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How does a mouse eat an elephant?
One bite at a time.
originally posted by: crankyoldman
originally posted by: Skada
a reply to: crankyoldman
See, they are observing this thread rather closely.
0311warrior, keep up the good fight. And thanks for replying to my concern.
That I've known since week two. Qdrop: "Sent W To ATS Project" pretty much defined it. But we've decoded enough replies here from DJT tweets and a few drops to figure we're the favorite sons & daughters.
originally posted by: onehuman
Things I have noticed that have changed.
Oddly enough I noticed food starting to taste different back in late 2012- early 2013 maybe? It was pretty subtle then, and only with a couple different foods. It started with Chicken. I thought maybe it was just the butcher from where I shopped and nobody else in the family seemed to notice it. Then I also started noticing it with the chicken from large chain stores, still though I was only one that seemed to notice. Thought at that point maybe its just me. Now many foods that I used to love just dont taste right, Like some chemical has been added or something. They all have that same kind of taste that I would know anywhere.
I also started fading away from drinking around that time. Last 3 years I havent touched a drop as far as beer goes. I do have an occasional mimosa party of one!
When I left Rhode Island to move back to Fla I weighed 210. Im 5'10. I dropped down to the 180s and stayed there. When Q came along I got down to the hover point of around 175. I live on my own and since my stroke I am NOT the most active person since I do all my work online. I pick eat, but I write that off as living alone and why bother making a big meal just for one.
So imagine my surprise when I hopped on one a scale at that grocery store. This was just a couple weeks ago and It put me at 152. I lost another 20 pounds and have no idea how that occurred. Thats a big drop. Like a overnight kind of drop. I havent weighed this since my 20s before I got pregnant.
How that happened I have no idea because nothing I do has really changed.
The BIGGEST Change though is pretty crazy. I dont need glasses to read my screen anymore. If the lightning is good I can read a book without them also. This I have realized in maybe the last 4 months or so.
originally posted by: PilSungMtnMan
Wray needs to be fired today. Period.
originally posted by: MetalThunder
Was thinking to myself, no big earthquakes lately.... Did a search and
Vegas-Reno highway cracked, closed after 6.5 earthquake in Nevada
originally posted by: carewemust
The couple who stood outside theirSt Louis home to protect it against potentially dangerous protesters has now been charged by St Louis prosecutor. Attorney General Barr is preparing to intervene.
originally posted by: Justoneman
originally posted by: carewemust
The couple who stood outside theirSt Louis home to protect it against potentially dangerous protesters has now been charged by St Louis prosecutor. Attorney General Barr is preparing to intervene.
Times like this we need to be able to sue the Prosecutors for false charges. Only a Marxist idiot would think what they did to protect their property was wrong.
originally posted by: Justoneman
originally posted by: carewemust
The couple who stood outside theirSt Louis home to protect it against potentially dangerous protesters has now been charged by St Louis prosecutor. Attorney General Barr is preparing to intervene.
Times like this we need to be able to sue the Prosecutors for false charges. Only a Marxist idiot would think what they did to protect their property was wrong.
originally posted by: carewemust
REPORT: Prosecutor John Durham in negotiations with those who will be criminally charged.
This could be FAKE NEWS, if the "NO DEALS" declaration from Q is accurate.