The Soviet Union did not accept communism and Marxism in their purest form, but, having retained only its shell and external signs in the form of
slogans and paraphernalia, filled this shell with Christian evangelical content. The country rejected the idea of destroying traditional social
ties - the country, family and religion, and on new principles began to build a state, society, morality and religion on the basis of Christianity,
but in a communist shell.
Naturally, in this new reality, young scientists - adherents of classical Marxism, began to feel extremely uncomfortable in the USSR, and, considering
themselves soldiers of social justice, gradually moved to Germany, becoming the basis of the teaching staff and professors of the Institute for Social
Research of the famous Frankfurt School. Gradually, these scientists became the "think tank" of the Goethe University of Frankfurt, becoming teachers
of a whole galaxy of world-famous scientists, who later moved from Germany, for obvious reasons, to various countries of Western Europe and the USA,
spreading left-wing Marxist ideologies among their students.
Now many researchers in the West are amazed at the number of people with a communist ideology, today called liberals and globalists, who quietly
occupied all key posts in Western society, science and government. But these are the students of the 50-70s of the so-called "Frankfurt chicks" who
were forced to emigrate from Nazi Germany, and who were welcomed with open arms by Columbia and other universities, where they became leading
professors. The so-called "cultural Marxists" brought with them a new counterculture with new methods of its implementation, which fell on the fertile
soil of America. It was in the USA in the 60s that a new subculture began to appear, based on moral relativism, as the development of classical
The methods used by this neo-Marxist scholarly elite to achieve their goals of transforming society in the United States are described as early as
1946 in a document signed by the state attorney in Florida.
One of the ideologues of this neo-Marxism was the famous sociologist, culturologist, postmodernist philosopher, lecturer at Yale University Jean
Baudrillard. In the development of Marxism, Baudrillard, instead of the concept of "superstructure", introduced the concept of hyperreality and, as
its unit, simulacrum. At the end of his life, Baudrillard understood the leading role of the media and communications in the formation of the "new
man", having written the book "There was no Gulf War" which has already become a classic in the information war. In this book, the postulate was
introduced that in modern times a television picture on the screen, an article in the media and a message in social networks replace reality itself,
making the event itself "redundant".
With regard to the creation of the "new man", the resurrection of the dead and death, this theorist of modern Marxism writes in his book "Symbolic
Exchange and Death":
“The labor force category is based on death. To become a labor force, a person must die. He then gradually sells this death in exchange for wages
Death is generally assumed by the very possibility of quantitative equivalence. The equivalence of wages and labor power presupposes the death of the
worker; the equivalence of all commodities to each other presupposes the symbolic destruction of things. In all these cases, it is death that makes
possible the calculation of equivalents and their regulation as indifferent objects. This is not a violent physical death, it is an indifferent mutual
substitution of life and death, the neutralization of both life and death in the aftermath, that is, in delayed death.
Labor is slow death ... "
Based on his theoretical research, the neo-Marxist theorist J. Baudrillard draws the following conclusions:
- labor is not exploitation, but is given by capital;
- the salary is not won, but also received as a gift; it serves not to buy labor power, but to redeem the power of capital;
- slow death from labor is not passive suffering, but a desperate challenge to the one-sided gift of labor from capital;
- the only effective rebuff to capital is to give it what is given, and this is symbolically possible only through death.
These conclusions serve as the basis for the creation in the West of a new zombie man, who lacks the freedom of choice, conscience, speech, thought,
any freedom given to him by God. This is what "progressive" scientists are doing now, creating a new "man" from dead matter, as an antithesis of the
Devil to God.