United States are described as early as 1946 in a document signed by the state attorney in Florida.

One of the ideologues of this neo-Marxism was the famous sociologist, culturologist, postmodernist philosopher, lecturer at Yale University Jean Baudrillard. In the development of Marxism, Baudrillard, instead of the concept of "superstructure", introduced the concept of hyperreality and, as its unit, simulacrum. At the end of his life, Baudrillard understood the leading role of the media and communications in the formation of the "new man", having written the book "There was no Gulf War" which has already become a classic in the information war. In this book, the postulate was introduced that in modern times a television picture on the screen, an article in the media and a message in social networks replace reality itself, making the event itself "redundant".

With regard to the creation of the "new man", the resurrection of the dead and death, this theorist of modern Marxism writes in his book "Symbolic Exchange and Death":

“The labor force category is based on death. To become a labor force, a person must die. He then gradually sells this death in exchange for wages ...

Death is generally assumed by the very possibility of quantitative equivalence. The equivalence of wages and labor power presupposes the death of the worker; the equivalence of all commodities to each other presupposes the symbolic destruction of things. In all these cases, it is death that makes possible the calculation of equivalents and their regulation as indifferent objects. This is not a violent physical death, it is an indifferent mutual substitution of life and death, the neutralization of both life and death in the aftermath, that is, in delayed death.

Labor is slow death ... "

Based on his theoretical research, the neo-Marxist theorist J. Baudrillard draws the following conclusions:

- labor is not exploitation, but is given by capital;

- the salary is not won, but also received as a gift; it serves not to buy labor power, but to redeem the power of capital;

- slow death from labor is not passive suffering, but a desperate challenge to the one-sided gift of labor from capital;

- the only effective rebuff to capital is to give it what is given, and this is symbolically possible only through death.

These conclusions serve as the basis for the creation in the West of a new zombie man, who lacks the freedom of choice, conscience, speech, thought, any freedom given to him by God. This is what "progressive" scientists are doing now, creating a new "man" from dead matter, as an antithesis of the Devil to God.

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 03:47 AM
Damn commies always obsessed with what other people have.

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 03:59 AM
Very well written historical thread. Well done.

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 04:54 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Politics continues to spawn mans worst nightmares

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 11:24 AM

originally posted by: 727Sky
Very well written historical thread. Well done.

Thank you my friend. I have materials for many interesting articles. I will post them on the forum)))

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: carsforkids

Better this song: "We lived with my grandmother 2 funny geese")))

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Have to be quick, RT. No telling how much life this forum has left.


posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 11:59 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: RussianTroll

Have to be quick, RT. No telling how much life this forum has left.


I believe in the future of the forum and the country)))

posted on Jul, 19 2020 @ 02:56 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll Oh well our army was bought by Saudi Arabia for 500 mil doesn't really matter to us it seems

posted on Jul, 19 2020 @ 05:06 AM

originally posted by: Oldtimer2
a reply to: RussianTroll Oh well our army was bought by Saudi Arabia for 500 mil doesn't really matter to us it seems

I think that buying an army and buying its services are somewhat different things.

posted on Jul, 19 2020 @ 07:13 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Strange think that elecktrickery no sooner was it theorized than some banker took the formula and applied it to we the people

Look Ma no wires

posted on Jul, 19 2020 @ 08:07 AM
This is great.
That humans are considered meat machines, is not just terrifying, but well represented in the number those going from alive to dead, instead of the other way around.

It would make a great alternative history film.
"Zombies of the Revolution"
edit on 0000007080978America/Chicago19 by rom12345 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2020 @ 08:15 AM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

OH YEAH! There are telephone lines on the poles, their diameter is very small. And electricity in Russia has traditionally been transmitted for centuries using Tesla towers

posted on Jul, 19 2020 @ 08:29 AM
The adoption of communism, both in Russia and China was about rapid industrialization, at the expense of the human lives and spirits. It a pity that only a few really own the 'means of production' no matter how it's played.

posted on Jul, 19 2020 @ 11:15 AM

originally posted by: RussianTroll
a reply to: stonerwilliam

OH YEAH! There are telephone lines on the poles, their diameter is very small. And electricity in Russia has traditionally been transmitted for centuries using Tesla towers

posted on Jul, 19 2020 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: RussianTroll

Too long to read and I'm out of coffee,maybe later.

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